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Phoenix Feathers is updated on Tuesday and Friday

Since MoonShadow and I booked in at Ayacon, I've been hanging around on the forums, watching what other people have said. There're a lot of people on there already, even though Aya is in November.

One of the most hotly debated topics is the recent decision by the committee to get rid of the competetive element. At the moment, all they've said is that there will be no competitions, although there are hints of a new approach to the more traditional things like the masquerade. The removal of the competition at the masquerade, in fact, is what has annoyed people most. There will still be a masquerade, but there will be no winners. I'm not sure where I stand at the moment. I can understand the reasoning (reasons include the difficulty of acquiring acceptably non-biased judges, wanting to encourage new talent and not have the 'old hands' winning all the time, not wanting to have to cope with the somewhat childish attitude that inevitably accompanies some people's approach to conventions and so on), and since I don't have a chance of winning anything anyway, I'm not too bothered. On the other hand, I can understand why people who have planned costumes for the masquerade are angry at the decision. I'm waiting to see what happens (there was a suggestion to put a 'comments notebook' next to the art in the artroom, for example, so people can leave comments and feedback without having to go and find the artist, which I think is a very good idea). Hopefully, the replacements will be good.

There's been a suggestion on the wiki that a link be added to the bottom of every Phoenix Feathers comic page so that people can comment about that comic on the wiki. I'll alter the more page if/when such is implemented, but for now, comments are gratefully received on the Phoenix Feathers Main Wiki Page  ^.^

It's Friday. Why do weeks that start on Tuesday always feel long even though they are short?

- Sun Kitten, 25th April '03

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