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A module for the /MagicCardGenerator. That page is the interesting one - you probably want to be there.

This module contains all the BNF referring to card types, spell types, creature types, and land types.

Displaying Card Type

showtype ::= Spelltype##myType "
Spelltype_art ::= "" conceivablylegendary conceivablytribal "Artifact" showsubtypes ""
Spelltype_ench ::= "" conceivablylegendary conceivablytribal "Enchantment" showsubtypes " "
Spelltype_ctr ::= "" conceivablylegendary artifact##myColour "Creature - " myFullCtrType? " (" generatedcreaturesize slash generatedcreaturesize ")" requiredabilities##creatureType1 requiredabilities##creatureType2 requiredabilities##creatureType3
Spelltype_land ::= "" conceivablylegendary conceivablytribal "Land" showsubtypes ""
Spelltype_unknown ::= "" conceivablytribal "Instant " possiblespellsubtype showsubtypes ""
Spelltype_inst ::= "" conceivablytribal "Instant " possiblespellsubtype showsubtypes ""
Spelltype_sorc ::= "" conceivablytribal "Sorcery " possiblespellsubtype showsubtypes ""
Spelltype_planeswalker ::= <<myFirstName?::=generateName>> myFirstName? space generateName newline "Planeswalker - " myFirstName? " (Loyalty " myLoyalty ")"

conceivablylegendary ::= conceivablylegendary##forcelegend
conceivablylegendary_yes ::= "Legendary "
conceivablylegendary_no ::= nothing | nothing | nothing | nothing | maybelegendary
maybelegendary ::= nothing | nothing | nothing | nothing | "Legendary "

conceivablytribal ::= conceivablytribal##forcetribal
conceivablytribal_yes ::= "Tribal "
conceivablytribal_no ::= nothing | nothing | nothing | nothing | maybetribal
maybetribal ::= nothing | nothing | nothing | nothing | "Tribal " <forcetribal::=yes>

possiblespellsubtype ::= nothing | nothing | nothing | nothing | <subtype1::=spellsubtype>
generatedcreaturesize ::= generatedcreaturesize##forcelegend
generatedcreaturesize_no ::= tinyinteger
generatedcreaturesize_yes ::= integeronethroughfour | integeronethroughseven
showsubtypes ::= <tmp##subtype1::=showdash> <tmp##nothing::=showdashiftribal> tmp##subtype1 subtype1 space ctrtypeiftribal##forcetribal
showdashiftribal ::= <tmp##no::=nothing> <tmp##yes::=showdash> tmp##forcetribal
showdash ::= " - "
ctrtypeiftribal_no ::= nothing
ctrtypeiftribal_yes ::= myCtrType?

forcetribalandcreaturetype ::= <forcetribal::=yes>

equipmentsubtype ::= "Equipment"
aurasubtype ::= "Aura"

artifact_white ::= conceivablyartifact
artifact_blue ::= conceivablyartifact
artifact_black ::= conceivablyartifact
artifact_red ::= conceivablyartifact
artifact_green ::= conceivablyartifact
artifact_artifact ::= "Artifact "
conceivablyartifact ::= nothing | nothing | nothing | nothing | maybeartifact
maybeartifact ::= nothing | nothing | nothing | "Artifact "

Card Types, Spell Types

choosenewpermanenttype_normal ::= <myType::=generatedpermtype##myColour> <mySrc::=myType>
choosenewpermanenttype_land ::= <myType::=land> <mySrc::=myType>
choosenewpermanenttype_planeswalker ::= <myType::=planeswalker> <mySrc::=unknown>
choosenewoneofftype ::= <myType::=generatedoneofftype##myColour> <mySpd::=myType> <mySrc::=unknown>
generatedpermtype_white ::= ctr | ctr | ctr | ench
generatedpermtype_blue ::= ctr | ctr | ctr | ench
generatedpermtype_black ::= ctr | ctr | ctr | ench
generatedpermtype_red ::= ctr | ctr | ctr | ctr | ench
generatedpermtype_green ::= ctr | ctr | ctr | ctr | ench
generatedpermtype_artifact ::= ctr | art | art
generatedoneofftype_white ::= inst | inst | sorc
generatedoneofftype_blue ::= inst | inst | sorc
generatedoneofftype_black ::= inst | sorc | sorc
generatedoneofftype_red ::= inst | sorc
generatedoneofftype_green ::= inst | sorc
generatedoneofftype_artifact ::= inst | sorc
// myType may also get assigned the value "unknown" when creating abilities for permanents

permanenttype ::= creature | creature | artifact | enchantment | land
permanentorpermtype ::= permanent | permanent | creature | creature | artifact | enchantment | land
colouredpermanentcard ::= colouredpermanent " card"
colouredpermanent ::= colourphrase space colouredpermanenttype
colouredpermanenttype ::= creature | creature | enchantment | permanent
nonlandpermanenttype ::= creature | creature | artifact | enchantment
noncreaturepermanenttype ::= artifact | enchantment | land
usefulnoncreaturepermanenttype ::= artifact | enchantment | basiclandtype space land
cardtype ::= artifact | creature | enchantment | instant | land | sorcery
colouredcardtype ::= creature | enchantment | instant | sorcery
basiclandtype ::= Plains | Island | Swamp | Mountain | Forest
spelltype ::= "spell" | "creature spell" | "artifact spell" | "enchantment spell" | "sorcery spell" | "instant spell" | spellsubtype " spell"
spelltypeorsubtype ::= spellsubtype | spellsubtype | "sorcery" | "instant"
spellsubtype ::= "Arcane" | "Generated"
oneoffspell ::= spelltypeorsubtype " spell" mySpellPluralSuffix? | instantorsorcery " spell" mySpellPluralSuffix?

singorpl_basiclandtype ::= _singorpl_basiclandtype##myPluralSuffix?
_singorpl_basiclandtype_nothing2 ::= basiclandtype
_singorpl_basiclandtype_s ::= pluralbasiclandtype

plural_Plains ::= Plains
plural_Island ::= Islands
plural_Swamp ::= Swamps
plural_Mountain ::= Mountains
plural_Forest ::= Forests

pluralbasiclandtype ::= <tmp::=basiclandtype> plural##tmp

Mentioning Creature Types

//creatureType1 is race or Zombie. creatureType2 is a second race. creatureType3 is class.

creaturetype ::= singorpl_myctrtype | singorpl_myctrtype | singorpl_myctrtype | singorpl_myctrtype | pushCtrType? <myCtrType?::=choosesinglecreaturetype> singorpl_myctrtype popCtrType? | pushCtrType? <myCtrType?::=choosesinglecommoncreaturetype##myColour> singorpl_myctrtype popCtrType?
singorpl_myctrtype ::= _singorpl_myctrtype##myPluralSuffix?
_singorpl_myctrtype_nothing2 ::= myCtrType?
_singorpl_myctrtype_s ::= plural##myCtrType?

singularcreaturetype ::= myCtrType? | myCtrType? | myCtrType? | myCtrType? | choosesinglecreaturetype | choosesinglecommoncreaturetype##myColour

myFullCtrType? ::= creatureType1 space creatureType2 space creatureType3

pluralcreaturetype ::= <myPluralSuffix?::=s> creaturetype <myPluralSuffix?::=nothing>

choosesinglecreaturetype ::= Soldier | Cleric | Bird | Wizard | Merfolk | Zombie | Goblin | Dragon | Beast | Elf | Snake | Spirit | Sliver | Golem
// the choosesinglecreaturetype's and choosesinglecommoncreaturetype's
// would need reworking to use deep assigns if they are amended to contain nonterminals,
// as they are stored to potentially take their plural
choosesinglecommoncreaturetype_white ::= Soldier | Cleric | Bird | Soldier | Cleric | Spirit
choosesinglecommoncreaturetype_blue ::= Bird | Wizard | Merfolk | Faerie
choosesinglecommoncreaturetype_black ::= Cleric | Spirit | Zombie | Cleric | Spirit | Zombie
choosesinglecommoncreaturetype_red ::= Goblin | Dragon | Beast | Goblin | Dragon | Beast | Elemental
choosesinglecommoncreaturetype_green ::= Beast | Elf | Snake | Beast | Elf | Snake
choosesinglecommoncreaturetype_artifact ::= Golem | Golem | Myr

newcreaturetype ::= aifsingular##myPluralSuffix? creaturetype | aifsingular##myPluralSuffix? creaturetype | "the creature type of your choice" | aifsingular##myPluralSuffix? creaturetype " in addition to " itpossessive##myPluralSuffix? " other types" | "the creature type of your choice in addition to " itpossessive##myPluralSuffix? " other types"
newpluralcreaturetype ::= pluralcreaturetype | pluralcreaturetype | "the creature type of your choice" | pluralcreaturetype " in addition to their other types" | "the creature type of your choice in addition to their other types"

Defining Creature Types

//creatureType1 is race or Zombie. creatureType2 is a second race. creatureType3 is class.

selectMyCreatureType? ::= <creatureType2::=nothing> selectRace##myColour assignMyCtrType?
selectRace_white ::= <creatureType1::=Human> forceClass | <creatureType1::=Bird> maybeClass | <creatureType1::=Spirit> noClass | rareRace_white
selectRace_blue ::= <creatureType1::=Human> forceClass | <creatureType1::=Bird> maybeClass | <creatureType1::=Merfolk> forceClass | rareRace_blue
selectRace_black ::= <creatureType1::=Human> forceClass | <creatureType1::=Spirit> noClass | <creatureType1::=Zombie> maybeOtherRace? maybeClass | rareRace_black
selectRace_red ::= <creatureType1::=Human> forceClass | <creatureType1::=Goblin> forceClass | <creatureType1::=Dragon> unlikelyClass | <creatureType1::=Beast> noClass | rareRace_red
selectRace_green ::= <creatureType1::=Human> forceClass | <creatureType1::=Elf> forceClass | <creatureType1::=Snake> maybeClass | <creatureType1::=Beast> noClass | rareRace_green
selectRace_artifact ::= <creatureType1::=Golem> unlikelyClass | <creatureType1::=Myr> noClass | rareRace_artifact

forceClass ::= maybeToggleMyColour? <creatureType3::=chooseClass##myColour>
noClass ::= <creatureType3::=nothing>
maybeClass ::= forceClass | noClass
unlikelyClass ::= forceClass | noClass | noClass | noClass

maybeOtherRace? ::= <creatureType2::=singlerace> | <creatureType2::=nothing>
singlerace ::= Bird | Merfolk | Goblin | Dragon | Beast | Elf | Snake | Faerie

chooseClass_white ::= Soldier | Soldier | Cleric | Cleric | Knight | Samurai
chooseClass_blue ::= Wizard | Wizard | Wizard | Rogue | Rogue | Scout
chooseClass_black ::= Cleric | Wizard | Rogue | Minion
chooseClass_red ::= Shaman | Shaman | Wizard | Warrior | Warrior | Samurai | Rogue
chooseClass_green ::= Shaman | Druid | Warrior
chooseClass_artifact ::= Soldier | Warrior | Wizard

rareRace_white ::= <creatureType1::=Cat> maybeClass | <creatureType1::=Angel> noClass | <creatureType1::=Kithkin> forceClass | <creatureType1::=Giant> forceClass
rareRace_blue ::= <creatureType1::=Vedalken> forceClass | <creatureType1::=Moonfolk> forceClass | <creatureType1::=Elemental> maybeClass | <creatureType1::=Drake> noClass | <creatureType1::=Illusion> maybeClass maybeOtherRace? | <creatureType1::=Faerie> forceClass
rareRace_black ::= <creatureType1::=Rat> maybeClass | <creatureType1::=Gorgon> maybeClass | <creatureType1::=Horror> noClass | <creatureType1::=Vampire> noClass
rareRace_red ::= <creatureType1::=Viashino> forceClass | <creatureType1::=Dwarf> forceClass | <creatureType1::=Elemental> maybeClass | <creatureType1::=Giant> forceClass
rareRace_green ::= <creatureType1::=Dryad> maybeClass | <creatureType1::=Spider> noClass | <creatureType1::=Treefolk> forceClass | <creatureType1::=Insect> noClass
rareRace_artifact ::= <creatureType1::=Gnome> maybeClass | <creatureType1::=Gargoyle> unlikelyClass | <creatureType1::=Thopter> noClass

assignMyCtrType? ::= maybeAssignCtrType1? | maybeAssignCtrType3?
// Choose a ctr type for tribal effects to refer to. Can't use race if it's Human. Can't use class if it doesn't exist.
maybeAssignCtrType1? ::= <tmp##creatureType1::=assignCtrType1?> <tmp##Human::=assignCtrType3?> tmp##creatureType1
maybeAssignCtrType3? ::= <tmp##creatureType3::=assignCtrType3?> <tmp##nothing::=assignCtrType1?> tmp##creatureType3
assignCtrType1? ::= <myCtrType?::=creatureType1>
assignCtrType3? ::= <myCtrType?::=creatureType3>

// selectSingleCreatureType? | selectSingleCreatureType? | selectSingleCreatureType? | selectSingleCreatureType? | selectSingleCreatureType? | selectSingleCreatureType? | selectSingleCreatureType? | selectSingleCreatureType? | selectSingleCreatureType? | selectDualCreatureType?
// selectSingleCreatureType? ::= <creatureType1::=choosesinglecommoncreaturetype##myColour> <myCtrType?::=creatureType1>
// selectDualCreatureType? ::= <creatureType1::=choosesinglecommoncreaturetype##myColour> chooseSecondDistinctCreatureType? <myCtrType?::=dualcreaturetype2>
// chooseSecondDistinctCreatureType? ::= <creatureType2::=choosesinglecommoncreaturetype> <tmp##creatureType1##creatureType2::=nothing> <tmp##creatureType1##creatureType1::=chooseSecondDistinctCreatureType?> tmp##creatureType1##creatureType2

// dualcreaturetype2 ::= dualcreaturetype
// dualcreaturetype ::= creatureType1 space creatureType2
// plural_dualcreaturetype ::= creatureType1 space plural##creatureType2

plural_Bird ::= Birds
requiredabilities_Bird ::= newline "Flying"
plural_Spirit ::= Spirits
requiredabilities_Spirit ::= nothing
plural_Zombie ::= Zombies
requiredabilities_Zombie ::= nothing
plural_Merfolk ::= Merfolk
requiredabilities_Merfolk ::= nothing
plural_Goblin ::= Goblins
requiredabilities_Goblin ::= nothing
plural_Dragon ::= Dragons
requiredabilities_Dragon ::= newline "Flying"
plural_Beast ::= Beasts
requiredabilities_Beast ::= nothing
plural_Elf ::= Elves
requiredabilities_Elf ::= nothing
plural_Snake ::= Snakes
requiredabilities_Snake ::= nothing
plural_Human ::= Humans
requiredabilities_Human ::= nothing
plural_Sliver ::= Slivers
requiredabilities_Sliver ::= nothing
plural_Golem ::= Golems
requiredabilities_Golem ::= nothing
plural_Myr ::= Myr
requiredabilities_Myr ::= nothing

plural_Cat ::= Cats
requiredabilities_Cat ::= nothing
plural_Angel ::= Angels
requiredabilities_Angel ::= newline "Flying"
plural_Giant ::= Giants
requiredabilities_Giant ::= nothing
plural_Kithkin ::= Kithkin
requiredabilities_Kithkin ::= nothing
plural_Elemental ::= Elementals
requiredabilities_Elemental ::= nothing
plural_Drake ::= Drakes
requiredabilities_Drake ::= newline "Flying"
plural_Faerie ::= Faeries
requiredabilities_Faerie ::= newline "Flying"
plural_Illusion ::= Illusions
requiredabilities_Illusion ::= nothing
plural_Vedalken ::= Vedalken
requiredabilities_Vedalken ::= nothing
plural_Moonfolk ::= Moonfolk
requiredabilities_Moonfolk ::= newline "Flying"
plural_Gorgon::= Gorgons
requiredabilities_Gorgon ::= nothing
plural_Horror ::= Horrors
requiredabilities_Horror ::= nothing
plural_Vampire ::= Vampires
requiredabilities_Vampire ::= newline "Flying"
plural_Rat ::= Rats
requiredabilities_Rat ::= nothing
plural_Dwarf ::= Dwarves
requiredabilities_Dwarf ::= nothing
plural_Viashino ::= Viashino
requiredabilities_Viashino ::= nothing
plural_Insect ::= Insects
requiredabilities_Insect ::= nothing
plural_Spider ::= Spiders
requiredabilities_Spider ::= newline "Reach"
plural_Dryad ::= Dryads
requiredabilities_Dryad ::= nothing
plural_Treefolk ::= Treefolk
requiredabilities_Treefolk ::= nothing
plural_Gnome ::= Gnomes
requiredabilities_Gnome ::= nothing
plural_Gargoyle ::= Gargoyles
requiredabilities_Gargoyle ::= nothing
plural_Thopter ::= Thopters
requiredabilities_Thopter ::= newline "Flying"

requiredabilities_Soldier ::= nothing
plural_Soldier ::= Soldiers
requiredabilities_Knight ::= nothing
plural_Knight ::= Knights
requiredabilities_Samurai ::= newline bushidoability_specific
plural_Samurai ::= Samurai
requiredabilities_Cleric ::= nothing
plural_Cleric ::= Clerics
requiredabilities_Wizard ::= nothing
plural_Wizard ::= Wizards
requiredabilities_Rogue ::= nothing
plural_Rogue ::= Rogues
requiredabilities_Minion ::= nothing
plural_Minion ::= Minions
requiredabilities_Warrior ::= nothing
plural_Warrior ::= Warriors
requiredabilities_Shaman ::= nothing
plural_Shaman ::= Shamans
requiredabilities_Druid ::= nothing
plural_Druid ::= Druids
requiredabilities_Scout ::= nothing
plural_Scout ::= Scouts

requiredabilities_nothing2 ::= nothing

Properties of tokens of each choosesinglecreaturetype

choosept_Soldier ::= 1/1 | 1/1 | 1/1 | 1/1 | 2/2 | integeronethroughfour slash integeronethroughfour
choosenature_Soldier_ctr ::= nothing
choosenature_Soldier_ench ::= nothing
choosenature_Soldier_art ::= nothing | spaceartifact | spaceartifact | spaceartifact
choosenature_Soldier_land ::= nothing
choosenature_Soldier_sorc ::= nothing
choosenature_Soldier_inst ::= nothing
choosenature_Soldier_unknown ::= nothing
choosecolour_Soldier ::= white | showMyColour?
chooseabilities_Soldier ::= <myAbility::=soldierability> unlikelytokenability
soldierability ::= "first strike" | "first strike" | vigilance | vigilance | banding

choosept_Cleric ::= 1/1 | 1/1 | 1/1 | integerzerothroughfour slash integeronethroughfour
choosenature_Cleric_ctr ::= nothing
choosenature_Cleric_ench ::= nothing
choosenature_Cleric_art ::= nothing
choosenature_Cleric_land ::= nothing
choosenature_Cleric_sorc ::= nothing
choosenature_Cleric_inst ::= nothing
choosenature_Cleric_unknown ::= nothing
choosecolour_Cleric ::= white | black | showMyColour?
chooseabilities_Cleric ::= <myAbility::=flying> unlikelytokenability

choosept_Beast ::= 3/3 | 4/4 | 3/3 | 4/4 | integeronethroughseven{N} slash N
choosenature_Beast_ctr ::= nothing
choosenature_Beast_ench ::= nothing
choosenature_Beast_art ::= nothing | spaceartifact | spaceartifact | spaceartifact
choosenature_Beast_land ::= nothing
choosenature_Beast_sorc ::= nothing
choosenature_Beast_inst ::= nothing
choosenature_Beast_unknown ::= nothing
choosecolour_Beast ::= green | green | red | black | showMyColour? | showMyColour?
chooseabilities_Beast ::= <myAbility::=trample> unlikelytokenability

choosept_Elf ::= 1/1 | 1/1 | 1/1 | 2/2 | integeronethroughfour{N} slash N
choosenature_Elf_ctr ::= nothing
choosenature_Elf_ench ::= nothing
choosenature_Elf_art ::= nothing | spaceartifact
choosenature_Elf_land ::= nothing
choosenature_Elf_sorc ::= nothing
choosenature_Elf_inst ::= nothing
choosenature_Elf_unknown ::= nothing
choosecolour_Elf ::= green
chooseabilities_Elf ::= <myAbility::=trample> unlikelytokenability

choosept_Snake ::= 1/1 | 1/1 | 1/1 | 2/2 | integeronethroughfour{N} slash N
choosenature_Snake_ctr ::= nothing
choosenature_Snake_ench ::= nothing
choosenature_Snake_art ::= nothing | spaceartifact
choosenature_Snake_land ::= nothing
choosenature_Snake_sorc ::= nothing
choosenature_Snake_inst ::= nothing
choosenature_Snake_unknown ::= nothing
choosecolour_Snake ::= green
chooseabilities_Snake ::= <myAbility::=firststrike> unlikelytokenability
firststrike ::= "first strike"

choosept_Goblin ::= 1/1 | 1/1 | 1/1 | 1/1 | integeronethroughfour{N} slash N
choosenature_Goblin_ctr ::= nothing
choosenature_Goblin_ench ::= nothing
choosenature_Goblin_art ::= nothing | nothing | nothing | spaceartifact
choosenature_Goblin_land ::= nothing
choosenature_Goblin_sorc ::= nothing
choosenature_Goblin_inst ::= nothing
choosenature_Goblin_unknown ::= nothing
choosecolour_Goblin ::= red | red | red | black | showMyColour?
chooseabilities_Goblin ::= <myAbility::=firststrikeorhaste> unlikelytokenability
firststrikeorhaste ::= "first strike" | "haste"

choosept_Elemental ::= 3/1 | 3/1 | 1/1 | 1/1 | 4/4 | integeronethroughfour{N} slash N
choosenature_Elemental_ctr ::= nothing
choosenature_Elemental_ench ::= nothing
choosenature_Elemental_art ::= nothing | nothing | nothing | spaceartifact
choosenature_Elemental_land ::= nothing
choosenature_Elemental_inst ::= nothing
choosenature_Elemental_sorc ::= nothing
choosenature_Elemental_unknown ::= nothing
choosecolour_Elemental ::= red | showMyColour?
chooseabilities_Elemental ::= <myAbility::=haste> unlikelytokenability

choosept_Zombie ::= integeronethroughfour{N} slash N | integeronethroughfour slash integeronethroughfour
choosenature_Zombie_ctr ::= nothing
choosenature_Zombie_ench ::= nothing
choosenature_Zombie_art ::= nothing
choosenature_Zombie_land ::= nothing
choosenature_Zombie_sorc ::= nothing
choosenature_Zombie_inst ::= nothing
choosenature_Zombie_unknown ::= nothing
choosecolour_Zombie ::= black
chooseabilities_Zombie ::= <myAbility::=fear> unlikelytokenability

choosept_Bird ::= 1/1 | 1/1 | integeronethroughfour{N} slash N | integeronethroughfour slash integeronethroughfour
choosenature_Bird_ctr ::= nothing
choosenature_Bird_ench ::= nothing
choosenature_Bird_art ::= nothing | spaceartifact | spaceartifact | spaceartifact
choosenature_Bird_land ::= nothing
choosenature_Bird_sorc ::= nothing
choosenature_Bird_inst ::= nothing
choosenature_Bird_unknown ::= nothing
choosecolour_Bird ::= blue | white | showMyColour?
chooseabilities_Bird ::= " with flying"

choosept_Wizard ::= 1/1 | 1/1 | 1/1 | integerzerothroughfour slash integeronethroughfour
choosenature_Wizard_ctr ::= nothing
choosenature_Wizard_ench ::= nothing
choosenature_Wizard_art ::= nothing | spaceartifact
choosenature_Wizard_land ::= nothing
choosenature_Wizard_sorc ::= nothing
choosenature_Wizard_inst ::= nothing
choosenature_Wizard_unknown ::= nothing
choosecolour_Wizard ::= showMyColour?
chooseabilities_Wizard ::= <myAbility::=flying> unlikelytokenability

choosept_Sliver ::= 1/1 | 1/1 | 1/1 | integeronethroughfour{N} slash N
choosenature_Sliver_ctr ::= nothing
choosenature_Sliver_ench ::= nothing
choosenature_Sliver_art ::= nothing | spaceartifact
choosenature_Sliver_land ::= nothing
choosenature_Sliver_sorc ::= nothing
choosenature_Sliver_inst ::= nothing
choosenature_Sliver_unknown ::= nothing
choosecolour_Sliver ::= colourless | green | showMyColour?
chooseabilities_Sliver ::= <myAbility::=tokenkeywordability> unlikelytokenability

choosept_Spirit ::= 1/1 | 1/1 | 1/1 | integeronethroughfour{N} slash N
choosenature_Spirit_ctr ::= nothing
choosenature_Spirit_ench ::= nothing
choosenature_Spirit_art ::= nothing | spaceartifact
choosenature_Spirit_land ::= nothing
choosenature_Spirit_sorc ::= nothing
choosenature_Spirit_inst ::= nothing
choosenature_Spirit_unknown ::= nothing
choosecolour_Spirit ::= showMyColour? | white | colourless
chooseabilities_Spirit ::= <myAbility::=flying> unlikelytokenability

choosept_Dragon ::= 5/5 | 5/5 | integeronethroughseven slash integeronethroughseven
choosenature_Dragon_ctr ::= nothing
choosenature_Dragon_ench ::= nothing
choosenature_Dragon_art ::= nothing | spaceartifact
choosenature_Dragon_land ::= nothing
choosenature_Dragon_sorc ::= nothing
choosenature_Dragon_inst ::= nothing
choosenature_Dragon_unknown ::= nothing
choosecolour_Dragon ::= red | showMyColour?
chooseabilities_Dragon ::= " with flying" | " with flying" | " with flying" | " with flying and " tokenkeywordability

choosept_Myr ::= 1/1 | 1/1 | 1/1 | 1/1 | 1/1 | integeronethroughseven{N} slash N
choosenature_Myr_ctr ::= spaceartifact
choosenature_Myr_ench ::= spaceartifact
choosenature_Myr_art ::= spaceartifact
choosenature_Myr_land ::= spaceartifact
choosenature_Myr_sorc ::= spaceartifact
choosenature_Myr_inst ::= spaceartifact
choosenature_Myr_unknown ::= spaceartifact
choosecolour_Myr ::= nothing
chooseabilities_Myr ::= <myAbility::=myrability> unlikelytokenability
myrability ::= "modular 1"

choosept_Faerie ::= 1/1 | 1/1 | integeronethroughfour{N} slash N | integeronethroughfour slash 1
choosenature_Faerie_ctr ::= nothing
choosenature_Faerie_ench ::= nothing
choosenature_Faerie_art ::= nothing | spaceartifact
choosenature_Faerie_land ::= nothing
choosenature_Faerie_sorc ::= nothing
choosenature_Faerie_inst ::= nothing
choosenature_Faerie_unknown ::= nothing
choosecolour_Faerie ::= blue
chooseabilities_Faerie ::= " with flying"

choosept_Merfolk ::= 1/1 | 1/1 | integeronethroughfour{N} slash N | integeronethroughfour slash integeronethroughfour
choosenature_Merfolk_ctr ::= nothing
choosenature_Merfolk_ench ::= nothing
choosenature_Merfolk_art ::= nothing
choosenature_Merfolk_land ::= nothing
choosenature_Merfolk_sorc ::= nothing
choosenature_Merfolk_inst ::= nothing
choosenature_Merfolk_unknown ::= nothing
choosecolour_Merfolk ::= blue
chooseabilities_Merfolk ::= <myAbility::=merfolkability> unlikelytokenability
merfolkability ::= "islandwalk" | "islandwalk" | "islandhome"

choosept_Golem ::= integeronethroughfour{N} slash N | integeronethroughfour slash integeronethroughfour
choosenature_Golem_ctr ::= spaceartifact
choosenature_Golem_ench ::= spaceartifact
choosenature_Golem_art ::= spaceartifact
choosenature_Golem_land ::= spaceartifact
choosenature_Golem_sorc ::= spaceartifact
choosenature_Golem_inst ::= spaceartifact
choosenature_Golem_unknown ::= spaceartifact
choosecolour_Golem ::= nothing
chooseabilities_Golem ::= <myAbility::=golemability> unlikelytokenability
golemability ::= "first strike" | "flying" | "trample" | "fear"

choosept_Human ::= 1/1 | 1/1 | 1/1 | 2/2 | integeronethroughfour{N} slash N
choosenature_Human_ctr ::= nothing
choosenature_Human_ench ::= nothing
choosenature_Human_art ::= nothing
choosenature_Human_land ::= nothing
choosenature_Human_sorc ::= nothing
choosenature_Human_inst ::= nothing
choosenature_Human_unknown ::= nothing
choosecolour_Human ::= white | showMyColour? | showMyColour?
chooseabilities_Human ::= <myAbility::=tokenkeywordability> unlikelytokenability

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Last edited November 22, 2020 9:36 pm (viewing revision 26, which is the newest) (diff)