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Some images to give an idea of the basic style of the game.

Most of the game takes place 'inside', on a standard grid layout.

Image: 84

'Outside' consists of a 'worldmap' style overview...

Image: 85

You're just as likely to hit random encounters outside or inside...

Image: 87
Kazuhiko vs Chirei Brownie x 2!
(Note that one of them is near death, while the other is healthy.  The icons at the top also show status effects where appropriate)

Quickly however, you discover true evil...

Image: 86

Being the terminal perfectionist I am, I've started recording all the demon data and fusion data I can...  Below are some of the more interesting demons I have met.

Image: 88 Image: 89 Image: 90

A spreadsheet is perfectly adequate for recording the effects of fusing two demons (row a, column b gives result c) but can anyone think of an easily referencable way of recording the results of a three demon fusion? --Kazuhiko

Does your spreadsheet support tabbed work areas? Excel does, IIRC, and lets you name them and refer between them from your formulae. One named tab per demon containing the 2D chart you are already using would do the trick, I reckon, and one extra named tab for "two demons only". - MoonShadow

Erg...  Does Excel have a limit on pages per workbook?  I've discovered 40 demons already and I'm hardly out of the first area...  I guess I probably won't be able to display that amount of data nicely in any environment.  Ah well, your suggestion is far better than my current method (lists)... --Kazuhiko (who wishes he knew if the order was supposed to be relevant in all these fusing things)

That's an awful lot of data to type in.. *shudder* Hey - you could always write a chunk of Java to do what you want, you know ^-^

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Last edited June 30, 2003 10:12 pm (viewing revision 4, which is the newest) (diff)