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BNF: Requiem/CharacterGenerator

Thanks to MoonShadow for clearing up my confusion over syntax. This shouldn't produce any illegal classes now, though it may on occasion produce multi-multi classes or someone with, say, a bit of fighter and a bit of fighter.

"The character is a human multiclass fire warlock / multiclass water mage / multiclass rogue / scout ." That's 50% fire, 25% water, and 12.5% each rogue and scout. Cool. --AC (On a similar line, I just got told about a "multiclass Mallanite priest / multiclass dark mage / multiclass rogue / alchemist", who I'm sure we met in FullMetalAlchemist...)
That first one is worse even than that, because a warlock is a mage/fighter who has fighter as his highest skill. ^_^ --Requiem (I'm reminded of [this]...)

bnf::= The character is char .

char::= a human classh | a dwarven classd | a true elf classh | a pyrokin _pyrotype | a hydrokin _hydrotype | an aerokin _aerotype | a tomten _tomtype | a high elf _elftype | a drow _drowtype | a kender classd
classh::= multiclass classha / classh | classh with a dash of classha | classha | classha | classha
classha::= fighter | scout | rogue | element magea | god priest | alchemist
element::= earth | air | fire | water | light | dark | grey
magea::= mage | mage | mage | warlock
god ::= Johnite | Humacti | Ishmundi | Mallanite | Morvanian | Vivamortian | Crofterite | Azraelian | Balance
classd::= fighter | scout | rogue | alchemist
_pyrotype ::= classd | fire mage
_hydrotype ::= classd | water mage
_aerotype ::= classd | air mage
_tomtype ::= classd | earth mage
_elftype ::= classd | light mage
_drowtype ::= classd | dark mage

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Last edited April 1, 2005 4:00 pm (viewing revision 12, which is the newest) (diff)