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In contrast to the /ThreeThreePointInvasion, this method of attacking the corner commonly appears very early in games.  I'm sure it has a better name than the above, simply because it is a very common move.  Any ideas?

You'd call that a 'knight's move approach', or a 'keima kakari' if you wanted to sound Japanese.


(Black to play)

How best should black defend?

Vitenka's attempt:

On general principles, I'd try this one.


Which leads to a whole host of possible whte replies.  Many of which I find hard to draw ;)




Hmmm...  I'm probably all wrong, but they sure LOOK pretty.

Which is, ironically, sometimes not a bad way of judging your position :) (admittedly for some given value of 'pretty' ^^;) Kazuhiko

(MoonShadow's stuff snipped. MoonShadow turns out to be rather pants at transcribing Go boards ^^;)

The following came from the /Playing page.  We need to join this into the discussion.  I'll probably come back to it shortly.

Of course, it's only in comparison that I realise that MoonShadow shifted the whole thing one row and column closer to the edge.  Hmm.  Do we want to continue the below conversation here or elsewhere?


-- Vitenka I'd suggest b - it seems to hem in most lines of attack, whilst pushing black towards the edge.

I think I would then respond with c, looking to separate the two whites.  b might become dangerous later but white would have to concentrate on the white close to the corner for a while to prevent it being killed. -- Kazuhiko

Well, I see d as a pretty strong followup - you don't have a unit, but you're looking to surround anything black creates to stop you getting one.  Playing straight to d might be better than b in the first place though.  Don't ask me.  -- Vitenka

Playing at b first gives us:


Hmm.  White looks very strong in the lower left.  Depending on the rest of the board, I think I might play a and try to get some of the corner.

Playing at d first would give us:


I'm not sure what to do here.  I'd like to play a, but that seems a little too stretched.  On the other hand b seems way too conservative and would effectively be giving the corner to white.

If Black played a, what would White do? If White responds at b, then it seems the sequence could go:


And then Black could play any of the a's to defend stones 1 and 3, and seems to be doing OK at stopping White taking the corner.  White can't play b.  On the other hand, Black is quite tight against the wall...  --AlexChurchill

Black can now grab the corner, but I don't think it can make significant eyespace.


1 is, I think, suicidal.  2 is overstretched (white would then play 3 to cut).  3 is resigning black to a single eye in the corner, although a secure one I believe.  It is then up to black to escape to the left and get another eye and white to stop him. -- Kazuhiko

(MoonShadow: 1..5 reading to see what a cut at 3 would look like)

Interesting - the two in the corner are lost, it still looks bad for black, but not as bad as 'play to cut' made is seem - what am I missing here?

MoonShadow: the two white in the corner are very much alive, as 6..8 show. The corner is white's, although there's not many points in it. Oh, and the go markup doesn't seem to be very happy with labelling lefthand edge pieces - I'll have to look into that tonight..

Also - what happens if black  responds with d rather than c?  (on the 'play wherever your oppoent is about to' principle)


I think e or f looks like whites best bet now, but it doesn't look as strong (for white) to me as if black takes c.  Again - what am I missing?

e or f? You mean 5 or 6? I'd say white's move depends on whether white wants to keep the corner, extend right or extend down. - MoonShadow

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Last edited May 9, 2003 3:06 pm (viewing revision 27, which is the newest) (diff)