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Are we going to announce what we're taking, or do it in order as the game says?
I suggest: everyone has the right to not reveal what they're taking until they take it, in case they want to keep it secret so as not to give other players information; but if you want to you can take it early to speed the game up, as long as it doesn't affect what's available to other players, and you record what you're doing. If your choice is determined, you can take it early or another player can give it to you during their action. --Rachael


Rachael 77
ChrisHowlett 74
AlexChurchill 84
Androidkiller 83
Vitenka 58

Congratulations to all for persisting through such a mammoth wiki game.  What did you feel the pros and cons of this format were?  How well did it work for you, over all?  Under what circumstances would you repeat it with other board games? --Pallando
Pros: the obvious, getting to play a fun game with friends even when they're not physically present; more thinking time than in a F2F game, which is good in something complicated like Caylus; and also the way Caylus has no randomness or hidden knowledge apart from initial setup, so in that respect it translates well to the wiki. Cons were the slowness, especially if a player was out of town and rarely updating,; and the fiddliness and error-prone-ness of the big updates - I think we all made a few mistakes. Caylus seems more fiddly in that respect than PuertoRico. The PuertoRico wiki game worked well, I think, and I'd like to play another, but perhaps not Caylus again. AlexChurchill and ChrisHowlett's client/server version will make it more playable than on the wiki, though. --Rachael
One of the biggest problems I had was trying to keep track of everything - it's much easier when you can just look around the table and see the state of the board and everyone's resources. The other problem I had was how variable the times between my turns were - sometimes I checked back regularly and couldn't do anything, whereas other times I didn't and found everyone had been waiting on me. The error prone-ness was also a big problem. I think a graphical interface would help a lot. --Androidkiller
Tooo muuuch staaaaaate.  (To rhyme with PigsInSpace?, obviously.)  Seriously - there was just way too much to keep track of and the format made it harder.  Just little things like support for "This token moves, it shouldn't be added or deleted between revisions" would really have helped.  But it was fun, and I'm up for the next one, if anyone will have me.  (As demonstrated, I'm really not very good.)  --Vitenka
As Rachael said, the big pros were having extra thinking time compared to the F2F version, something that I've also found with WikiGames of Go, and having something fun going on online during the day. It works well if all players are online reasonably often. Caylus is ideal for the format apart from the fiddliness of keeping workers updated. PuertoRico is ideal for the format apart from having fiddly plantations. Go works well. Other games would work well if they don't have hidden objects like plantation tiles or cards; randomness in the form of die rolls is fine, given the ToothyWikiInternals/DiceRollServer. --AlexChurchill

Turn order:


We can put an initial in the brackets to signify that we have a house (square brackets), or worker (round brackets), in that space; either person's or colour's initial depending on which (if either) will be unique.
If everyone is happy for Androidkiller to be M for Michael, then we can have unique single initials.
M for Michael or B for Bendy (my nickname in CULES and ICE) - either works fine!

Building spaces

Gate - re-send worker somewhere else ()
Trading Post - get 3 money ()
Merchant Guild - move provost ()
Jousting Field - 1d+Cloth for favour (V)
Stables - change turn order () () ()
Inn - person in second slot is immune to wage increases ()->(V)
Passing places () () () () ()
Cathedral [A]
University (R)
Residence {V+1 cash}
Hotel {M+2 cash}
Library [C+1 cash] 
Residence {V+1 cash}
2:1 Peddler - buy 1 cube for 2d (Can't be removed) ()
Carpenter - build wooden building (Can't be removed) () 
Foodfarm - get FF/C [M]()
Statue [R]
Mason - build stone building [C]()
Lawyer - build residence [V]() - score dungeons
Clothfarm - get CC/F [M]()
Workshop - get SSC, owner gets S/C [M]()
Farm - get FFC, owner gets F/C [R]()
Gold mine - get G ()
Residence {A+1 cash}
Park - get WWF, owner gets W/F [A] ()
Alchemist - pay AA for G or AAAA for GG [M]() - score walls 
Church - pay 2d for 3vp or 4d for 5vp [A]()
Bank - pay 2d for G or 5d for GG [A]()
Sawmill - get WW [R]() 
Architect - build prestige [R]()
Architect - build prestige [C]() (Bailiff)
Marketplace - sell 1 cube for 6d [M}- score towers
Tailor - pay CC for 4vp or CCC for 6vp[A]()(Provost)
Empty []()
Empty []()
Empty []()
Castle () () () (R) (V)

Players' resources


0 money
1 food
1 wood

6 workers


0 money
6 workers


0 money
1 gold
1 food
1 cloth
1 stone

6 workers


0 money

4 gold

3 workers


0 money

4 food
3 wood
4 stone
1 gold

2 workers

Available buildings



Residences (1 income; dC; 2vp)


Favour tracks

Put multiple people's initials in the same set of brackets if they are at the same point on the track
Food() Wood or Stone() Cloth() 2 for 1() Gold()
Nothing() Wood without wood(M) Stone without stone() Residence without money(R) Prestige(A)


Round 1 (Dungeons round 1)

Alex puts worker on the small quarry for 1 denier.
Michael puts worker on the first Carpenter for 1 denier.
Chris puts worker on the farm for 1 denier.
Vitenka puts a worker in the inn for 1 denier.
Rachael puts worker in Merchant Guild (provost-moving) for 1 denier.

Alex puts worker in the Stables for 1 denier.

Michael puts worker in Trading Post for 1 denier.
Chris puts worker on the sawmill for 1 denier.
Vitenka puts a worker on the Forest for 1 denier.
Rachael puts worker on the second Carpenter for 1 denier.
Alex passes and takes 1 denier.
Michael passes
Damn, I knew I should have passed instead of foresting.  Pass.  --Vitenka
Rachael is actually tempted to pay 4 for what she wanted to do, but instead passes.
Gives Michael 3 money and returns his worker.
Rachael moves Provost forward 3 for free.
Returns Alex's worker from Stables.
Moves Vitenka's worker from first to second Inn slot.
At the passing places, Alex doesn't pay to move the provost. Nor does Michael. Nor does Chris. Nor Vitenka. Nor Rachael.
Michael bought the food farm, Alex got 1 stone, Chris got 1 wood and 1 cloth, Vitenka got 1 wood.
Rachael built the quarry.
Bailiff moved on two.

Round 2 (Dungeons round 2)

Alex put a worker in the Merchant Guild (provost control) for 1d.
Michael puts a worker in the Quarry for 1d.
Chris puts a worker in the first Carpenter for 1d.
Vitenka puts  worker in the farm (cloth, when it comes round, to speed the game up a bit) for 1d.
Rachael puts a worker in the stables for 1d.
Alex puts a worker on Rachael's quarry, for 1vp to Rachael and 1d to the bank.
Michael puts a worker in the Food Farm for 1d.
Chris puts a worker in the Castle for 1d.
Vitenka puts a worker in the carpenter's, for 1d.
Rachael puts a worker in the Peddler (buy cube for 2) for 1d.
Alex puts a worker in the Forest (F/W) for 1d.
Michael puts a worker in the Saw Mill for 1d.
Chris puts a worker in the Trading Post for 1d.
Vitenka passes first!  He always forgets to do that! He gets 1d.
Rachael passes, as does Alex, as does Michael, and Chris.
Chris takes 3 gold from the Trading Post.
Alex moves provost 3 steps forward, and moves Rachael to first in the turn order.
At the passing places, Vitenka does nothing, Rachael does nothing, AlexChurchill does nothing, Michael bumps it forward 1 for 1d , and Chris decides 3 is a bit much to hamper AC by 2 stone.
Chris builds the Mason at the carpenter. Michael takes Stone, Wood. Vitenka takes cloth. Alex takes Wood.
Rachael buys stone at the peddler for 2d.
Vitenka builds the lawyer.
Michael takes two food.
Alex takes two stone
Chris builds in the castle, taking the Prestige favour.
Bailiff moves forward 2.

Round 3 (Dungeons round 3)

Rachael puts worker in Merchant Guild for 1d.
Alex puts worker in Mason, for 1vp to Chris and 1d to the bank.
Michael puts a worker in the stables for 1d
Chris puts a worker in Michael's Foodfarm, for 1d and 1VP to Michael.
Vitenka goes to the small quarry, for 1d.
Rachael goes to the food/cloth farm for 1d.
Alex puts worker in the castle for 1d.
Michael puts a worker in the Forest for 1d
Chris puts a worker in the Stables for 1d.
Vitenka puts a worker in the large quarry, for 1d and 1vp to Rachael, just in case.
Rachael goes to the sawmill for 1d.
Alex goes to the Trading Post for 1d.
Michael goes in the first carpenter for 1d
Chris puts a worker in the 2:1 Peddler for 1d.
Vitenka goes to the castle, for a worker and a coin.
Rachael passes and takes 1d.
Alex passes.
Michael passes, as does Chris.
Rachael moves the provost back 3 for free.
Stables: Michael and then Chris move up the turn order.
Rachael doesn't pay to move the provost.
AlexChurchill proposes a deal on ToothyChat, which gets rejected, so declines to move the provost.
Michael doesn't pay to move the provost
Chris pays to move the provost on 2, Vitenka moves it one.
Michael builds a cloth farm for a food and a wood.
Vitenka gets a stone, Rachael gets a wood.
Rachael chooses cloth, Michael chooses wood
Chris buys a cloth, then takes 2 food. Vitenka takes 2 stone.
Alex builds one batch in the castle, (and subsequently takes the Building favour (which does nothing)).
Vitenka builds a batch and fumes, but 'tis his own silly fault.
Bailiff moves forward 1

Round 4 (Dungeons round 4 & final)

Michael puts a worker in the Mason for 1d and 1vp to Chris.
Chris puts a worker in the castle for 1d.
Rachael goes in the Stables for 1d.
Alex goes to the foodfarm for 1vp to Michael and 1d to the bank.
Vitenka goes to the farm, for eieio.  And 1d.
Michael goes for the small quarry for 1d.
Chris puts a worker in the large quarry for 1d and 1VP to Rachael.
Rachael goes to the castle for 1d.
Alex decides it's worth going to the castle again, for 1d.
vitenka controls the vertical.  Provost for 1d.
Michael goes to the castle for 1d.
Chris goes to the Forest for 1d.
Rachael goes to the Trading Post for 1d.
Alex goes to the sawmill, for 1d.
Vitenka farms cloth, for 1d.
Michael goes into the stables for 1d.
Chris passes, taking 1d.
Rachael passes, as does Alex.
Vitenka peddles (intending cloth) for 1d.
Michael passes.
Vitenka cqackles evilly, and then realises there aren't that many places left to go.  So he goes in the gate (for 1d).  And then passes.  And uses the gate to go into the lawyer. And gives Rachael trading-post money, does stables, and moves the provost forward for free.
Chris declines to move the provost.
Rachael declines, as does Alex.
Michael declines
V declines.
Michael gets a stone, Alex gets a wood, Vitenka gets a Cloth, CH gets wood, Vitenka buys wood.
Alex finally gets round to checking the size of the dungeons, and discovers they're only six houses big. The walls are 10 and the towers 14. Eek. He still takes 2 food, and gives Chris 2 stone.
Michael builds the Workshop.
Vitenka turns the sawmill into a residence and takes two cloth.
Chris builds two batches in the castle for 10VP. This will guarantee him the most-built favour, and the scoring-favour, so he takes 2 VP and 3 cash immediately.
Rachael builds one batch for 5VP.
Alex builds one batch for 4VP (in the walls).
Michael also builds one batch in the walls for 4XP (curses, if I'd realised I'd have kept that batch for a later turn, but it's not worth losting 2VP)
Michael loses two VP as the dungeons are scored.
The Bailiff moves on 2.

Round 5 (Walls round 1)

Rachael goes in the Mason for 1d, and 1VP to Chris.
Michael goes in the quarry for 1d and 1vp to Rachael
Chris plays in the Clothfarm for 1d and 1VP to Michael, making life pleasingly symmetric.
Alex goes to the Castle for 1d.
Vitenka goes to farm food for 1d, and 1 VP to Michael.
Rachael goes in the food/cloth farm for 1d.
Michael goes into the stables for 1d
Chris goes in the Forest for 1d.
Alex goes to the Workshop for 1d, and 1VP to Michael.
Vitenka goes to the Lawyer for 1d.
Rachael goes to the small quarry for 1d.
Michael goes to the trading post for 1d
Chris goes in the Peddler for 1d.
Alex goes to the Merchant Guild for 1d.
Vitenka passes.  Gain 1d.  Do not pass inn, do not swear copiously.
Rachael passes.
Michael passes.
Chris passes, irritatingly meaning Alex gets to pass last.
Alex passes last.

Alex gives 3 money to Michael, moves the provost forward 3 spaces, and moves Michael to top of the turn order.
At the passing places, Vitenka leaves it alone, Rachael leaves it alone, Michael does likewise, Chris also, and Alex as well.
Rachael gets a stone, and a cloth <-- actually a food.
Chris takes food, and buys a stone.
Vitenka takes cloth.
Michael gets 2 stone.
Rachael builds the large farm, using a stone, and a food which AC, V and CH kindly let me retroactively get instead of a cloth from the farm a couple of lines previously.
Vitenka builds another house.
Chris takes 2 cloth.
Alex gets 2 stone and a cloth, and Michael takes a cloth.
Alex builds a batch in the castle for FWS, earning 4 VP and a favour on the building track, building the Peddler for S, earning an additional 4VP.
The Bailiff moves on 2.

Round 6 (Walls round 2)

Everyone gets income of 2, except Vitenka gets 4.
Michael goes in the Mason for 1d and 1vp to Chris.
Rachael goes in the Workshop for 1d and 1vp to Michael.
Chris goes in the Foodfarm for 1d and 1vp to Michael.
Alex goes to the Jousting field for 1d.
Vitenka goes in the big farm for 1d and 1vp to Rachael. Chris wonders why he didn't...
Michael goes in the forest for 1d
Rachael goes in the quarry for 1d.

Chris goes in the small quarry for 1d.
Alex goes to the Clothfarm for 1d, and 1vp to Michael.

Vitenka goes in the farm for 1d
Michael goes in the Lawyer for 1d and 1vp to Vitenka
Rachael goes in the Stables for 1d.
Chris goes in the Trading Post (money) for 1d.
Alex goes to the Gold Mine for 1d.
Vitenka goes to the provost control for 1d.
Michael passes and takes 1d. Rachael passes.
Chris must pass, owing to a lack of cash.
Alex passes.
Vitenka takes the castle and the efficient peddler, for 2d.  Then passes.

CH gets cash, V moves provost forwards, AC jousts for the Building-Track favour and build the Park, costing him a total of 1d and CF and gaining 3vp.
At the passing places, Michael passes, Rachael passes, Chris passes, Alex passes, and Vitenka passes.
CH gets stone, Vitenka gets cloth, M gets a food, Chris gets 2 food, Rachael gets 2 stone.
Michael builds the Alchemist for SF
Michael builds the residence over the farm for 1d and a cloth.
Alex takes 2 cloth
Rachael gets SSC, M gets C
V gets FFC, R gets F
Alex gets a gold, Vitenka buys wood and food (for 2d)
Vitenka builds a batch in the castle, for FWC, gaining 5vp and a favour, which goes to the cash track for 3d.

Round 7 (Walls round 3 & final)

Rachael goes to the castle for 1d.
Michael goes in the farm for 1d and 1vp to Rachael.
Chris goes in the Workshop for 1d and 1vp to Michael.
Alex goes in the Mason, for 1d and 1vp to Chris.
Vitenka goes in the cloth farm, for 1d and 1VP to AK.
Rachael goes in the food farm, for 1d and 1VP to AK.
Michael goes in the merchant Guild for 1d.
Chris goes in the castle for 1d.
Alex goes in the Gold Mine for 1d.
Vitenka goes to the Quarry, for 1d and 1VP to Rachael.
Rachael goes to the Forest for 1d.
Michael goes in the park, for 1d and 1VP to Alex
Chris goes in the Stables, for 1d.
Alex goes to the Trading Post for 1d.
Vitenka goes to the jousting field for 1d.
Rachael goes to the good Peddler for 1d.
Michael goes to the castle for 1d
Chris goes in the expensive Peddler for 1d.
Alex goes to the second spot of the Stables for 1d.
Vitenka passes.  Stupid inn.  (Gains 1d) Rachael passes.
Michael goes in his own alchemist for 1d.
Chris passes, as does Alex.
Michael's forced to pass, there being no more of his own buildings available and he only having 3 money.

Alex gets 3d.
Michael moves the provost forward 3.
Vitenka jousts for 1VP
Chris and Alex move up the turn order
Vitenka leaves the provost alone, as does Rachael, and Chris (since the people who want it forward are still to come...), and Alex. Michael is assumed to, since he has no reason to move it.
Rachael takes W, C buys cloth. Rachael takes FF, V gets SS.
Alex uses the Mason to build the Church for SC. His favour is on the building track to build a Residence for his remaining C. Total gain of 5 VPs.
Vitenka gets CC, CH gets SSC and M gets a stone.
M gets FFC, R gets a F
Alex gets a gold
Rachael buys 2 cloth from the Peddler for 2d.
Michael gets WWF from the Park; Alex gets bonus W.
Michael swaps two stone, a wood and a cloth for two gold.
Rachael builds 3 castle batches for 12VP.
Chris builds 3 batches for 12 VP, finishing the walls.
Michael builds one batch in the castle (towers) for 3VP.
Rachael wins the castle favour for this round, and moves up the Building track.
Move bailiff on; score walls.

Scoring walls

In turn order:
Chris has 3 batches, giving him 2 favours. He takes 3 VP and 4 cash.
Alex has 2 batches, giving him 1 favour. He builds the Bank using his wood, for 6 VP.
Rachael has 3 batches, giving her 2 favours. She takes 4 cash, and builds the Sawmill using food for 2VP.
Michael and Vitenka each have one batch in the walls -> no favours.

Round 8 (Towers round 1)

Chris plays in the Lawyer for 1d and 1VP to Vitenka.
Alex goes to the Workshop for 1d and 1VP to Michael.
Rachael goes to the goldmine for 1d.
M goes in the park for 1d and 1VP to Alex
Vitenka goes in Rachael's farm for 1d and 1VP to Rachael.
Chris goes in the Peddler for 1d and 1VP to Alex.
Alex goes to Rachael's quarry for 1d and 1VP to Rachael.
Rachael goes to the Foodfarm for 1d and 1VP to Michael.
Michael goes in the clothfarm for 1d.
Vitenka goes in the jousting field for 1d.
Chris plays in the Forest for 1d.
Alex goes to the Gate for 1d.
Rachael goes to the Castle for 1d.
Michael goes in the stables for 1d
Vitenka takes the provosty thingy, for a d.
Chris plays in the small Quarry for 1d.
Alex goes to the Trading Post for 1d.
Rachael passes and claims 1d.
Michael passes
Vitenka goes in the sawmill for 1d and 1VP to Rachael.
Chris passes.
Alex passes.
Vitenka goes to the Church for 1d and 1VP to Alex.
Then V passes.

Alex sends his Gate worker to the Stables.
Alex gets 3 money.
Vitenka sends the provost forward 3.
Vitenka jousts for VP.
Michael, then Alex, shuffle up the turn order.
At the passing places, Rachael does nothing, Michael does nothing, Chris does nothing, Alex does nothing, and Vitenka .
Chris takes stone and wood. Rachael gets FF, Alex gets SS.
Chris replaces the expensive peddler with a Residence.
M takes CC
A gets SSC, and M takes a S
V gets FFC, R takes C
R takes Gold
CH buys Food and Stone from the Peddler
Michael gets WWF from the Park; AC gets bonus F
V spends 2d in the church for 3vp
V gets WW from the Sawmill
R builds one batch in the castle for 3vp. She takes a favour on the building track and builds the Architect for 6vp.

Round 9 (Towers round 2)

M goes on the gold mine for 1d
A goes on the Farm for 1d and 1VP to Rachael.
C goes in the Park for 1d and 1VP to Alex.
R goes in the Lawyer for 1d and 1VP to Vitenka.
V goes in the alchemist.
M goes in the Workshop for 1d.
A goes in the Bank for 1d.
C goes in stables slot 1 for 1d.
R goes in her own Quarry for 1d.
V goes in the architect, for 1d and 1VP to Rachael.
M goes in the Merchant's Guild (Provost control) for 1d
A goes in the Small Quarry for 1d.
(For those interested, a graphical snapshot of the game at this point may be seen [here].)
C goes in the Trading Post for 1d.
R goes in the jousting field for 1d.
V goes to the gate for 1d.
M goes in the stables for 1d
A goes in the Clothfarm for 1d and 1VP to Michael.
C goes in the Foodfarm for 1d and 1VP to Michael.
R passes and takes 1d.
V passes, and fumes.
M passes
A and C pass.

V's gated worker goes to the Castle.
C gets 3 money.
M moves the provost back 3
R jousts and gets 5d.
C and M move into 1st and 2nd place in the turn order
R doesn't pay to move provost
V pays one to bump it to the alchemist.
M doesn't pay to move provost
A pays 3 to move the provost forward 3.
C sadly has to pay 2 to move the provost back 2 (at which A goes Bah).

A gets Stone.
C takes 2 Food.
R gets 2 Stone
R crossly fails to build a residence as she failed to have any cloth.
A takes CC from the Clothfarm.
M gets SSC.
A gets FFC, R gets a bonus C.
M gets gold.
C gets WWF, A gets bonus W
V takes a single G from the alchemist, paying cloth and stone.
V builds a single batch in the castle (Food+Cloth+Wood) for cash.

The bailiff moves on 1.

Round 10 (Towers round 3)

People get their income (4 to V, 3 to M, C and A, 2 to R).
C goes in Gold Mine for 1d.
M goes in the Stables for 1d.
A goes in the Park for 1d.
R goes in the Bank for 1d and 1VP to Alex.
Vitenka jousts, for 1d
After much deliberation, C goes in the Architect for 1d and 1VP to Rachael.
M goes in the Workshop for 1d
A goes in the Alchemist for 1d and 1VP to Michael.
R goes to the Lawyer for 1d and 1VP to Vitenka.
V wibbles viciously passes.
C feels he must pay 2d to go in the Merchants' Guild
M goes in the trading post for 2d.
A goes in the Gate for 2d.
R goes in her own Quarry for 1d.
C remembers the "own building" rule, checks stuff, and goes in his own Mason for 1d
M passes.
A passes.
R goes in her own Farm for 1d.
C passes (forced)
R goes in her own Sawmill for 1d.
R passes.
A Gates to the Castle.
M gets 3 money.
C moves the Provost on 3 from the Guild.
V jousts for 3 VP.
M goes to top of turn order.
V stays in the Inn (I assume?) and also leaves the provost alone.
M leaves the provost alone, as does A, as does C (being broke), as does R (it's tempting to thwart Chris, but then I couldn't afford my gold)
R gets 2 stone.
C builds the other Architect for 6vp.
R builds a Residence for 1d + cloth
M gets SSC, R gets FFC
C gets gold
A gets WWF
A alchemists WFFC -> GG.
R buys 2 gold in the bank for 5d.
C builds the Library for WWWG and gets 10VP.
A builds 1 batch of FWC for 3vp. With his favour, he builds... the Cathedral.

Round 11 (Towers round 4 and final)

People get their income (4 to V, 3 to M, R and C, 2 to A).
M goes in the Architect for 1d and 1VP to R
C goes in the Castle, for 1d.
A goes in the Lawyer, for 1d and 1VP to Vitenka.
R goes to the other Architect, for 1d and 1VP to Chris.
V jousts, for 1d.
M goes in the Castle for 1d.
C goes in the Clothfarm, for 1d and 1VP to M.
A goes in the Workshop, for 1d and 1VP to M.
R goes in the Merchant Guild (provost) for 1d.
V grabs some giant pandas, for 1d.  And, annoyingly, a point to Alex.
M goes in the Gold Mine for 1d.
C goes in the Sawmill for 1d and 1VP to Rachael.
A goes in the Castle for 1d.
R goes in the Castle for 1d.
V goes in the church for 1d (and two workers due to a start-of-round mistake) and 1VP to.. dammit, Alex again.
M goes in the farm for 1d and 1vp to Rachael
V will go in the quarry for 1d and 1VP to Rachael.  I'd like to be able to build all 5 batches, but I doubt there'll be room in the castle.  My reasoning, thus, is that I gave points to alex, and my other action, to buy gold, would give him MORE points.  (And I'd have to buy less influence at the church to afford gold, though it is worth SOME points, batches are worth more.)
M goes in the foodfarm for 1d
V WILL spend a worker in the castle, dammit.
M goes in the alchemist for 1d
V passes due to lack of workers, M likewise
R moves provost forward.
V jousts, spending 1d and cloth for 4 VP.  Veee!  Pee!
C moves the provost back.
A can't afford to move the provost.
R can't afford to move the provost.
V moves it back for 1d, and curses that he didn't think to take money instead of VP at the joust.  Ah well.
M pays 1d to move the provost forward one
Really? If everyone moves it back as much as possible, I think we'll deprive Rachael of her action, but not you of yours. --CH
M gets FF from the foodfarm
V gets SS from the Quarry
At the Lawyer, A spends 1d and cloth to overbuild his Peddler, and gets 2VP.
C takes CC from the clothfarm, in order to have 3 batches in the castle.
Alex gets SSC from Workshop, M gets bonus stone
M gets FFC, R gets bonus C
M gets gold
V gets WWF from Park; A gets bonus F
M changes FFFC for two gold at the Alchemist
V donates 4d for 5vp in the church
C gets WW from the Sawmill
M builds the Hotel for SSSGG
R builds the Statue for SSG, getting 7VP and a favour, which she uses to build another Residence for 2VP.

In the Castle:
C builds three batches in the castle (FSC, FSW, FCW) for 9VP
M builds four batches for 12VP.
A builds one batch for 3VP.
R builds one batch for 3VP.
V builds one batch for 3VP (due to the towers being full).
M gets a favour for most batches: Building Track (nothing)

Scoring the Towers

M has 5 batches and gets 2 favours: Build the Marketplace for a stone (4VP)  and VP track (1VP)
C has 3 batches and gets 1 favour: 4 VP.
A has 2 batches and gets 1 favour:  Build the Tailor for a wood (6VP)
R has 2 batches and gets 1 favour: Build the University for SSSGG (14VP)
R uses the bonus favour for 1VP
V has 2 batches and gets 1 favour: 5VP

M gets 12VP (4 Gold)
C gets 0VP
A gets 4 VP(1 Gold and 3 cubes)
R gets 0VP
V gets 6VP (1 Gold and 11 cubes (only 9 score))

Future actions:
C is due at least one favour this round (2 batches in scoring), and will take VP.
A will use his scoring favour to build the Tailor.
R will use her one towers-scoring favour to build the University. The favour from the University will be a VP (or 6 money or a cube; each is worth 1VP to me).
V will build as many batches as there will be room for.  Seriously, I can build FWS 4 times and FCS once.  Favours will be spent on VP I guess.

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Last edited September 30, 2008 12:55 pm (viewing revision 436, which is the newest) (diff)