NB: Minor Improvements are given in the form: Name(VPs, Cost to Build, Pre-Requisites to Build) Description

Generated a 2-player Game Using the Complex (K) Deck

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Player 1

Market Woman Whenever you receive Vegetables through a Family member’s action or through a Minor Improvement, you receive an additional 2 Grain.
Clay Worker Whenever you use an action to take Wood or Clay, you also receive 1 additional Clay.
Schnaps Distiller In the Feeding Phase of each Harvest, the Schnaps Distiller can convert up to 1 Vegetable to 5 Food.
Wood Distributor At the start of the Work phase, you can distribute the Wood from the “3 Wood” Action space as evenly as possible onto the neighboring Clay, Reed and Fishing spaces. When you play this card, you receive 2 Wood.
Scholar Once you have a Stone house, at the start of a round, you can always either pay 1 Food to play an Occupation card or play an improvement card by paying its costs.
Wet Nurse Whenever you Build Room(s), you may grow your family by up to the number of rooms that you build. This costs 1 Food per person. (The newborns are only available to take actions in the next round.)
Traveling Salesman Whenever you select the “Minor Improvement” action on an Action space, you can play a Major instead of a Minor Improvement. If you select a “Major or Minor Improvement” action, you can play 2 Minor Improvements.
Minor Improvements
Clay Hut Extension (0VPs, 4 Clay + 1 Reed, None) When you play this card, immediately extend your Clay hut by 1 room. (This room does not cost anything, but you must pay the cost to play this card.) After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to his/her hand.
Stone Exchange (0VPs, 2 Wood or 2 Clay, None) When you play this card, take 2 Stone. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to his/her hand.
Spit Roast (0VPs, 1 Wood, None) Whenever you convert at least 1 animal to Food during the Feeding phase of the Harvest, you receive 1 additional Food.
Broom (0VPs, 1 Wood, None) Discard all the remaining Minor Improvements in your hand, and draw 7 new Minor Improvements. You can play 1 more Minor Improvement immediately. (You must pay the costs of the new improvement and meet the conditions for playing it.)
Cooking Hearth (1VP, None, Return 1 Fireplace) At any time, you may convert goods to Food as follows: Vegetables => 3 Food; Sheep => 2 Food; Wild boar => 3 Food; Cattle => 4 Food. Whenever you use the “Bake bread” action, you may convert 1 Grain => 3 Food.
Forest Pasture (1VP, None, 3 Occupations) This card can hold an unlimited number of Wild boar. (This card does not count as a pasture when scoring.)
Horse (0VPs, None, None) You receive 2 Bonus points for any one type of animal missing from your farm at the end of the game. (The Horse replaces that type of animal.) (You still lose the point for the missing animal type.)

Player 2

Organic Farmer At the end of the game, you receive 1 Bonus point for each pasture that contains at least 1 animal but could contain at least 3 more animals than it does. (This also applies to the Forest Pasture.)
Adoptive Parents When you take a “Family growth” action, you can pay 1 Food and place the offspring in your hut. This allows you to take an action with it in this round. If you do this, the offspring does not count as “newborn”.
Wood Carver In each round, you pay 1 Wood less for one of the following: an Improvement, a Room of a Wooden hut, a stable or a fence.
Frame Builder In each renovation, you may replace exactly 1 Clay or 1 Stone with 1 Wood. In each extension, you may replace exactly 2 Clay or 2 Stone with 1 Wood.
Forester When you use the “Sow” action, you can plant up to a maximum of 3 Wood on this card, as shown. The Wood is treated the same as sown Grain and is harvested during the Field phase.
Animal Tamer You can keep 1 animal in each room of your home. You may keep more than 1 type of animal in your home.
Pieceworker Whenever you receive Wood, Clay, Reed, Stone or Grain on an Action space, you can buy one more of the same good for 1 Food. Whenever you receive Vegetable(s) on an Action space, you can buy one more for 2 Food.
Minor Improvements
Bookshelf (1VP, 1 Wood, 3 Occupations) Whenever you play 1 Occupation, take 3 Food before you pay the costs of the Occupation.
Brushwood Roof (1VP, None, 2 Occupations) Whenever you extend or renovate your home, you can replace 1 or 2 Reed with the same amount of Wood.
Clapper (0VPs, 1 Wood, None) Whenever you use the “Family growth” action (or if you already have a person on that space when you play the Clapper), place 1 additional Grain on all of your Fields that already contains at least 1 Grain.
Beehive (1VP, None, 2 Improvements + 3 Occupations) Place 2 Food on each remaining even-numbered Round space. At the start of these Rounds, you receive the Food.
Liquid Manure (0VPs, None, 4 Animals) Whenever you sow, place 1 additional Grain or Vegetable from the general supply on your newly planted fields.
Loom (1VP, 2 Wood, 2 Occupations) Whenever you have at least 1/4/7 Sheep during the Field phase of a Harvest, you receive 1/2/3 Food. At the end of the game, you receive 1 Bonus point for every 3 Sheep.
Acreage (0VPs, None, 1 Occupation) When you sow, you can plant 2 Grain fields on this card. (This card does not count as a field when scoring.)
