Kazuhiko has just, as of 3pm on the 22nd, finished it.
Nyehehe. Spot the addict. :) --AlexChurchill, who would have picked it up in the same place PeterTaylor did today if he'd actually got in to see it
(PeterTaylor) Tesco's - they have the children's cover hardback for a tenner. Took me about 6:20 to read, I think. Very impressed with the editing - people know what I'm like about language, and I only picked up one error: a misplaced comma on p443. On reflection, it could even be misplaced, due to an error on the part of the character speaking it.
Angoel picked it up because he needed something to read on the way home from Cambridge, and finished it at about 7pm on the 22nd.
You were in Cambridge again, without telling me? Honestly... --M-A
I gave you a ring on Sunday to ask if you wanted to go for lunch, but you were absent and your mobile was switched off. What's a boy to do? And there simply wasn't time to visit you last weekend. --Angoel
All 766 pages of it... ("That's not a book, that's a doorstop...", to quote Nataku)
Can't be as bad as PeterFHamilton?'s NightsDawnTrilogy? then... :) -- Senji
Bad? That's good, I'll have you know. Three books in each volume, and at least two of them worth reading. -- TI
Bad in terms of size-of-volume. ChiarkPerson would disagree with us here, I suspect, though. The DeusExMachina is a bit poor OTGH.
Huh? All I know is that the blurb on the back was accurate: ' A nightmare with no end? ' That's now I felt on page 400 too. As for the actual story, well, it had a reasonably exciting plot that lasted about 200 pages padded out to nearly a thousand by cut-away scenes of cardboard people on planets no one cares about declaring martial law in what's obviously an attempt to set up book 2 while forgetting to actually make book 1 interesting.
I wasn't kidding about it being multiple separate books. They intersect at points, but... Well, I enjoyed it. That's still my main criterion for a good book. -- TI
Point. It's the worldbuilding I really like, though - making the actual ending forgivable. -- TI
It was actually pretty good. Getting a bit darker than the other books. I found one bit thoroughly unsatisfactory, but then picked up a reference a bit later on that did actually make some sense of it.
Ah well, only a couple of years before the next one. --Kazuhiko
Nicely phrased to avoid spoilers. If anyone does want to make spoily comments, then, um, a /Spoilers page wouldn't work as this is already a subpage. But put lots of SpoilerSpace or something. --AlexChurchill
Ooh, a spoiler page... no, mustn't click... mustn't. But - spoilers! No, 'cos then it'll spoil it... as it were... --M-A
I so know the feeling. I've been burnt before by clicking links that blatantly say "Spoilers for <thing Alex is going to want to read/watch> contained within!". The pull of the ManicLinkClickingDisorder is strong. Resist, M-A, resist! Until you've read every last page of the thing... which shouldn't take you too long :) --AlexChurchill
I anticipated that :) Just don't read beyond the actualSpoilerSpace and you'll be fine :) --Kazuhiko
You forgot the evil laugh, you twisted man. ;-)
I'm about 250 pages in so far, and I only have evenings to read it, so it might take a while... --M-A
ColinT thought it was rather unkind of RoyalMail to deliver it at 8am on a Saturday morning. He is even more amused that the copy was missing 50 pages from about page 625-675, which have been replaced with duplicates of pages 97 onwards!
How long did it take you to discover that those pages were missing? --M-A
I'm not actually reading it myself (I was playing NetHack at the time) - but felt compelled to write about it when I was told. Needless to say, she wasn't very happy about the whole affair -- ColinT
Have you got a complete copy now, or is she still left in suspense? --M-A
They tried to deliver mine at about that time and failed, so I have to wait until Monday :(. -- Senji
Garbled is going to wait until it is available in cheap bookstores due to over-hype and over-production. Plus he has only read the first one. Mu<Cheapskate>Ha
Is a tenner for a 766-page hardback expensive?
Not in my opinion, which is why I ended up buying it when the book I wanted to read (a £6 paperback of roughly a third of the length) wasn't availiable. --Angoel