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Apparently this word has (re)started a craze locally.

I know nothing more.

Indeed, so much so that a group known as the MethSocMathmos have given it up for Lent owing to its overuse.
This comment was in the WikiNow of 2003.
Though Doom visits all too regularly. Shame it isn't ''ultimate''...

Decay, [decay]!

CustardMoonboots: "Have you ever noticed that Doom ends with a backwards moo?"
So, does this mean that Cows are creatures of doom, or are they attempting to avert doom by reciting the woord backwards, and not being good at pronouncing the letter D? --MJ

SeeAlso DoomImpends, UltimateDoom, DoomThree

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Last edited November 11, 2005 2:38 pm (viewing revision 12, which is the newest) (diff)