Towel |
How many creative uses can you think of for a towel?
To absorb liquids
As a sling in an emergency
Wet, to dampen out homing signals in your head (TotalRecall
As a nappy
Cut and tied to make a rope
As a mat
Rolled into a tube as a pillow
Rolled into a tube as a funnel for solids
As a flag
As a smoke blanket (for signalling)
As a fuel
With water, frozen, as building material
As very weak clothing /armour
A sheet
A prop for the small of one's back to avoid back trouble
A covering to soften a chair to make it more confortable to sit on
As an insulator to keep heat in
AC having used a towel for the three uses listed above in the past week...
As muslin
To cover heads in a religious sense
To make clothing
To block out the light
To grab hot things without burning
For Magic tricks
Cut up, soaked, frozen, marked as playing pieces.
Cut, scrunched Earmuffs
Strips as hair ties
Something to dye or paint interesting colours/patterns
Fashion statement
Mouse pad (well, for an optical mouse, at least)
Means of transporting sand from beach to home
As a parachute in those marginal could-just-be-enough-to-stop-me-killing-myself situations
To suffocate whoever made that last suggestion in their sleep
To distract an onrushing bull - having dyed it with whatever red liquid came to hand first
Unnecessary - it's the motion rather than the colour which grab's the bull's attention.
As a cape, for the style of fencing which requires one
To wrap rising bread (it changes the texture of the crust, allegedly).
Lining a computer case to muffle noise levels (or the bottom of one's shoes, to muffle footsteps)
As a whip
Packing for fragile objects
Tie knots in it to remind you of things
Decoration for an otherwise bare wall
To identify a location
See also:
[Towel Day] |
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