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Cosgrove and Hall, the creators of some of the most appreciated childrens cartoons.  At least in the UK, during the eighties.

With credits ranging from the sublime DangerMouse, the insane CountDuckula, the oft forgotten but dramatic FantomCat? and many many others.

Let us spare a moment for the AvengerPenguins.  They sounded the death knell for this once great animation studio.

Who brought you almost everything.  Think of a show, but don't know who made it?  It will probably be CosgroveHall.

BillAndBen?, Noddy?, JamieAndTheMagicTorch?, CountDuckula, AliasTheJester, WindInTheWillows?... oh wow, they made ChorltonAndTheWheelies?!

More recently, the corpse has twitched - with RottenRalph?.

[These people] have collected far too much information about CosgroveHall.

I forgot VictorAndHugo!

And Truckers, by TerryPratchett.
They animated Truckers? Cool!

For some reason, they all had memorable intro music.  DangerMouse, Truckers and VictorAndHugo especially.  Were they all done by Mike Harding?

They also have an [official website].

For some reason, even though I always knew that CosgroveHall was the names of the creators, I always pictured them as working in this old mansion in large grounds. --Tsunami
With a resident ghost.  --Vitenka

But CosgroveHall did not in fact make TheGhostOfFafnerHall?. I am unable to disvvcover who did (though I'm lazy and am just typing into Google really instead of doing proper research). I believe it, along with DizzyHeightsHotel? (and its gothic horror spin-off TheCuriousCaseOfDrHertzVanRental), TheWhingingPom?, and possibly (possibly) PanicStation?, may have been produced by the now-deader-than-the-Conservative-Party SpittingImageProductions, but I would welcome any more concrete information.

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Last edited April 5, 2005 2:32 pm (viewing revision 8, which is the newest) (diff)