thesauric Foculum
Pendule's golden periapt
red mechanism
Foculum of Nemesis' death
puzzle-box of piglets duplicity
hoary mechanism
vorpal holy scimitar of of the Soldier delight
scimitar of the vengeful scales
hoary Foculum of kami madness
Foculum of of the Spirit scales
colourful blade of Nemesis' duplicity
heartstone of the Beast s
savants duplicity
dragons everlasting Foculum
colourful blade of Nephikitty's sadness
golden speaker
red Foculum of evil sadness
red Foculum of demons death
unholy capsule
cruel demons blade
incomprehensible mechanism of dragons simplicity
indubitable red Foculum
evil speaker
hoary speaker
colourful deadly puzzle-box of dragons sadness
red immortal periapt
Pendule's protection
grand Foculum of savants death