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See Qqzm/AgricolaStartingHandGenerator

option::= include = Qqzm/AgricolaStartingHandGenerator
deck::= "Easy (E) Deck"

occupation_1::= baker | brushmaker | carpenter | chief | chiefsdaughter | claydeliveryman | claymixer | conservator | dockworker | grocer | guildmaster | hedgekeeper | lordofthemanor | maid | mason | masterbrewer | masterbuilder | meatseller | mendicant | merchant | mushroomcollector | ploughdriver | ploughmaker | renovator | seasonalworker | stablehand | stablemaster | stonecarrier | tutor | woodcutter

occupation_3::= academic | baker | berrypicker | braggart | breadseller | brushmaker | carpenter | charcoalburner | chief | chiefsdaughter | claydeliveryman | claymixer | conservator | dockworker | estatemanager | fisherman | greengrocer | grocer | guildmaster | hedgekeeper | landagent | lordofthemanor | maid | mason | masterbrewer | masterbuilder | meatseller | mendicant | merchant | mushroomcollector | ploughdriver | ploughmaker | potter | quarryman | ratcatcher | reedcollector | reeve | renovator | seasonalworker | stablehand | stablemaster | stonecarrier | stonecutter | thatcher | turner | tutor | woodcutter | woodenhutbuilder | yeomanfarmer

occupation_4::= academic | animalkeeper | baker | basketweaver | berrypicker | braggart | breadseller | brushmaker | carpenter | cattlewhisperer | charcoalburner | chief | chiefsdaughter | claydeliveryman | clayfirer | claymixer | clayseller | conjurer | conservator | cook | dancer | dockworker | estatemanager | farmer | fieldwarden | fisherman | greengrocer | grocer | guildmaster | headofthefamily | hedgekeeper | hobbyfarmer | hutbuilder | landagent | lordofthemanor | maid | mason | masterbaker | masterbrewer | masterbuilder | masterforester | mastershepherd | meatseller | mendicant | merchant | mushroomcollector | pastor | patron | ploughdriver | ploughmaker | potter | quarryman | ratcatcher | reedcollector | reeve | renovator | seasonalworker | shepherd | stablehand | stablemaster | stockman | stonecarrier | stonecutter | storyteller | swineherd | tenantfarmer | thatcher | turner | tutor | undergardener | woodcutter | woodenhutbuilder | yeomanfarmer

minorimprovement::= animalpen | animalyard | axe | bakersoven | bakingtray | basket | beanfield | builderstrowel | buildingmaterial | butterchurn | canoe | carppond | cattlemarket | ceramics | clayroof | claysupports | clogs | cornscoop | dovecote | drinkingtrough | feedpellets | field | fishingrod | fruittree | gypsyscrock | halftimberedhouse | helpfulneighbours | lettucepatch | madonnastatue | manger | marketstall | millstone | minipasture | outhouse | plane | potatodibber | privateforest | quarry | raft | reedpond | ridingplough | sackcart | shepherdspipe | simplefireplace | spices | spindle | stable | stonehouseextension | stonetongs | turnwrestplough | windmill | woodfiredoven | writingdesk

academic::= "Academic This card counts as 2 Occupations for Minor Improvements and when scoring the “Reeve” Occupation card. "
animalkeeper::= "Animal Keeper You can keep Sheep, Wild boar and Cattle in the same pasture. This applies to all your pastures (except the Forest Pasture). "
baker::= "Baker During each Harvest, you may Bake bread at the start of the Feeding Phase if you have an improvement with the Baking symbol. When you play this card, you may Bake bread as an additional action. "
basketweaver::= "Basketweaver In each Harvest, the Basketweaver can convert up to 1 Reed to 3 Food. "
berrypicker::= "Berry Picker Whenever you use a Family member’s action to take Wood, take an additional 1 Food. "
braggart::= "Braggart At the end of the game, you receive 1/3/5/7/9 Bonus points for having 5/6/7/8/9+ Improvements in front of you. "
breadseller::= "Bread Seller You receive 1 Food from the supply for each Grain that is baked whenever any player (including you) Bakes bread. (To Bake you need a Baking Improvement with the Bake symbol.) "
brushmaker::= "Brush Maker When you convert Wild boar to Food, you can choose to place the boar on this card. At the end of the game, you receive 1/2/3 Bonus points for 2/3/4 slaughtered Wild boar. "
carpenter::= "Carpenter To extend your home, you need only 3 of the appropriate resource and 2 Reed for each new room. (For example if you live in a Wooden hut, you need 3 Wood and 2 Reed.) "
cattlewhisperer::= "Cattle Whisperer Add 5 and 9 to the number of the current round. Place 1 Cattle on each corresponding Round spaces. At the start of these Rounds, you receive the Cattle. "
charcoalburner::= "Charcoal Burner You receive 1 Food and 1 Wood whenever any player (including you) builds a Baking Improvement with a Bake symbol. "
chief::= "Chief At the end of the game, you receive 1 Bonus point for each room in your Stone house. (In total, you receive 3 points per room instead of 2.) Playing this card costs an additional 2 Food. "
chiefsdaughter::= "Chief’s Daughter If another player plays the “Chief” card, you can play this card immediately at no cost. (You can also play it using an Action space in the usual way.) At the end of the game, you receive 3 Bonus points if you have a Stone house, 1 if you have a Clay hut. "
claydeliveryman::= "Clay Deliveryman Place 1 Clay on each of the spaces for Rounds 6 to 14. At the start of these Rounds, you receive the Clay. "
clayfirer::= "Clay Firer You can use the Clay Firer at any time to convert 2/3 Clay to 1/2 Stone. "
claymixer::= "Clay Mixer Whenever one of your people’s actions gives you only Clay, you receive 2 additional Clay. "
clayseller::= "Clay Seller You can use the Clay Seller to convert: 2 Clay to 1 Sheep or 1 Reed, 3 Clay to 1 Wild boar or 1 Stone, and/or 4 Clay to 1 Cattle at any time. "
conjurer::= "Conjurer Whenever you use the “Traveling Players” action on an Action space, you receive 1 Grain in addition to the Food. "
conservator::= "Conservator You can renovate your Wooden hut to a Stone house without first needing to renovate it to a Clay hut. "
cook::= "Cook In the Feeding Phase of each Harvest, only 2 of your people eat 2 Food each; all others are satisfied with only 1 Food. "
dancer::= "Dancer Whenever you use the “Traveling Players” action on an Action space, you receive at least 4 Food. (If there are 1 to 3 Food on the space, take food from the general supply until you total 4 Food.) "
dockworker::= "Dock Worker At any time, you can use the Dock Worker to convert 3 Wood to either 1 Clay, 1 Reed or 1 Stone, or to convert 2 Clay, 2 Reed or 2 Stone to one other building resource. "
estatemanager::= "Estate Manager At the end of a 3/4/5 player game, if no player has more animals of any type than you, you receive 2/3/4 Bonus points. "
farmer::= "Farmer The next time you build fences, take 1 Wild boar. Each time you build at least 1 fence after that, take 1 Cattle. "
fieldwarden::= "Field Warden You can use the “Take 1 vegetable”, “Plough fields”, and “Plough fields and/or Sow” actions even if another player has placed a person on the space"
fisherman::= "Fisherman Whenever you use the “Fishing” Action space, you can choose to take twice as much Food as is on the space. If you do this, you must give 1 Food to each player who has one of the Fishing Rod, Raft, Canoe, Fish Trap , and Landing Net."
greengrocer::= "Greengrocer Whenever you use the “Take 1 Grain” Action space, you also receive 1 Vegetable. "
grocer::= "Grocer Pile (from bottom to top) 1 Vegetable, Reed, Clay, Wood, Vegetable, Stone, Grain, Reed on this card. At any time, you may buy the top item for 1 Food. "
guildmaster::= "Guildmaster You receive 4 Wood when you acquire the Joinery or play the Cabinetmaker. When you acquire the Pottery or play the Potter, you receive 4 Clay. When you acquire the Basketmaker’s Workshop or play the Basketmaker, you receive 3 Reed. If you have already played any of these cards when you play the Guildmaster, you receive 2 building resources of the appropriate type for each existing card. "
headofthefamily::= "Head of the Family You can use any Build room(s) or Family growth Action space, even if another player has already placed a person on it. "
hedgekeeper::= "Hedge Keeper Whenever you build at least 1 Fence, you can build up to 3 additional Fences without paying any additional Wood. (You can only place fences if they enclose a complete pasture.) "
hobbyfarmer::= "Hobby Farmer When you play this card, take 1 Vegetable that you may Sow immediately if you have an empty field. (You can Sow just this one Vegetable with this extra action.) "
hutbuilder::= "Hut Builder Play this card during Stage 1. At the start of Round 11, you can extend your hut by 1 room at no cost, as long as you have not yet renovated to a Stone house. "
landagent::= "Land Agent Whenever you use the “Take 1 Vegetable” Action space, also receive 1 Grain. When you play this card, you receive 1 Vegetable from the supply. "
lordofthemanor::= "Lord of the Manor At the end of the game, you receive 1 bonus point in each scoring category where you have scored the maximum 4 points. (The bonus point is also awarded for 4 fenced stables.) "
maid::= "Maid Once you have built a Clay hut, place 1 Food on each remaining Round space. At the start of these Rounds, you receive the Food. (If you already have a Clay hut or a Stone house when you play this card, place the Food immediately) "
mason::= "Mason Once during the game, at any time after your Stone house reaches at least 4 rooms, you may extend it by 1 room at no cost. "
masterbaker::= "Master Baker Whenever another player Bakes bread, you can Bake bread if you have a Baking improvement with the Bake symbol. If you take a Bake action yourself (not using the card), you receive 1 additional Food. "
masterbrewer::= "Master Brewer In the Feeding Phase of each Harvest, the Master Brewer can convert up to 1 Grain to 3 Food. "
masterbuilder::= "Master Builder Once during the game, at any time after your home reaches at least 5 rooms, you may extend it by 1 room at no cost. "
masterforester::= "Master Forester Introduce the “2 Wood” action card from the 3-player game as an additional forest. At the start of each round, place 2 Wood on the card. Any player who uses this action must pay you 2 Food. "
mastershepherd::= "Master Shepherd Place 1 Sheep on each of the next 3 Round spaces. At the start of these rounds, you receive the Sheep. "
meatseller::= "Meat Seller If you have an Oven, you can convert your animals into Food at any time. Take 2 Food for each Sheep, 3 for each Wild boar and 4 for each Cattle. "
mendicant::= "Mendicant At the end of the game, you can discard up to 2 Begging cards without losing points for them. "
merchant::= "Merchant Whenever you use a “Minor Improvement” or “Minor or Major Improvement” action, you can pay 1 Food to use the action a second time. "
mushroomcollector::= "Mushroom Collector Whenever you use a Family member’s action to take Wood from an Action space, you can leave 1 Wood on the space and take 2 Food in exchange. "
pastor::= "Pastor If, when you play this card or later in the game, you are the last player to have only 2 rooms in your home, you receive 3 Wood, 2 Clay, 1 Reed and 1 Stone. "
patron::= "Patron In the future, whenever you play an Occupation, you receive 2 Food before you pay the costs of the Occupation. "
ploughdriver::= "Plough Driver Once you have a Stone house, you can pay 1 Food at the start of each round to Plough (at most) 1 Field. "
ploughmaker::= "Plough Maker Whenever you use either of the “Plough 1 Field” or “Plough 1 Field and/or Sow” Action spaces, you can pay 1 Food to Plough 1 additional Field. "
potter::= "Potter In each Harvest, the Potter can convert up to 1 Clay to 2 Food. "
quarryman::= "Quarryman You can use the Quarryman at any time to convert Stone to Food. For each Stone you convert, take 2 Food. "
ratcatcher::= "Ratcatcher In rounds 10 and 12, all other players may not place 1 of their family’s Offspring (if they have any). (You yourself may place all your family members.) This card may only be played until the end of Round 9. "
reedcollector::= "Reed Collector Place 1 Reed on each of the next 4 Round spaces. At the start of these rounds, you receive the Reed. "
reeve::= "Reeve Take 1/2/3/4 Wood if there are still 1/3/6/9 Rounds to play. At the end of the game, all players with the most played Occupation cards receive 3 bonus points. "
renovator::= "Renovator Pay 2 less Clay to renovate to a Clay hut and pay 2 less Stone to renovate to a Stone house. "
seasonalworker::= "Seasonal Worker Whenever you use the “Day Labourer” Action space, you receive 1 additional Grain. From Round 6, you can choose to receive 1 Vegetable instead. "
shepherd::= "Shepherd During each Harvest, if you have at least 4 Sheep during the Breeding phase, you receive 2 lambs instead of 1 as long as you have room for them. "
stablehand::= "Stablehand Whenever you build at least 1 Fence, you also receive 1 stable which you must build immediately. (This may be built inside or outside the fenced area.) (You do not need to pay any wood for the stable.) "
stablemaster::= "Stablemaster One (and only one) of your unfenced stables may hold up to 3 animals of the same type. "
stockman::= "Stockman You receive 1 Cattle when you build your second stable, 1 Wild boar when you build your third and 1 Sheep when you build your fourth. (If you build several stables at once, you may be entitled to take several animals at once.) "
stonecarrier::= "Stone Carrier Whenever you take Stone with an action, you can also take 1 additional Stone. If you also receive other building resources, this costs you 1 Food. "
stonecutter::= "Stonecutter All improvements, Rooms and Renovations cost 1 Stone less. "
storyteller::= "Storyteller Whenever you use the “Traveling Players” action on an Action space, you can leave 1 Food on the space and take 1 Vegetable instead. "
swineherd::= "Swineherd Whenever you use the “Wild boar” Action space, you receive 1 additional Wild boar from the general supply. "
tenantfarmer::= "Tenant Farmer You immediately receive a loan of one of each type of animal. Before scoring, return the 3 animals. For each animal that you cannot or do not want to return, you lose 1 point. "
thatcher::= "Thatcher Pay 1 Reed less to Build each room, for each Renovation, and each of the Water Mill, Half-timbered House, Chicken Coop, Holiday House, Mansion and Corn Storehouse. "
turner::= "Turner At any time, you can use the Turner to convert any number of Wood to 1 Food each. "
tutor::= "Tutor At the end of the game, you receive 1 Bonus point for each Occupation that you play after this one. "
undergardener::= "Undergardener Whenever you use the “Day Labourer” Action space, you also receive 1 Vegetable. "
woodcutter::= "Woodcutter You receive 1 additional Wood whenever you use a family member’s action to take Wood. "
woodenhutbuilder::= "Wooden Hut Builder At the end of the game, you receive 1 bonus point for each room in your Wooden hut. "
yeomanfarmer::= "Yeoman Farmer At the end of the game, you only lose points for unused spaces and Begging cards. "

animalpen::= "Animal Pen (1VP, 2 Wood, 4 Occupations) Place 2 Food on each remaining Round space. At the start of each Round, you receive the Food."
animalyard::= "Animal Yard (1VP, 2 Wood, 1 Occupation) You can place up to two animals of your choice on this card. They need not be the same type of animal. (This card does not count as a pasture for scoring.)"
axe::= "Axe (0VPs, 1 Wood + 1 Stone, None) Whenever you add a room to your Wooden hut, you only pay 2 Wood and 2 Reed."
bakersoven::= "Baker’s Oven (3VPs, None, Return an Oven) Whenever you use the “Bake bread” action, you can use the Baker’s Oven to convert up to 2 Grain into 5 Food each. Additionally, when you play this card, you can also you receive the “Bake bread” Action."

bakingtray::= "Baking Tray (0VPs, 1 Wood, None) Clay Ovens and Stone Ovens are Minor Improvements for you. Clay, Stone and Wood-fired Ovens cost you 1 resource (of your choice) less."
basket::= "Basket (0VPs, 1 Reed, None) Whenever you use a person’s action to take Wood from an Action space, you can leave 2 of the Wood on the Action space and receive 3 Food in exchange."
beanfield::= "Beanfield (1VP, None, 2 Occupations) When you Sow, you can plant Vegetables on this card as though it were a Field. (This card does not count as a Field when scoring.)"
builderstrowel::= "Builder’s Trowel (0VPs, 1 Wood, None) You can Renovate your Wooden hut to a Clay hut at any time, without using a “Renovate” action. (You must still pay for the Renovation.)"
buildingmaterial::= "Building Material (0VPs, None, None) You receive either 1 Wood or 1 Clay when you play this card. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to his/her hand."
butterchurn::= "Butter Churn (0VPs, 2 Wood, None) Whenever you have Sheep during the Field phase of a Harvest, you receive 1 Food for each third Sheep. Whenever you have Cattle during the Field phase, you receive 1 Food for each second Cattle."
canoe::= "Canoe (1VP, 2 Wood, 2 Occupations) Whenever you use the “Fishing” Action space, you receive an additional 1 Food and 1 Reed."
carppond::= "Carp Pond (1VP, None, 1 Occupation & 2 Improvements) Place 1 Food on each remaining odd-numbered Round space. At the start of these rounds, you receive the Food."
cattlemarket::= "Cattle Market (0VPs, 1 Sheep, None) When you play this card, return 1 Sheep to the supply and take 1 Cattle. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to his/her hand."
ceramics::= "Ceramics (0VPs, 1 Clay, Have 1 Oven) When you play this card, you receive 2 Food. From now, the Pottery is a Minor Improvement for you and costs you nothing. "
clayroof::= "Clay Roof (1VP, None, 3 Occupations) You can replace 1 or 2 Reed with the same amount of Clay whenever you extend or renovate your home. "
claysupports::= "Clay Supports (0VPs, 2 Wood, None) Whenever you add a room to your Clay hut, you can pay 2 Clay, 1 Wood and 1 Reed instead of 5 Clay and 2 Reed. "
clogs::= "Clogs (0VPs, 1 Wood, None) At the end of the game, you receive 1 bonus point for a Clay hut, or 2 Bonus points for a Stone house. "
cornscoop::= "Corn Scoop (0VPs, 1 Wood, None) Whenever you use the “Take 1 Grain” Action space, you receive 1 additional Grain. "
dovecote::= "Dovecote (2VPs, 2 Stone, None) Place 1 Food each on the spaces for rounds 10 to 14. At the start of these rounds, you receive the Food. "
drinkingtrough::= "Drinking Trough (1VP, 2 Wood, None) Each pasture (with or without a stable) can hold up to 2 more animals. "
feedpellets::= "Feed Pellets (0VPs, None, None) During the Feeding Phase of each Harvest, you may trade 1 Vegetable for 1 of any type of Animal that you already have in your farmyard. "
field::= "Field (0VPs, 1 Food, None) When you play this card, immediately Plough 1 Field. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to his/her hand. "
fishingrod::= "Fishing Rod (0VPs, 1 Wood, None) Whenever you use the “Fishing” Action space, you receive 1 additional Food. From Round 8, you receive 2 additional Food. "
fruittree::= "Fruit Tree (1VP, None, 3 Occupations) Place 1 Food on each remaining Round space for Rounds 8 to 14. At the start of these rounds, you receive the Food. "
gypsyscrock::= "Gypsy’s Crock (1VP, 2 Clay, None) Whenever you convert any 2 goods to Food at one time using a Fireplace, Cooking Hearth or Cooking Corner, you receive 1 additional Food. "
halftimberedhouse::= "Half-timbered House (0VPs, 1 Wood + 1 Clay + 1 Reed + 2 Stone, None) At the end of the game, you receive 1 bonus point for each room in your Stone house. (In total, you receive 3 points instead of 2 per room.) (If you have played the Mansion, you do not score extra points for having the Half-timbered House.) "
helpfulneighbours::= "Helpful Neighbours (0VPs, 1 Wood OR 1 Clay, None) When you play this card, take either 1 Stone or 1 Reed. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to his/her hand. "
lettucepatch::= "Lettuce Patch (1VP, None, 3 Occupations) On this card, you can plant Vegetables as you would on a Field. Vegetables on this Field can be converted to 4 Food when Harvested. (This card does not count as a Field when scoring.) "
madonnastatue::= "Madonna Statue (2VPs, Remove 2 played Improvements, None) The Madonna Statue has no effect. (You must discard 2 improvements that are on the table in front of you. You may not discard cards from your hand. It is irrelevant whether you discard Major or Minor Improvements.) "
manger::= "Manger (0VPs, 2 Wood, None) At the end of the game, if your pastures occupy 6/7/8/9+ farmyard spaces, you receive 1/2/3/4 bonus points. "
marketstall::= "Market Stall (0VPs, 1 Grain, None) When you play this card, you receive 1 Vegetable. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to his/her hand. "
millstone::= "Millstone (0VPs, 1 Stone, None) Whenever you bake 1 or more Grain into bread, you receive 2 additional Food. "
minipasture::= "Mini Pasture (0VPs, 2 Food, None) When you play this card, immediately Fence one space in your farmyard. After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to his/her hand. (You do not need to pay Wood for the Fences.) "
outhouse::= "Outhouse (2VPs, 1 Wood + 1 Clay, See description) The Outhouse has no effect. You can only build it if at least one other player has fewer than 2 Occupations. (It is irrelevant how many Occupations you have played.) "
plane::= "Plane (0VPs, 1 Wood, None) Whenever you turn 1 Wood into Food using the Joinery, Sawmill or Cabinetmaker, you receive 1 additional Food. You can choose instead to turn a second Wood into exactly 2 Food. "
potatodibber::= "Potato Dibber (0VPs, 1 Wood, None) Whenever you sow Fields with Vegetables, place 1 additional Vegetable on each field that you Sow. "
privateforest::= "Private Forest (0VPs, 2 Food, None) Place 1 Wood on each remaining even-numbered Round space. At the start of these rounds, you receive the Wood. "
quarry::= "Quarry (2VPs, None, 4 Occupations) Whenever you use the “Day Labourer” Action space, you receive an additional 3 Stone. "
raft::= "Raft (1VP, 2 Wood, None) Whenever you use the “Fishing” Action space, you receive an additional 1 Food or 1 Reed. "
reedpond::= "Reed Pond (1VP, None, 3 Occupations) Place 1 Reed each on the next 3 Round spaces. At the start of each Round, you receive the Reed. "
ridingplough::= "Riding Plough (0VPs, 4 Wood, 3 Occupations) Twice during the game, when you use either the “Plough Fields” or “Plough 1 Field and/or Sow” action, you can Plough 3 Fields instead of 1. "
sackcart::= "Sack Cart (0VPs, 2 Wood, 2 Occupations) Place 1 Grain each on the spaces for Rounds 5, 8, 11 and 14. At the start of these Rounds, you receive the Grain. "
shepherdspipe::= "Shepherd’s Pipe (0VPs, None, Have 1+ Sheep) You can hold up to 2 additional Sheep in each of the pastures where you keep Sheep. You can keep up to 2 Sheep in each unfenced stable. "
simplefireplace::= "Simple Fireplace (1VP, 1 Clay, None) You can exchange goods for Food at any time, in the following ratios: Vegetable => 2 Food; Sheep => 1 Food; Wild boar => 2 Food; Cattle => 3 Food. Whenever you bake bread, you may convert Grain => 2 Food. "
spices::= "Spices (0VPs, None, None) Whenever you convert Vegetables to Food using a Fireplace, Cooking Hearth or Cooking Corner, you receive 1 additional Food. "
spindle::= "Spindle (0VPs, 1 Wood, None) Whenever you have 3/5 Sheep during the Field phase of a Harvest, you receive 1/2 additional Food. "
stable::= "Stable (0VPs, 1 Wood, None) When you play this card, immediately build 1 stable. (The stable does not cost anything, but you must pay the cost shown to play this card.) After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to his/her hand. "
stonehouseextension::= "Stone House Extension (0VPs, 1 Reed + 3 Stone, None) When you play this card, immediately extend your Stone house by 1 room. (The room does not cost you anything, but you must pay the cost shown to play this card.) After you play this card, pass it to the player on your left, who adds it to his/her hand. "
stonetongs::= "Stone Tongs (0VPs, 1 Wood, None) Whenever you use one of the “Stone” Action spaces that become available in Stage 2 and Stage 4, you receive 1 additional Stone. "
turnwrestplough::= "Turnwrest Plough (0VPs, 3 Wood, 2 Occupations) Once during the game, when you use either the “Plough Fields” or “Plough 1 Field and/or Sow” Action space, you can Plough 3 Fields instead of 1. "
windmill::= "Windmill (2VPs, 3 Wood + 1 Stone, None) At any time, you can convert Grain to 2 Food (without having to Bake bread). "
woodfiredoven::= "Wood-fired Oven (2VPs, 3 Wood + 1 Stone, 3 Occupations) Whenever you use the “Bake bread” action, you can use the Wood-fired Oven to turn any number of Grain into 3 Food each. Additionally, when you play this card, you can also take the “Bake bread” action. "
writingdesk::= "Writing Desk (1VP, 1 Wood, 2 Occupations) Whenever you take an “Occupation” Action, you may play 2 Occupations one after another. The second Occupation costs you 2 Food."

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Last edited October 20, 2009 11:29 am (viewing revision 5, which is the newest) (diff)