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LT=Liberation Theology
LA=Latin America/Latin? Americans

p1 What has sexuality to do w/ feminist/liberat. theology?

p2 - Subversive theology becomes incorporated - (C) leaders claim always to have been liberat. theologians.  LT can be taught safely.

In introducing sexuality, does one risk betraying cause of poor?

p3 Critiques of theol. from fem. have produced most severe crit. of Xianity.  Destabilised foundational p-achy

Gender & sexuality don't subvert Xianity by problematising politics of relig. representation but are a conversion, turning away from pat. sin and reading of Scrip. that destabilizes texts.

p4 Answer to qn from p1 is "everything" because every theo. = a sexual theo.

p5-7 - Book in 4 parts:
1.  Troubling Theol. - LT meets sexuality
2.  Indecenting Theol. - Undressing Sexual Ideology in Theo.
3.  Post-coloniamlism, feminism and liberation
4.  Indecent, Radical, Queer - Future of Feminist Theo. of Lib.


Intro to Part 1 -

p11 Beyond "option for poor", alliance between suspicion concerning class formation influencing faith /and/ genuine praxis of transformat. of unjust strucs of society was what characterised LT.

Use of ideology from Marx to unveil the non-neutrality of theology.  This led black and LAs to address same qns about race and gender.  Combos of gender/class/race.

p12 - Diff. methodology:
1.  Women /also/ are doing the walking.  Caminata = walk.
2.  Theology as creative path of acting presence of God - not enough to say on individualist level, J. contronted p-achy, but LT demands structural level of analysis.

p13 - Although in LA, Mary hailed as powerful lib-tor of women, we have yet to see evidence of it.  Reality - the VM has become white, rich God who, being depicted in statues, cannot walk.  She is symbol of anti-caminata.  Fact Mariology needs denouncing is because LT never developed Xian ethic of sxy.  Has retained pre-conciliar position on Mary.

p14 - Profess. theos. vs. peoples' theo. can't exist if LTs are coherent w/ hermeneutic.

Don't need a X-Emperor, but a J. of gospels who discussed things w/ friends and neighbours.

Prob = how to develop alt Xology. which steps out of gender ideolog. framework.

p15 - 1st lessons as LA fem theos - we do not need to justify God.  Art of posing right qns is still as imp. as obtaining right answers.

Also, check out "Outing Theology: Thinking Xianity out of the Church Closet", Feminist Theology, no.27, May 2001 pp57-67

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