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It's Global Thermonuclear War, and nobody wins. But maybe - just maybe - you can lose the least.

A game - probably an RTS, if we want to talk genres - from Introversion Software, the people who made UplinkHackerElite. Heavily inspired by WarGames?.

It's the end of the world. You play as the military leader of a nuclear-armed continent (Europe, the USSR, South Asia, Africa, North America, South America), with the objective being to keep your citizens alive and kill everybody else's. This is, of course, impossible, but you can try. The default scoring system is (2x enemy citizens killed) - (own citizens killed) - though "survivor" mode in which your score only tracks your own losses probably better suits the tagline.

The game starts at DefCon 5 with placing units (missile silos, radars, submarines, carriers, battleships, airfields) and counts down to DefCon 1 at which point nuclear launch authority is granted and everybody's cities die. Silos double as SDI-style interceptor sites but can't launch nukes and defend; naval units interact in traditional RockPaperScissors fashion, and if all your radars are nuked to pieces you won't even know what's coming at you until they go boom. It seems to be fairly tactical, from my rather limited experience. Definitely fun.

The Demo is [available here] from Introversion; if you like it you can unlock the full version for £10. Demo multiplayer is limited to two people, the full game takes 6.

Anybody other than StuartFraser interested in the EndOfTheWorldAsWeKnowIt?
Edith occasionally plays through a demo game to wind down, the music is fantastic.
Requiem has played this in the past but didn't think it had sufficient mileage to buy. The music is, however, fantastic.

DEFense readiness CONdition, in United States military parlance. A number which ranges from 5 (normal readiness) to 1 (imminent threat of or ongoing large-scale attack on US forces or territory). The lowest number it has ever got to is (supposedly) 2, during the Cuban Missile Crisis. For this reason, DefCon 1 is associated with global thermonuclear war. Hence the above.

CategoryAbbreviation CategoryComputerGames OP = StuartFraser

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Last edited September 12, 2008 11:37 am (viewing revision 3, which is the newest) (diff)