Brighton Conference June 2004 folder

(Parent folder)

The 5-foot waves crashing on Brighton beach: 19 second .MOV video, 5.5 meg

Worship at the conference: 21 second .MOV video, 6.1 meg

Img0258.JPG (640x480; 69958 bytes) Img0259.JPG (640x480; 44340 bytes) Img0260.JPG (640x480; 55939 bytes) Img0261.JPG (640x480; 66430 bytes) Img0262.JPG (640x480; 65419 bytes) Img0263.JPG (640x480; 56483 bytes) Img0265.JPG (640x480; 33423 bytes) Img0266.JPG (640x480; 26582 bytes) Img0267.JPG (640x480; 60528 bytes) Img0268.JPG (640x480; 47925 bytes)