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Each of the /GoodsPerTerrain is only produced by a player who builds a "Production Spot" on that hex.

Goods that can only be produced at specifically marked spots

Iron needs an iron deposit (purple dot)
Players build an Iron Mine for 8.

Coal needs a coal deposit (black dot)
Players build a Coal Mine for 8.

Corn needs a fertile corn spot (yellow dot)
Players build a Corn Farm for 6.

Goods that can be produced on any hex of the right colour

Oxen can be farmed anywhere in the prairie.
Players build an Ox Farm for 6.

Sheep can be farmed anywhere on the hills.
Players build a Sheep Farm for 4.

Wood can be logged anywhere in the valleys.
Players build a Lumber Camp for 4.

Like.  Were we thinking that a production spot, to be active, has to be within the control radius of one of a player's cities? --DR
Hmm. But then, how do you get bootstrapped? --AC
See /StartOfGameSetup

External production

The (three?) foreign ports also count as producing an infinite amount of each good. You can buy anything from the foreign ports, but the cost to do so increases the further away from their corners of the board you get (because you need to pay /TransportCosts).

Okay, makes sense. The big question now is: are production facilities limited? If not, then if a player assembles three production routes they have sole control over, the rules shouldn't let a player assemble a large number of large cities for free in that area. --AC
I suspect the answer should be that it becomes worth it to the other players to build a city in that same area.--DR
See /Playtest01Questions

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Last edited February 6, 2014 11:19 pm (viewing revision 9, which is the newest) (diff)