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A game inspired by (OK, shamelessly ripped off) Set.

(Works in Windows IE. Haven't tested it in Firefox yet, so the colours might do weird things, as they do in Safari.)
Tested in FireFox - all shapes appear BlackAndWhite?. --CH
Entertainingly, it is playable in black-and-white, and even breaking even on score (I got +19). It does seem to be only dealing 80 of the 81 cards from the deck, though: a zero-based array problem somewhere, I suspect. --AC
Eek. OK, will fix that. --Rachael

Funky! One very minor suggestion - incresing the width of the card border when a card is selected could be nice; the colour of a single-pixel-wide line is hard to see on a small high-resolution monitor. - MoonShadow
I tried that at first (and/or outsetting the selected cards), but IE doesn't support cell-spacing. So when you select a card and it gets a thicker border than when it was unselected, all the cards to the right of it have to move, which looks rubbish. So the single-pixel line is the result of necessity rather than design. Will try and investigate another way round it, though. --Rachael
You could have a thick white border around the card in addition to the single-pixel black; make it always be there but become the selection colour when selected. That way things would always take the same amount of room whether selected or not. - MoonShadow
That's a good idea :) (Can cells have multiple borders? Or would each cell have to have another element inside it to support the second border?) --Rachael, revealing ignorance
Nope, one border per HTML element. I habitually wrap things in DIVs and SPANs. Or you could make IMG elements have a border. - MoonShadow
One border each, but you can also have padding and margins: http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2/box.html --M-A
Indeed, but not sure that helps here - margins are transparent, and while padding inherits the cell's foreground colour it's on the wrong side of the border for the effect. - MoonShadow
Hmm, good points.  I'd forgotten you couldn't add colour to margins and padding.  You could create a fixed-height, fixed-width div with a white background inside each td. Give the div a thin black margin and the td a thick white border, then programmatically recolour the div margin and td border to red when selected. --M-A
Mac OS9 and IE aren't happy with it (white rectangle on black rectangle on white page...) but I'll be able to see it when I get home :) - SunKitten
filter:mask() is IE6-only, AIUI. There's no Mozilla or early IE equivalent for what you're trying to do - you can control opacity in Mozilla, but not colour. There's no filter:glow() either, but that's not functionally important. There's only three colours, though - just create a set of images for each. - MoonShadow
Aw, but I was so pleased to have made all 81 cards out of only 9 images :( Maybe I could try something involving transparency and bgcolor instead of filter:mask.
That could work - you could have white images with shapes made out of transparent pixels over a solid colour background. Bear in mind that IE does not support PNG transparency. - MoonShadow
... but everything supports GIF transparency, so try that.  Indeed, I have just taken a copy of the page and fiddled with the images and CSS and it works beautifully in Firefox.  I'll upload a copy somewhere to show you when I've finished... --M-A
See http://www.railwaymouse.co.uk/match/
Cool, that works - in Safari, anyway. In Mac IE it displays each single image larger than my browser window, with huge scrollbars. But Mac IE is just screwy. --Rachael  Try adding width adn height attributes to the <img> tags... --M-A
Not in my Mac IE ;) It works fine there - SunKitten

It's just given me a board with 2 identical cards (2 filled blue spots). --qqzm
Confirmed. Does it quite regularly too. Can get up to 3 of the same, as well. Also, when you match a set after adding extra cards, something breaks. The extra images show as broken, for a start, and you lose some of whatever cards were down there. --CH

Thanks for the thorough testing, people :) (My own lack of actual Set-playing ability has been a big drawback to testing all along.)
Got back from v exciting punting trip today and done a bit of bug fixing:

Except now the span borders are doing v weird things in FireFox. Will investigate.

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Last edited April 23, 2005 6:53 pm (viewing revision 24, which is the newest) (diff)