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This cake is one of the Christmas 13 desserts from Provence.

For the dough, mix together:
-250 g of flour
-60 g of sugar
-some baking yeast (a quarter of cube. Not chemical yeast!)
-a pinch of salt
-Some extract of orange blossoms (it is a concentrated aromatic liquid solution - for Cantabrigians, it can be found in Al Amin on Mill Road. Somebody add a postcode)
-4 spoons of olive oil
-a small glass of warm water (50 ml?)

Knead. You should get a dough whose consistency is similar to the pizza or bread dough (add water or flour if necessary).

Let the dough swell for at least 1 hour in a warm place.

Flatten the dough so that it gets a round shape. Make some notches in it, going from the centre to the edges (see picture).

Bake for 10 to 20 minutes in the oven (try 160 degrees C).
Enjoy it cold or warm (better)!

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Last edited March 25, 2003 10:54 am (viewing revision 2, which is the newest) (diff)