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OP = Pallando

Solve path for the Sudoku puzzle "Regional Conflicts".


1. Colour 9 cells in the same grouping.  I chose the cage stretching from r4c8 to r8c4, on the grounds that 8 of the 9 cells have a palindrome line passing through them.

For convenience, I'll refer to them by letters:
A = r4c8 (red)
B = r5c8 (gold)
C = r6c8 (pale yellow)
D = r6c7 (light green)
E = r7c7 (dark green)
F = r7c6 (light blue)
G = r8c6 (dark blue)
H = r8c5 (grey)
I = r8c4 (pink)

2. Fill in the palindrome pairings
A : r2c5
B : r2c3
E : r5c9
F : r4c9
G : c6c1
H : r5c1
I : r7c3

3. In box 9, F can't be in the big cage (because of r4c9), and it can't be in r7c8 because then it would also have to be in r6c9
F : r9c7

4. Fill in box 6
I : r5c7 (can't be r4c7 because r1c4 conflicts with r8c4, and can't be r6c9 because r7c8 conflicts with r7c3)
G : r4c7 (r6c9 conflicts with r6c1), so r1c4 also
H : r6c9 (by elimination), so r7c8 also

5. box 5
G : r5c5
(and it must be the digit "9", because the hop box logic requires 1-8 to be in the other spaces in order to allow knight moves between them.)

6. Follow on from that
G : r2c8 (because r4c7 is already in the big cage, and r1c9 conflicts with r1c4)
G : r3c3 (only remaining possible place in the cage stretching from r2c6 to r6c2)

7. Box 1
H : r1c2 (only place left in box 1 that isn't in the cage)

8. Box 4
D : r4c1 (r4c2 and r5c2 would conflict with r1c3 because of the palindrome)
B : r6c2 (similar reasoning)
I : r4c2 (only place left for it, because of r7c3 and r5c7)

9. Follow on from that
I : r3c1, r1c5, r2c9, r9x8, r6c6
E : r3c8, r1c6
F : r1c8

10. With E now ruled out, r1c1 can only be an A
A : r1c1, r6c3, r8c2, r9c6, r3c7, r7c9, r5c4

11. Fill in the rest of the colours
E: r2c2, r4c3, r9c4, r8c1, r6c5

12. Hop Box
B : r4c4 = 1
E : r6c5 = 2
H : r4c6 = 3
A : r5c4 = 4
I : r6c6 = 5
C : r4c5 = 6
F : r6c4 = 7
D : r5c6 = 8
G : r5c5 = 9


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Last edited October 14, 2021 2:41 pm (viewing revision 1, which is the newest) (diff)