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Callista *shudder*
Awww...I liked Callista. In CotJ?; anyway. Callista in Darksaber and Planet of Twilight annoys me. --SF

OK.  If Luke is into cybersex, that's entirely up to him but please, not the love of his life... *shakes head*
It's not as if she's the first love of his life, anyway, nor does she turn out to be the last. (See SpecterOfThePast? and VisionOfTheFuture?, which are also notable for TimothyZahn? complaining bitterly about the general stupidity of other authors' characterisation of Luke). --SF

Anyhow, the break point for me wasn't bringing Callista back (although such a possibility wasn't really even built up to), wasn't that you can have a human successfully transferred into a mechanical, but only if it is a really really big mechanical, wasn't even that Callista looked different from Cray (people would use facial muscles differently, have a different posture etc).  The break for me was when her hair starting growing out in a different colour... -_-
For given values of successfully; Callista wasn't very human in her disembodied phase. Moreover, I think it largely comes from the following fact, which I caught on the second re-reading: This is a Dune novel, it just says Star Wars on the front. I mean - royal houses, forbidden technologies, brainwashing technology, human/thinking machine/halfway house conflict...
This is a fantasy book, for all it pretends to be science fiction. I'm not sure that makes it any better. I've always looked at the Star Wars films/books as at least as much fantasy as science fiction - SunKitten

Hair colour is now based on your personality?  Has its roots in your soul?  Maybe it's force related and Midichlorians are actually a type of shampoo?
No, personality is based on hair colour.  Welll known fact.

Bleh. --Kazuhiko
Or, to be sane about it, the original habitually dyed her hair, and the new personality did not do so?  --Vitenka
Not the way it was stated in the book.  It was quite clear about it. --K

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Last edited September 18, 2003 8:11 am (viewing revision 7, which is the newest) (diff)