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Thursday, January 30th, 2003: Left work at 17:50. Home at 21:30. Cambridgeshire is basically a [solid patch of black ice]. No-one's brakes work, and no-one can go uphill. [A14] is [gridlocked].

Because 'photos take a little while to load, I'm shifting them to a subpage.


AlexChurchill: It's astonishing to cycle along a main road (heading Southbound) and see every road sign replaced with a blank white rectangle... O.o 

Garbled: We have absolutely no snow in Brigstowe :-<

MoonShadow: My boss, who commutes from London, got back at 5.30am. Apparently, some people are still stuck on the M11 and the A505 from last night ^^; When I drove past the A14 this morning, it was chock full of lorries - all standing still - with no other traffic at all (which is a rather disturbing sight). Apparently, a lot of people have abandoned their cars and walked, and a lot of others are running out of petrol ('cos they kept their engines running to keep warm). Which is all going to make getting everything moving again interesting.
It's very pretty out, though. Gives me pangs of nostalgia..

SeeAlso Snow for later years' snow stories

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Last edited October 28, 2008 4:33 pm (viewing revision 17, which is the newest) (diff)