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Hmm, linked from 7 pages and not Reified yet. Time to fix this.

Well, the meaning is pretty self-explanatory: a romance (story) set (in some large proportion) in high school, and/or with high school-aged main characters.
Click the title to search for a number such.  There are many many more.

See WhenWillYouGrowUp for a discussion of whether adults watching/reading stories focusing on high-school-aged children is or isn't an indication of immaturity.

What would people consider the archetypical/classic HighSchoolRomance animes?
MarmaladeBoy?, maybe? 
Possibly KareKanoVitenka votes for this one since it's actually palatable.  Well, it's AC's favourite by a long chalk out of these first 4, but the archetype is not always the best... I tend to prefer things which poke fun at the HSR genre rather than fall smack into it, anyway...
KokoWaGreenwood?? ;)

"palatable"..as opposed to "palettable", which is "capable of being assigned a list of colours."
Heh.  Those would be the famed SuperHero TeenAger? GangOfFive? shows, wouldn't it? :)  --Vitenka
You mean Sentai shows.
Probably, but I don't know that word and was looking for the WikiPage that talks about the concept.  RuleOfFive perhaps?  --Vitenka
Clicking the title on that page suggests SuperheroTeamOfFive. --AC

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Last edited November 12, 2003 5:24 pm (viewing revision 12, which is the newest) (diff)