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It should be noted that actually this only creates monster cards (as opposed to magic or trap ones).  On the other hand, it's scary how possible some of these end up sounding...
Slightly easier to read than it was.  Now reads: Attribute, Type, ' Name ', Level (in stars), Stats

BNF: FlameRider/YuGiOhCardGenerator

bnf ::= monsterattribute  level

monsterattribute ::= lightmonster | darkmonster | firemonster | watermonster | earthmonster | windmonster
colour ::= Red | White | Black | Blue | Green | Gold | Silver | Pink with Yellow Spots
level ::= vlowlevel | lowlevel | medlevel | highlevel | vhighlevel
vlowlevel ::= vlowstars  vlowstat / vlowstat
vlowstars ::= 1 star | 2 stars
vlowstat ::= 100 | 150 | 200 | 250 | 300 | 350 | 400 | 450 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900
lowlevel ::= lowstars  lowstat / lowstat
lowstars ::= 3 stars | 4 stars
lowstat ::= 1000 | 1100 | 1200 | 1250 | 1300 | 1400 | 1500
medlevel ::= medstars  medstat / medstat
medstars ::= 5 stars | 6 stars
medstat ::= 1500 | 1600 | 1700 | 1800 | 1900 | 2000 | 2100 | 2200
highlevel ::= highstars  highstat / highstat
highstars ::= 7 stars | 8 stars
highstat ::= 2000 | 2100 | 2200 | 2300 | 2400 | 2500 | 2600 | 2700 | 2800 | 2900 | 3000
vhighlevel ::= vhighstars  vhighstat / vhighstat
vhighstars ::= 9 stars | 10 stars
vhighstat ::= 2800 | 2900 | 3000 | 3100 | 3200 | 3300 | 3400 | 3500
lightmonster ::= Light Warrior ' lphysicaladjective lphysicalnoun ' | Light Spellcaster ' lotheradjective lothernoun ' | Light Machine ' lphysicaladjective lphysicalnoun ' | Light Dragon ' ldragonname ' | Light Fairy ' lotheradjective lothernoun ' | lightmonster / effect
ldragonname ::= lphysicaladjective Dragon | colour eyes colour Dragon
lphysicaladjective ::= Righteous | Rare | Royal | Skilled | Armed
lotheradjective ::= Shining | Lord of | Mysitcal | Rainbow | Magical
lphysicalnoun ::= Warrior | Soldier | Guardian | Swordsman | Paladin | Ranger | Elf
lothernoun ::=Magician | Wizard | Master | Elf
darkmonster ::= Dark Warrior ' dphysicaladjective dphysicalnoun ' | Dark Spellcaster ' dotheradjective dothernoun ' | Dark Dinosaur ' dphysicaladjective dphysicalnoun ' | Dark Fiend ' dotheradjective dphysicalnoun ' | Dark Dragon ' ddragonname ' | darkmonster / effect
ddragonname ::= dphysicaladjective Dragon | colour eyes colour Dragon
dphysicaladjective ::= Fierce | Giant | Metal | Buster | Man-eater
dotheradjective ::= Chaos | Dark | Magical | Evil | Cruel
dphysicalnoun ::= Soldier | Lizard | Dinosaur | Scorpian | Ninja
dothernoun ::= Wizard | Witch | Skull
firemonster ::= Fire Dragon ' fdragonname ' | Fire Warrior ' fadjective fnoun ' | Fire Machine ' fadjective fnoun ' | firemonster / effect
fdragonname ::= fadjective Dragon | colour eyes colour Dragon
fadjective ::= Fierce | Flame | Flaming | Burning | Explosive | Volcanic
fnoun ::= Guardian | Swordsman | Striker | Cannon | Soldier | Robot
watermonster ::= Water Dragon ' wdragonname ' | Water Aqua ' wphysicaladjective wphysicalnoun ' | Water Fairy ' wotheradjective wothernoun ' | watermonster / effect
wdragonname ::= wphysicaladjective Dragon | colour eyes colour Dragon
wphysicaladjective ::= Giant | Stinging | Blasting | Tempest
wotheradjective ::= Enchanting | Alluring | Tsunami | Mystical | Rainbow
wphysicalnoun ::= Shark | Serpant | Kraken | Fish | Denizen of the Deep
wothernoun ::= Mermaid | Siren | Spirit
earthmonster ::= Earth Dragon ' edragonname ' | Earth Warrior ' eadjective enoun ' | Earth Beast ' eadjective animal ' | Earth Rock ' eadjective enoun ' | Earth Beast-Warrior ' eadjective animal ' | Earth Plant ' eadjective plant ' | Earth Insect ' eadjective einsect ' | earthmonster / effect
edragonname ::= eadjective Dragon | colour eyes colour Dragon
eadjective ::= Hard | Giant | Enduring | Stone | Rock | Tough
enoun ::= Soldier | Wall | Ninja | Amazon | Knight | Sword | Shield
animal ::= Wolf | Lion | Tiger | Stag | Badger | Beaver | Fox | Hare | Horse | Unicorn
einsect ::= Beetle | Stag-Beetle | Scorpian | Spider | Scarab
plant ::= Venus Flytrap | Weed | Thorn | Tree | Vines
windmonster ::= Wind Dragon ' adragonname ' | Wind Warrior ' aadjective aphysicalnoun ' | Wind Fairy ' aadjective aothernoun ' | Wind Winged-Beast ' aadjective bird ' | windmonster / effect
adragonname ::= aadjective Dragon | colour eyes colour Dragon
aadjective ::= Gusting | Thunder | Storm | Sonic | Whirlwind | Hurricane | Gale
aphysicalnoun ::= Ninja | Swordsman | Elf | Winged-Elf
aothernoun ::= Elf | Winged-Elf | Sprite | Pixie | Zephyr
bird ::= Bird | Eagle | Hawk | Owl | Falcon | Gryphon

I've updated this.  It still isn't right, but it's better than it was, mainly because the names fit with the type more.  However, they still don't altogether fit with the level and, therefore the stats.  Maybe one day I'll fix that too. 

Jumlian got Shining Warrior of Armed Rock Dark 10 stars 3000 / 2900, which he liked, being a geologist. --Jumlian


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Last edited November 9, 2004 8:44 pm (viewing revision 22, which is the newest) (diff)