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Available for DreamCast onwards (including PC) - if it can get online, it can play.

Over the shoulder 3d view, ThirdPerson? RougueClone?.

Prefab dungeons (some outdoors) with a 'room by room' setup (notably, monsters cannot exit their rooms) and a 'get key to progress' type of puzzle system.

A built in LobbySystem? gives access to groups of up to four players to take on the game simultaneously.

A simplistic power gain system is complemented by a 'level up your pet by feeding it items' system, which allows additional customisation.

A good old basic 'whack monsters and get treasure' type game.  But multiplayer.  And 3d.  It looked shiny as all getout on the DreamCast, but is showing its age now.

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Last edited March 27, 2003 1:02 pm (viewing revision 2, which is the newest) (diff)