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The World's Biggest Dress (as certified by the GuinnessBookOfRecords?) is a huge dress the size of a marquee, which tours around the country raising awareness of trade justice issues. It's made from over 7000 squares of fabric, each one containing a written or drawn prayer for justice.

In Cambridge

It's coming to Cambridge from Fri 16th - Sun 18th June 2006, where it will be set up on Christ's Pieces and host a series of events, including:

Fri 7pm
Iona-style meditative worship service, admission free
Fri 8pm
Creative Prayer evening
Sat 10am-4pm
Open to the public with cafe, live music, campaign info, exhibitions, etc
Sat 7pm
"How can companies better protect the poor and the environment?" Debate / discussion with MPs and businesses. Tickets £3.
Sun 10:30am
"The God Who Cries 'Justice'" - church worship service, admission free
Sun 4pm
CCMS show, "The Ministry of Death", tickets £3
Sun 7:30pm
Ceilidh, tickets £3

All tickets can be obtained from AlexChurchill, LivingStones? cafe on St Andrews St, or probably on the door.

See http://www.cam.ac.uk/societies/speak/ for some more info on the BigDress's Cambridge weekend.

In general

From the [website]:
The Big Dress is part of SPEAK?'s wider Trade Justice campaign. It is the world's largest dress, a massive creative petition as well as a campaign and educational tool. The Big Dress campaign is calling on the government to implement legislation to hold UK based multinational companies accountable for their actions.
The BigDress was at the MakePovertyHistory? rally in Edinburgh, which is where AlexChurchill and Rachael first saw it. It's quite impressive.

The BigDress campaign is in association with the Trade Justice Movement (http://www.tjm.org.uk). The Trade Justice Movement says the UK Government should:

See http://www.speak.org.uk/thebigdress for more info on the BigDress and the campaign it spearheads.

CategoryChristian SocialMatters

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Last edited June 16, 2006 10:23 am (viewing revision 3, which is the newest) (diff)