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Prime Minister of the UnitedKingdom, and leader of the ToryParty. No, the one in government.

Not to be confused with his body double, MisterTonyBlair, from the FridayNightArmistice?.

Prompted Vitenka's musings on MisterBlair, thereby causing a national outcry. Okay, I'm lying. But about which bit?

Any views on when he's going?  I thought it would be just after the budget, to make that a high note of Brown's Chancellorship, and to give the replacement chancellor enough time in office that they could be plausibly be blamed if the economy went wrong.  But it wasn't then, so any ideas?  --DR

I thought the official line was he would serve a full term, resigning just before the next general election. --B


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Last edited April 9, 2006 11:27 am (viewing revision 6, which is the newest) (diff)