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A small cafe near JesusCollege in Cambridge.

Also a relationship distributer.  People tend to only go here in pairs, when they are either trying to start or end one.
I dispute this, having on numerous occasions been in larger groups than that.  At least twice. --MikeJeggo
PeterTaylor has also been invited there as part of a larger group on numerous occasions, when HispSoc? conversation evenings were held there.
Hmmm... Of the one relationships I have ever been involved in ending, about 0.5 ended here. Having said that, I've been quite a lot, for other reasons (it was the preferred coffee shop of my group of friends at 6th form, for a start). --TI
Ladies and gentlemen, it's time to play a variant on everybody's favourite game! It's SpotThePureMathmo?!

I quite frequently meet my SO? there.... --Senji

Counts as a CategoryEatingPlace on account of its selling nice-ish pasta, and very nice cakes and ice creams.

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Last edited June 16, 2004 4:37 pm (viewing revision 8, which is the newest) (diff)