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Shock!  Horror!  Heresy!


Why would anyone bother??  That would mean they'd have to, y'know, be drinking coffee for the taste and not care about the /Caffeine... and where's the point in that?!

Apparently, decaf can be addictive too. shudder - MoonShadow
How does that work, then? --M-A
See caffeine FAQ CategoryCoffee/Caffeine
Ah, so decaf doesn't actually have no caffeine in it.  Intriguing.
(PeterTaylor) Decaf also has most of the pulse-raising etc effects of coffee normally associated with caffeine. How much this is due to the presence of caffeine and how much to psychosomatic effects, I don't know.
And also due to caffeiene not being the only part of coffee that... no!  Stop!  I'm sorry!  It wasn't heresy!  This guy just paid me to come here and... noooooo!

18-97-14-90.crawl.commoncrawl.org | ToothyWiki | CategoryCoffee | RecentChanges | Login
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Last edited March 31, 2003 6:45 pm (viewing revision 8, which is the newest) (diff)