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bnf ::= text

text        ::= "You remind me of the babe." r_whatbabe

whatbabe    ::= " What babe?" linebreak "The babe with the power. What power?" linebreak

voodoo      ::= "The power of voodoo! Who do?" linebreak "You do. Do what?" linebreak "Remind me of the babe."

recursion   ::= "The power of Recursion!"

r_whatbabe  ::= whatbabe  r_voodoo
r_voodoo    ::= voodoo r_whatbabe | voodoo r_whatbabe | voodoo r_whatbabe | voodoo r_whatbabe | recursion

linebreak   ::= "<br>"


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Last edited April 29, 2004 9:40 am (viewing revision 6, which is the newest) (diff)