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A module for the /MagicCardGenerator. That page is the interesting one - you probably want to be there.

This module contains all the BNF defining effects: what happens on sorceries, instants, after the colon on activated abilities, or after the trigger on triggered abilities.

Replacement effects

replacementeffect ::= <mySpd::=inst> "the next time " sourceevent " this turn, " replacementeventfromeffect | "until end of turn, if " sourceevent ", " replacementeventfromeffect
replacementability ::= <mySpd::=inst> "If " sourceevent ", " replacementeventfromperm
sourceevent ::= maybeCreatureEvent? | maybeCreatureEvent? | <verbMood::=subjunctive> <passiveSubject::=singular> "a " qualifiedcreature " would " replaceablecreatureverb{verbtoreplace} setTargetOneCreature? | <verbMood::=subjunctive> permspecifiedplayer{myPlr}{passiveSubject} " would " replaceableplayerverb{verbtoreplace} setTargetOnePlayer?
//  <verbMood::=subjunctive> <passiveSubject::=singular> "a " qualifiedpermanent " would " replaceablepermanentverb{verbtoreplace} ...removed because there are no replaceablepermanentverb s

maybeCreatureEvent? ::= _maybeCreatureEvent?##mySrc
_maybe[CreatureEvent ench]? ::= sourceevent
_maybe[CreatureEvent art]? ::= sourceevent
_maybe[CreatureEvent land]? ::= sourceevent
_maybe[CreatureEvent inst]? ::= sourceevent
_maybe[CreatureEvent sorc]? ::= sourceevent
_maybe[CreatureEvent unknown]? ::= sourceevent
_maybe[CreatureEvent ctr]? ::= _maybeCreatureEvent?##thisStillInPlay?
_maybe[CreatureEvent no]? ::= sourceevent
_maybe[CreatureEvent yes]? ::= <verbMood::=subjunctive> <passiveSubject::=singular> <myTarget::=CARDNAME> <myTargetType?::=ctr> <myTargetPluralSuffix?::=nothing> "~this~ would " replaceablecreatureverb{verbtoreplace}

replacementeventfromeffect ::= optionaleffectpaycostclause specificreplacementevent##verbtoreplace
replacementeventfromperm ::= optionalpermpaycostclause specificreplacementevent##verbtoreplace

specificreplacementevent_dealdamage ::= genericreplacementevent | damagereplacementevent##myColour | damagereplacementevent##myColour
specificreplacementevent_bedamaged ::= genericreplacementevent | bedamagedreplacementevent##myColour | bedamagedreplacementevent##myColour
specificreplacementevent_drawacard ::= genericreplacementevent
// | "instead " moveittozone
specificreplacementevent_gotograveyard ::= "exile " itorthem##myTargetPluralSuffix? " instead" | "return " itorthem##myTargetPluralSuffix? " to " itpossessive##myTargetPluralSuffix? " owner" myTargetPluralSuffix? "'" verbsuffix##myTargetPluralSuffix? " hand" myTargetPluralSuffix? " instead"
specificreplacementevent_gainorloselife ::= genericreplacementevent | "instead " thatmanynumberedeffect
specificreplacementevent_unusualcreatureverb ::= genericreplacementevent | "instead " specialtargeteffect
genericreplacementevent ::= "instead " specialtargeteffect | "instead " effecttext

damagereplacementevent_white ::= preventsomeofthatdamage | preventsomeofthatdamage | redirectthatdamage
damagereplacementevent_blue ::= preventsomeofthatdamage
damagereplacementevent_black ::= itdealsmoredamage | redirectthatdamage
damagereplacementevent_red ::= itdealsmoredamage | redirectthatdamage
damagereplacementevent_green ::= preventsomeofthatdamage
damagereplacementevent_artifact ::= itdealsmoredamage | redirectthatdamage

// in a be-damaged context, it-deals-more-damage doesn't make sense
bedamagedreplacementevent_white ::= preventsomeofthatdamage | redirectthatdamage
bedamagedreplacementevent_blue ::= preventsomeofthatdamage
bedamagedreplacementevent_black ::= redirectthatdamage
bedamagedreplacementevent_red ::= redirectthatdamage
bedamagedreplacementevent_green ::= preventsomeofthatdamage | redirectthatdamage
bedamagedreplacementevent_artifact ::= preventsomeofthatdamage | redirectthatdamage

preventsomeofthatdamage ::= "prevent " integeronethroughfour " of that damage" | "prevent " integeronethroughseven " of that damage"
redirectthatdamage ::= "that damage is dealt to target " <damageRecipSpecification?::=exclusive> damagerecipient " instead"
itdealsmoredamage ::= "it deals that much damage plus " dynamicinteger " instead" showsuffixes


effecttext ::= typeofeffect
// was: effecttext ::= optionalpreventativeconditionprefix typeofeffect
typeofeffect ::= commoneffect | commoneffect | commoneffect | rareeffect
commoneffect ::= commoneffect##myColour{lasttypeofeffect}
commoneffect_white ::= selfmodeffect##thisStillInPlay? | selfmodeffect##thisStillInPlay? | ptmodeffect | lifechangeeffect | damageeffect | damageeffect | destroyeffect | recurseeffect | modifycreatureeffect | modifypermanenteffect | regenerateeffect | landsearcheffect | taporuntapeffect | targetobtainingeffect " and " maybeToggleMyColour? specialtargeteffect
commoneffect_blue ::= selfmodeffect##thisStillInPlay? | selfmodeffect##thisStillInPlay? | ptmodeffect | countereffect##mySpd | copyspelleffect##mySpd | carddraweffect | bounceeffect | bounceeffect | modifycreatureeffect | modifypermanenteffect | taporuntapeffect | replacementeffect | targetobtainingeffect " and " maybeToggleMyColour? specialtargeteffect
commoneffect_black ::= selfmodeffect##thisStillInPlay? | selfmodeffect##thisStillInPlay? | carddraweffect | destroyeffect | destroyeffect | destroyeffect | ptmodeffect | ptmodeffect | lifechangeeffect | damageeffect | recurseeffect | recurseeffect | modifycreatureeffect | modifypermanenteffect | regenerateeffect  | targetobtainingeffect " and " maybeToggleMyColour? specialtargeteffect
commoneffect_red ::= selfmodeffect##thisStillInPlay? | selfmodeffect##thisStillInPlay? | copyspelleffect##mySpd | destroyeffect | destroyeffect | ptmodeffect | ptmodeffect | damageeffect | damageeffect | damageeffect | damageeffect | modifycreatureeffect | modifypermanenteffect | manaeffect | targetobtainingeffect " and " maybeToggleMyColour? specialtargeteffect
commoneffect_green ::= selfmodeffect##thisStillInPlay? | selfmodeffect##thisStillInPlay? | carddraweffect | destroyeffect | destroyeffect | ptmodeffect | ptmodeffect | lifechangeeffect | recurseeffect | modifycreatureeffect | modifypermanenteffect | regenerateeffect | manaeffect | manaeffect | landsearcheffect | landsearcheffect | taporuntapeffect | targetobtainingeffect " and " maybeToggleMyColour? specialtargeteffect
commoneffect_artifact ::= selfmodeffect##thisStillInPlay? | selfmodeffect##thisStillInPlay? | carddraweffect | ptmodeffect | lifechangeeffect | damageeffect | modifycreatureeffect | modifypermanenteffect | targetobtainingeffect " and " maybeToggleMyColour? specialtargeteffect

// all common effects: selfmodeffect##thisStillInPlay? | selfmodeffect##thisStillInPlay? | countereffect##mySpd | copyspelleffect##mySpd | carddraweffect | destroyeffect | destroyeffect | bounceeffect | ptmodeffect | lifechangeeffect | damageeffect | damageeffect | damageeffect | recurseeffect | modifycreatureeffect | modifypermanenteffect | regenerateeffect | manaeffect | landsearcheffect | taporuntapeffect | replacementeffect | targetobtainingeffect " and " specialtargeteffect

rareeffect ::= rareeffect##myColour{lasttypeofeffect}
rareeffect_white ::= tutoreffect | <numberedeffect_no::=typeofeffect> maybenumberedeffect | attacheffect | revealcardseffect | tokencreationeffect | effecttext " and " toggleMyColour? typeofeffect | clasheffect
rareeffect_blue ::= controlchangeeffect | controlchangeeffect | textmodeffect | <numberedeffect_no::=typeofeffect> maybenumberedeffect | attacheffect | revealcardseffect | tokencreationeffect | pipereffect | effecttext " and " toggleMyColour? typeofeffect | clasheffect
rareeffect_black ::= counterseffect | tutoreffect | controlchangeeffect | sacrificeeffect | <numberedeffect_no::=typeofeffect> maybenumberedeffect | revealcardseffect | tokencreationeffect | effecttext " and " toggleMyColour? typeofeffect | clasheffect
rareeffect_red ::= controlchangeeffect | copyspelleffect##mySpd | <numberedeffect_no::=typeofeffect> maybenumberedeffect | attacheffect | revealcardseffect | tokencreationeffect | effecttext " and " toggleMyColour? typeofeffect | clasheffect
rareeffect_green ::= counterseffect | tutoreffect | <numberedeffect_no::=typeofeffect> maybenumberedeffect | revealcardseffect | tokencreationeffect | tokencreationeffect | pipereffect | effecttext " and " toggleMyColour? typeofeffect | clasheffect
rareeffect_artifact ::= counterseffect | <numberedeffect_no::=typeofeffect> maybenumberedeffect | attacheffect | effecttext " and " toggleMyColour? typeofeffect | clasheffect

// all rare effects: counterseffect | tutoreffect | cardmoveeffect | controlchangeeffect | sacrificeeffect | textmodeffect | <numberedeffect_no::=typeofeffect> maybenumberedeffect | attacheffect | revealcardseffect | tokencreationeffect | pipereffect | effecttext " and " typeofeffect | clasheffect

////// | numbereffecttext " and " thatmanynumberedeffect
instanteffect ::= <mySpd::=inst> effecttext
sorceryeffect ::= <mySpd::=sorc> effecttext
creatureeffect ::= <mySrc::=ctr> effecttext
instantcreatureeffect ::= <mySrc::=ctr> <mySpd::=inst> effecttext
// targetobtainingeffect obtains the target; specialtargeteffect uses it. Pattern in all six commoneffect_COLOURs, and kickerspells.
// targetobtainingeffect doesn't do things like bounce or destroy, as the target is unlikely to be around at that point.
// todo: even in those cases could still use its colour, cmc, p/t if applicable
targetobtainingeffect ::= targetobtainingeffect##myColour
targetobtainingeffect_white ::= ptmodeffect | damageeffect | modifycreatureeffect | modifypermanenteffect | taporuntapeffect | attacheffect
targetobtainingeffect_blue ::= ptmodeffect | modifycreatureeffect | modifypermanenteffect | controlchangeeffect | taporuntapeffect | attacheffect
targetobtainingeffect_black ::= ptmodeffect | damageeffect | regenerateeffect | modifycreatureeffect | modifypermanenteffect
targetobtainingeffect_red ::= ptmodeffect | damageeffect | damageeffect | modifycreatureeffect | modifypermanenteffect | attacheffect
targetobtainingeffect_green ::= ptmodeffect | <targetting::=true> counterseffect | regenerateeffect | modifycreatureeffect | modifypermanenteffect | taporuntapeffect
targetobtainingeffect_artifact ::= ptmodeffect | <targetting::=true> counterseffect | modifycreatureeffect | modifypermanenteffect | taporuntapeffect
// all targetobtainingeffects: ptmodeffect | <targetting::=true> counterseffect | damageeffect | regenerateeffect | modifycreatureeffect | modifypermanenteffect | controlchangeeffect | taporuntapeffect | attacheffect
////// numbereffecttext ::=

selfmodeffect_no ::= commoneffect
selfmodeffect_yes ::= selfmodeffect##mySrc
selfmodeffect_art ::= "~this~ " permanentpropmodifier space duration
selfmodeffect_ench ::= "~this~ " permanentpropmodifier space duration
selfmodeffect_land ::= "~this~ " permanentpropmodifier space duration
selfmodeffect_inst ::= typeofeffect
selfmodeffect_sorc ::= typeofeffect
selfmodeffect_unknown ::= typeofeffect
selfmodeffect_ctr ::= selfmodeffect_ctr##myColour
selfmodeffect_ctr_white ::= creatureselfmodeffect
selfmodeffect_ctr_blue ::= creatureselfmodeffect
selfmodeffect_ctr_black ::= creatureselfmodeffect | selfregenerateeffect
selfmodeffect_ctr_red ::= creatureselfmodeffect
selfmodeffect_ctr_green ::= creatureselfmodeffect | selfregenerateeffect
selfmodeffect_ctr_artifact ::= creatureselfmodeffect
creatureselfmodeffect ::= "~this~ " creaturepropmodifier showsuffixesandduration

selfregenerateeffect ::= "Regenerate ~this~"

countereffect_inst ::= "counter target " qualifiedspellorability optionalpreventativeconditionsuffix
countereffect_phase ::= typeofeffect
countereffect_sorc ::= typeofeffect
copyspelleffect_inst ::= "copy target " qualifiedoneoffspellorability " and you may choose new targets for the copy"
copyspelleffect_phase ::= typeofeffect
copyspelleffect_sorc ::= typeofeffect
maybenumberedeffect ::= <dt_valuetotest::=param_discrete> <dt_defined::=numberedeffect> <dt_undefined::=numberedeffect_no> definitiontest

carddraweffect ::= "draw a card" | "draw " <<N::=dynamicinteger_noXphrase>> ind_word##N " card" pluralsuffix##lastDynamicInt? showsuffixes | "draw " <N::=integeronethroughfour> ind_word##N " card" pluralsuffix##N ", then discard " <N::=integeronethroughfour> ind_word##N " card" pluralsuffix##N
destroyeffect ::= "destroy target " optionallyqualifieddestroyablepermanent | "destroy target " optionallyqualifieddestroyablepermanent maybepreventregen | "destroy " somenumberofoptionallyqualifieddestroyablepermanents showsuffixes maybepreventregen##myTargetPluralSuffix? | "destroy all " optionallyqualifieddestroyablepermanents maybepreventregenplural
bounceeffect ::= "return target " qualifiedpermanent " to its owner's hand" | "return " somenumberoftargetqualifiedpermanents " to " itpossessive##myTargetPluralSuffix? " owner's hand" showsuffixes
lifechangeeffect ::= lifechangeeffect##myColour
lifechangeeffect_white ::= lifegaineffect
lifechangeeffect_black ::= lifelosseffect | lifedraineffect
lifechangeeffect_green ::= lifegaineffect
lifechangeeffect_artifact ::= lifegaineffect | lifelosseffect
lifegaineffect ::= effectspecifiedplayer " gain" playerVerbSuffix space dynamicinteger_noXphrase " life" showsuffixes
lifelosseffect ::= effectspecifiedplayer " lose" playerVerbSuffix space dynamicinteger_noXphrase " life" showsuffixes
lifedraineffect ::= nonyouspecifiedplayers " lose" playerVerbSuffix space dynamicinteger_noXphrase " life" showsuffixes " and you gain that much life"
counterseffect ::= counterseffect##myColour
counterseffect_black ::= poisoncountereffect
counterseffect_green ::= creaturecountereffect | creaturecountereffect | creaturecountereffect | poisoncountereffect
counterseffect_artifact ::= creaturecountereffect | permanentcountereffect
tutoreffect ::= effectspecifiedplayer{myPlr} " may search " possessive##myPlr " library for a " pushplayer tutorablecolourtargetcard popplayer ", reveal it, and " moveittozone ". If " playerSecondRef? space doverb##myPlr ", " playerSecondRef? " shuffle" playerVerbSuffix " that library afterwards."
cardmoveeffect ::= "put " cardsinplayerszone " on top of " possessive##myPlr " library" inanyorder##numCards showsuffixes | "put " cardsinplayerszonebutnothand " into " possessive##myPlr " hand" showsuffixes | "put " cardsinplayerszonebutnotgraveyard " into " possessive##myPlr " graveyard" showsuffixes | "exile " cardsinplayerszonebutnotrfg
recurseeffect ::= "Return target " recurseablecard " from your graveyard to " handorplay | effectspecifiedplayer{myPlr} " may return " pushplayer somenumberofrecurseablecards popplayer " from " possessive##myPlr " graveyard to hand" showsuffixes | effectspecifiedplayer{myPlr} " may return " pushplayer somenumberofrecurseablecards popplayer " from " possessive##myPlr " graveyard to hand" showsuffixes | effectspecifiedplayer{myPlr} " may return " pushplayer somenumberofqualifiedpermanentcards popplayer " from " possessive##myPlr " graveyard to the battlefield" showsuffixes
pipereffect ::= effectspecifiedplayer " may put " somenumberofqualifiedpermanentcards " from hand onto the battlefield" showsuffixes

manaeffect ::= "add " dynamicmanatoadd " to your mana pool" showsuffixes optionalspendrestriction
landsearcheffect ::= "search your library for a " nontapqualifiedland " card and put it into " handorplay ", then shuffle your library" | "each player may search his or her library for up to " <N::=integeronethroughfour> word##N space maybebasic "land card" pluralsuffix##N{tmpps} " and put " itorthem##tmpps " into " handorplay ". Each player who searched his or her library this way shuffles it."
smallmanaeffect ::= "add " smallmanatoadd " to your mana pool" optionalspendrestriction
smallmanatoadd ::= tinyinteger | manasymbol
clasheffect ::= "clash with an opponent. If you win, " typeofeffect

damageeffect ::= damageeffect##mySpd
damageeffect_phase ::= <tmp::=damagerecipient##myColour> damageeffect##tmp
damageeffect_sorc ::= <tmp::=damagerecipient##myColour> damageeffect##tmp
damageeffect_combatant ::= commoneffect
damageeffect_normaldamagerecipient ::= damageeffect_inst
damageeffect_flyer ::= damageeffect_inst
// Damage effects at phase/sorcery speed for white aren't allowed. All other speed/colour combinations are fine.
damageeffect_inst ::= "~this~ deals " dynamicinteger_noXphrase pushsuffixes " damage " tosomenumberoftargetdamagerecipients pushparams showsuffixes popparams popsuffixes pushparams showsuffixes popparams optionaldamagemodifier
// pity about the push-push-pop-pop-push-pop form there, as it makes this take 150 iterations to resolve. It's because of the "X damage to Y target red legendary creatures, where Y is the number of creatures with power greater than Z, where Z is the number of poison counters you have, where X is your life total" factor

// effects from here store a target for multi-part effects
ptmodeffect ::= "target " qualifiedcreature " gets " ptchange " until end of turn" showsuffixes setTargetOneCreature? | multipletarget space qualifiedcreatures " get " pushsuffixes ptchange " until end of turn" showsuffixes popshowsuffixes setTargetMultiCreatures?
regenerateeffect ::= "regenerate " somenumberoftargetqualifiedcreatures showsuffixes
modifycreatureeffect ::= "target " qualifiedcreature space creaturepropmodifier showsuffixesandduration setTargetOneCreature? | multipletarget space qualifiedcreatures space pushsuffixes pluralcreaturepropmodifier showsuffixesandduration popshowsuffixes setTargetMultiCreatures?
modifypermanenteffect ::= "target " qualifiedpermanent space permanentpropmodifier space duration setTargetOnePermanent? | multipletarget space qualifiedpermanents space pushsuffixes pluralpermanentpropmodifier space duration popshowsuffixes setTargetMultiPermanents? | "target " qualifiednoncreaturepermanent space noncreaturepermanentpropmodifier space duration setTargetOnePermanent? | multipletarget space qualifiednoncreaturepermanents space pushsuffixes pluralnoncreaturepermanentpropmodifier space duration popshowsuffixes setTargetMultiPermanents?
tokencreationeffect ::= <myTokenNumber?::=1> "put a " tokendescription " onto the battlefield" setTargetOneCreature? | <myTokenNumber?::=1> effectspecifiedplayer " put" playerVerbSuffix " a " tokendescription " onto the battlefield" setTargetOneCreature? | "put " <<N::=smalldynamicinteger_noXphrase>> ind_word##N <myTokenNumber?::=lastDynamicInt?> space tokendescription " onto the battlefield" showsuffixes setTargetMultiCreatures? | effectspecifiedplayer " put" playerVerbSuffix space <<N::=smalldynamicinteger_noXphrase>> ind_word##N <myTokenNumber?::=lastDynamicInt?> space tokendescription " onto the battlefield" showsuffixes setTargetMultiCreatures?
controlchangeeffect ::= "gain control of target " noncontrolqualifiedpermanent space duration setTargetOnePermanent? | "exchange control of target " noncontrolqualifiedpermanent " you control and target permanent of the same type " playertgtopp " controls" setTargetMultiPermanents? | "untap target " noncontrolqualifiedcreature " and gain control of it " duration ". " maybegainhaste setTargetOneCreature? | "You and " playertgtopp " each untap and gain control of " somenumberoftargetqualifiedcreatures " the other controls " duration showsuffixes ". " maybegainhasteplural setTargetMultiCreatures?
sacrificeeffect ::= effectspecifiedplayer " sacrifice" playerVerbSuffix " a " noncontrolqualifiedpermanent ". " effecttext | "sacrifice any number of " noncontrolqualifiedpermanents ". " thatmanynumberedeffect
taporuntapeffect ::= taporuntapeffect##myColour
taporuntapeffect_white ::= tapeffect | tapeffect | untapeffect
taporuntapeffect_blue ::= tapeffect | untapeffect | taporuntapchoiceeffect
taporuntapeffect_green ::= untapeffect
taporuntapeffect_artifact ::= tapeffect
tapeffect ::= "tap " <tapStatus::=untapped> somenumberoftargetqualifiedpermanents showsuffixes
untapeffect ::= "untap " <tapStatus::=untapped> somenumberoftargetqualifiedpermanents showsuffixes
taporuntapchoiceeffect ::= "you may tap or untap " <tapStatus::=untapped> somenumberoftargetqualifiedpermanents showsuffixes
textmodeffect ::= "change the text of target " qualifiedspellorpermanent " by replacing all instances of one " modifiablephrase " with another. (This effect doesn't end at end of turn.)"
attacheffect ::= "attach target " auraorequipment##myColour{attachee} " to target " qualifiedcreature ". " chooseattacheecontrolandspecialtargets
chooseattacheecontrolandspecialtargets ::= "Gain control of " setTargetOnePermanent? thatattachee{myTarget} space duration | "Gain control of " thatattachee space duration setTargetOneCreature? | "(Control of " setTargetOnePermanent? thatattachee{myTarget} " doesn't change.)" | "(Control of " thatattachee " doesn't change.)" setTargetOneCreature?
revealcardseffect ::= effectspecifiedsingleplayer{myPlr} " reveal" playerVerbSuffix " the top " pushplayer <<N::=dynamicinteger>> word##N popplayer " cards of " possessive##myPlr " library" pushplayer showsuffixes popplayer ". " playerSecondRef? " put" playerVerbSuffix space aorall{myCount} space pushplayer tutorablecolourtargetcard popplayer pluralsuffix##myCount " from among them into " tutordest ", and " <myPutCards?::=therest> putintograveyardorlibraryorrfg | effectspecifiedsingleplayer{myPlr} " reveal" playerVerbSuffix " cards from the top of " possessive##myPlr " library until " playerSecondRef? " reveal" playerVerbSuffix " a " pushplayer tutorablecolourtargetcard popplayer ", put" playerVerbSuffix " that card into " tutordest ", and " <myPutCards?::=therest> putintograveyardorlibraryorrfg

putintograveyardorlibraryorrfg ::= "put" playerVerbSuffix space myPutCards? space ontoporbottomoflibraryoringraveyard | "exile" playerVerbSuffix space myPutCards? "." | "shuffle" playerVerbSuffix space myPutCards? " into " possessive##myPlr " library."
creaturecountereffect ::= <myCounter::=othercreaturecountertype> putordistributecounter " on " somenumberoftargetqualifiedcreatures showsuffixes
permanentcountereffect ::= <myCounter::=genericcountertype> putordistributecounter " on " somenumberoftargetqualifiedpermanents showsuffixes
poisoncountereffect ::= nonyouspecifiedplayers " get" playerVerbSuffix space tinyinteger{N} " poison counter" pluralsuffix##N setTargetPlayerFromVerbSuffix?##playerVerbSuffix
putordistributecounter ::= "put a " myCounter | "put a " myCounter | "put two " myCounter "s" | "distribute up to " <<N::=dynamicinteger>> word##N space myCounter pluralsuffix##lastDynamicInt? showsuffixes

moveittozone ::= "put it into " possessive##myPlr " hand" | "put it into " possessive##myPlr " hand" | "put it into " possessive##myPlr " hand" | "put it into its owner's graveyard" | maybeputintoplay##tutordest
maybeputintoplay_hand ::= moveittozone
maybeputintoplay_play ::= "put it onto the battlefield under " possessive##myPlr " control" setTargetOnePermanent?
// | "exile it"
// moveittozone used by tutoreffect
ontoporbottomoflibraryoringraveyard ::= "on top of " possessive##myPlr " library in any order" | "on the bottom of " possessive##myPlr " library in any order" | "into " possessive##myPlr " graveyard"
// ontoporbottomoflibraryoringraveyard used by revealcardseffect

cardsinplayerszone ::= cardsinplayershand | cardsinplayerslibrary | cardsinplayersgraveyard | cardsinplayersrfg
cardsinplayerszonebutnothand ::= cardsinplayerslibrary | cardsinplayersgraveyard | cardsinplayersrfg
cardsinplayerszonebutnotlibrary ::= cardsinplayershand | cardsinplayersgraveyard | cardsinplayersrfg
cardsinplayerszonebutnotgraveyard ::= cardsinplayershand | cardsinplayerslibrary | cardsinplayersrfg
cardsinplayerszonebutnotrfg ::= cardsinplayershand | cardsinplayerslibrary | cardsinplayersgraveyard
cardsinplayershand ::= "a " optionallyqualifiednotinplaycard " in " effectspecifiedsingleplayerpossessive " hand" <numCards::=1>
cardsinplayerslibrary ::= "the top " <<N::=dynamicinteger>> word##N " card" pluralsuffix##lastDynamicInt? " of " effectspecifiedsingleplayerpossessive " library" <numCards::=lastDynamicInt?>
cardsinplayersgraveyard ::= "target " optionallyqualifiednotinplaycard " in " effectspecifiedsingleplayerpossessive " graveyard" <numCards::=1>
cardsinplayersrfg ::= "an exiled " optionallyqualifiednotinplaycard space effectspecifiedsingleplayer{myPlr} " own" playerVerbSuffix <numCards::=1>

maybegainhaste_nothing2 ::= maybegainhaste
maybegainhaste_s ::= maybegainhasteplural
maybegainhaste ::= nothing | "It gains haste until end of turn."
maybegainhasteplural ::= nothing | "They gain haste until end of turn."
maybepreventregen ::= nothing | nothing | nothing | ". It can't be regenerated."
maybepreventregenplural ::= nothing | nothing | nothing | ". They can't be regenerated."

Numbered Effects

thatmanynumberedeffect ::= <param_discrete::=that_many> <param_continuous::=that_much> numberedeffect
numberedeffect ::= typeofnumberedeffect##myColour
typeofnumberedeffect_white ::= numbereddestroyeffect | numberedlifechangeeffect | numbereddamageeffect | numberedmodifycreatureeffect | numberedmodifypermanenteffect | numberedtokencreationeffect | numberedtaporuntapeffect
typeofnumberedeffect_blue ::= numberedbounceeffect | numberedptmodeffect | numbereddraweffect | numberedmodifycreatureeffect | numberedmodifypermanenteffect | numberedtokencreationeffect | numberedtaporuntapeffect
typeofnumberedeffect_black ::= numbereddestroyeffect | numberedlifechangeeffect | numberedcounterseffect | numbereddamageeffect | numbereddraweffect | numberedtokencreationeffect | numberedmodifycreatureeffect | numberedmodifypermanenteffect | numberedtokencreationeffect
typeofnumberedeffect_red ::= numbereddestroyeffect | numbereddamageeffect | numbereddamageeffect | numberedptmodeffect | numberedmodifycreatureeffect | numberedmodifypermanenteffect | numberedtokencreationeffect | numberedmanaeffect
typeofnumberedeffect_green ::= numbereddestroyeffect | numberedlifechangeeffect | numberedcounterseffect | numberedptmodeffect | numbereddraweffect | numberedmodifycreatureeffect | numberedmodifypermanenteffect | numberedtokencreationeffect | numberedmanaeffect | numberedtaporuntapeffect | numberedlandsearcheffect
typeofnumberedeffect_artifact ::= numberedlifechangeeffect | numberedcounterseffect | numberedmodifycreatureeffect | numberedmodifypermanenteffect | numberedtaporuntapeffect

// all numberedeffects: numbereddestroyeffect | numberedbounceeffect | numberedlifechangeeffect | numberedcounterseffect | numbereddamageeffect | numberedptmodeffect | numbereddraweffect | numberedmodifycreatureeffect | numberedmodifypermanenteffect | numberedtokencreationeffect | numberedmanaeffect | numberedtaporuntapeffect | numberedlandsearcheffect

numbereddestroyeffect ::= "destroy up to " param_discrete " target " optionallyqualifieddestroyablepermanents
numberedbounceeffect ::= "return up to " param_discrete " target " qualifiedpermanents " to their owner's hand"
numberedlifechangeeffect ::= numberedlifechangeeffect##myColour
numberedlifechangeeffect_white ::= numberedlifegaineffect
numberedlifechangeeffect_black ::= numberedlifelosseffect
numberedlifechangeeffect_green ::= numberedlifegaineffect
numberedlifechangeeffect_artifact ::= numberedlifegaineffect
numberedlifegaineffect ::= effectspecifiedplayer " gain" playerVerbSuffix space param_continuous " life"
numberedlifelosseffect ::= effectspecifiedplayer " lose" playerVerbSuffix space param_continuous " life"
numberedcounterseffect ::= numberedcounterseffect##myColour
numberedcounterseffect_black ::= numberedpoisoncountereffect
numberedcounterseffect_green ::= numberedcreaturecountereffect | numberedpoisoncountereffect
numberedcounterseffect_artifact ::= numberedcreaturecountereffect | numberedpermanentcountereffect
numberedcreaturecountereffect ::= "distribute " param_discrete space creaturecountertype "s on " somenumberoftargetqualifiedcreatures showsuffixes
numberedpermanentcountereffect ::= "distribute " param_discrete space genericcountertype "s on " somenumberoftargetqualifiedpermanents showsuffixes
numberedpoisoncountereffect ::= effectspecifiedplayer " get" playerVerbSuffix space param_discrete " poison counters"
numbereddamageeffect ::= "~this~ deals " param_continuous " damage " tosomenumberoftargetdamagerecipients pushparams showsuffixes popparams
numberedptmodeffect ::= "target " qualifiedcreature " gets " numberedptchange " until end of turn" showsuffixes setTargetOneCreature? | "target " qualifiedcreature " gets " numberedptchange " until end of turn" showsuffixes setTargetOneCreature? | multipletarget space pushsuffixes qualifiedcreatures " get " numberedptchange " until end of turn" showsuffixes popshowsuffixes setTargetMultiCreatures? | param_discrete space qualifiedcreatures " get " pushsuffixes ptchange " until end of turn" showsuffixes popshowsuffixes
numbereddraweffect ::= "draw " param_discrete " cards" | effectspecifiedplayer " draw" playerVerbSuffix space param_discrete " cards"
numberedmodifycreatureeffect ::= param_discrete space qualifiedcreatures space pluralcreaturepropmodifier showsuffixesandduration | "target " qualifiedcreature space numberedcreaturepropmodifier showsuffixesandduration
// | multipletarget space qualifiedcreatures space pushsuffixes pluralnumberedcreaturepropmodifier showsuffixesandduration showsuffixes
numberedmodifypermanenteffect ::= param_discrete space qualifiedpermanents space pluralpermanentpropmodifier space duration | param_discrete space qualifiednoncreaturepermanents space pluralnoncreaturepermanentpropmodifier space duration
// seems none of the current *modifiers would take an internal "that many" clause, so just affect that many permanents at the moment
numberedtokencreationeffect ::= <myTokenNumber?::=X> "put " param_discrete space tokendescription " onto the battlefield" | <myTokenNumber?::=X> effectspecifiedplayer " put" playerVerbSuffix space param_discrete space tokendescription " onto the battlefield"
numberedmanaeffect ::= "add " param_discrete space singlecolourphrase " mana to your mana pool."
numberedtaporuntapeffect ::= numberedtaporuntapeffect##myColour
numberedtaporuntapeffect_white ::= numberedtapeffect | numbereduntapeffect
numberedtaporuntapeffect_blue ::= numberedtapeffect | numbereduntapeffect | numberedtaporuntapchoiceeffect
numberedtaporuntapeffect_green ::= numbereduntapeffect
numberedtaporuntapeffect_artifact ::= numberedtapeffect
numberedtapeffect ::= "tap up to " param_discrete " target " <tapStatus::=untapped> qualifiedpermanents
numbereduntapeffect ::= "untap up to " param_discrete " target " <tapStatus::=untapped> qualifiedpermanents
numberedtaporuntapchoiceeffect ::= "You may tap or untap up to " param_discrete " target " <tapStatus::=untapped> qualifiedpermanents
numberedlandsearcheffect ::= "search your library for up to " param_discrete space nontapqualifiedland " cards and put them into " handorplay ", then shuffle your library" | "each player may search his or her library for up to " param_discrete space maybebasic "land cards and put them into " handorplay ". Each player who searched his or her library this way shuffles it."

Specified-Target Effects

// specialtargeteffects use myTargetType? to decide whether they can affect the target in question. Valid values are: ctr, perm, nonctr, plr
// Also note that ##myTargetPluralSuffix? will only be valid AFTER myTarget is actually evaluated

specialtargeteffect ::= specialtargeteffect##myTargetType?
specialtargeteffect_ctr ::= specialinplaytargeteffect
specialtargeteffect_perm ::= specialinplaytargeteffect
specialtargeteffect_nonctr ::= specialinplaytargeteffect
specialtargeteffect_plr ::= specialtargetplayereffect

specialinplaytargeteffect ::= specialinplaytargeteffect##myColour
specialinplaytargeteffect_white ::= specialtargetptmodeffect##myTargetType? | specialtargetregenerateeffect | specialtargetmodifycreatureeffect##myTargetType? | specialtargetmodifypermanenteffect | specialtargetattacheffect##myTargetType? | specialtargettaporuntapeffect
specialinplaytargeteffect_blue ::= specialtargetbounceeffect | specialtargetptmodeffect##myTargetType? | specialtargetmodifycreatureeffect##myTargetType? | specialtargetmodifypermanenteffect | specialtargetattacheffect##myTargetType? | specialtargetcontrolchangeeffect | specialtargettaporuntapeffect
specialinplaytargeteffect_black ::= specialtargetcounterseffect | specialtargetdamageeffect##myTargetType? | specialtargetptmodeffect##myTargetType? | specialtargetregenerateeffect | specialtargetmodifycreatureeffect##myTargetType? | specialtargetmodifypermanenteffect
specialinplaytargeteffect_red ::= specialtargetdamageeffect##myTargetType? | specialtargetptmodeffect##myTargetType? | specialtargetmodifycreatureeffect##myTargetType? | specialtargetmodifypermanenteffect | specialtargetcontrolchangeeffect | specialtargetattacheffect##myTargetType?
specialinplaytargeteffect_green ::= specialtargetcounterseffect | specialtargetptmodeffect##myTargetType? | specialtargetregenerateeffect | specialtargetmodifycreatureeffect##myTargetType? | specialtargetmodifypermanenteffect | specialtargettaporuntapeffect
specialinplaytargeteffect_artifact ::= specialtargetdamageeffect##myTargetType? | specialtargetptmodeffect##myTargetType? | specialtargetmodifycreatureeffect##myTargetType? | specialtargetmodifypermanenteffect | specialtargetattacheffect##myTargetType? | specialtargettaporuntapeffect

// all in-play specialtargeteffects: specialtargetbounceeffect | specialtargetcounterseffect | specialtargetdamageeffect##myTargetType? | specialtargetptmodeffect##myTargetType? | specialtargetregenerateeffect | specialtargetmodifycreatureeffect##myTargetType? | specialtargetmodifypermanenteffect | specialtargetcontrolchangeeffect | specialtargetattacheffect##myTargetType?
// | specialtargetdestroyeffect
specialtargetplayereffect ::= specialtargetplayereffect##myColour
specialtargetplayereffect_white ::= specialtargetlifechangeeffect | specialtargettutoreffect | specialtargetlandsearcheffect
specialtargetplayereffect_blue ::= specialtargetcarddraweffect | specialtargettutoreffect |
specialtargetplayereffect_black ::= specialtargetcarddraweffect | specialtargetlifechangeeffect | specialtargettutoreffect |
specialtargetplayereffect_red ::= specialtargettutoreffect | specialtargetmanaeffect |
specialtargetplayereffect_green ::= specialtargetcarddraweffect | specialtargetlifechangeeffect | specialtargettutoreffect | specialtargetmanaeffect | specialtargetlandsearcheffect
specialtargetplayereffect_artifact ::= specialtargetlifechangeeffect | specialtargetcarddraweffect
// all player specialtargeteffects: specialtargetcarddraweffect | specialtargetlifechangeeffect | specialtargettutoreffect | specialtargetmanaeffect | specialtargetlandsearcheffect

// creature specialtarget effects
specialtargetdamageeffect_ctr ::= "~this~ deals " dynamicinteger_noXphrase " damage to " myTarget pushparams showsuffixes popparams optionaldamagemodifier
specialtargetdamageeffect_nonctr ::= specialtargeteffect
specialtargetdamageeffect_perm ::= specialtargeteffect
specialtargetptmodeffect_ctr ::= myTarget " get" verbsuffix##myTargetPluralSuffix? space ptchange showsuffixesandduration
specialtargetptmodeffect_nonctr ::= specialtargeteffect
specialtargetptmodeffect_perm ::= specialtargeteffect
specialtargetmodifycreatureeffect_ctr ::= specialtargetmodifycreatureeffect
specialtargetmodifycreatureeffect_nonctr ::= specialtargeteffect
specialtargetmodifycreatureeffect_perm ::= specialtargeteffect
specialtargetmodifycreatureeffect ::= myTarget space creaturepropmodifier##myTargetPluralSuffix? showsuffixesandduration
specialtargetattacheffect_nonctr ::= specialtargeteffect
specialtargetattacheffect_perm ::= specialtargeteffect
specialtargetattacheffect_ctr ::= specialtargetattacheffect##myTargetPluralSuffix?
specialtargetattacheffect_s ::= specialtargeteffect
specialtargetattacheffect_nothing2 ::= "attach an " auraorequipment{attachee} " in play to " myTarget ". " chooseattacheecontrolandspecialtargets
specialtargettaporuntapeffect ::= specialtargettaporuntapeffect##myColour
specialtargettaporuntapeffect_white ::= specialtargettapeffect | specialtargettapeffect | specialtargetuntapeffect
specialtargettaporuntapeffect_blue ::= specialtargettapeffect | specialtargetuntapeffect | specialtargettaporuntapchoiceeffect
specialtargettaporuntapeffect_green ::= specialtargetuntapeffect
specialtargettaporuntapeffect_artifact ::= specialtargettapeffect
specialtargettapeffect ::= "tap " myTarget
specialtargetuntapeffect ::= "untap " myTarget
specialtargettaporuntapchoiceeffect ::= "tap or untap " myTarget

// permanent specialtarget effects
//specialtargetdestroyeffect ::= "destroy " myTarget maybepreventregen##myTargetPluralSuffix?
maybepreventregen_nothing2 ::= maybepreventregen
maybepreventregen_s ::= maybepreventregenplural
specialtargetbounceeffect ::= "return " myTarget " to " itpossessive##myTargetPluralSuffix? " owner's hand"
specialtargetcounterseffect ::= pushcounter <myCounter::=countertype##myTargetType?> putordistributecounter popcounter " on " myTarget
specialtargetregenerateeffect ::= "regenerate " myTarget
specialtargetmodifypermanenteffect ::= myTarget space permanentpropmodifier##myTargetPluralSuffix? space duration | myTarget space noncreaturepermanentpropmodifier##myTargetPluralSuffix? space duration
specialtargetcontrolchangeeffect ::= "gain control of " myTarget space duration | "untap " myTarget " and gain control of " itorthem##myTargetPluralSuffix? space duration ". " maybegainhaste##myTargetPluralSuffix?

// player specialtarget effects
specialtargetcarddraweffect ::= myTarget " draw" myTargetVerbSuffix? " a card" | myTarget " draw" myTargetVerbSuffix? space <<N::=dynamicinteger_noXphrase>> ind_word##N " card" pluralsuffix##lastDynamicInt? showsuffixes | myTarget " draw" myTargetVerbSuffix? space <N::=integeronethroughfour> ind_word##N " card" pluralsuffix##N ", then discard " <N::=integeronethroughfour> ind_word##N " card" pluralsuffix##N
specialtargetlifechangeeffect ::= specialtargetlifechangeeffect##myColour
specialtargetlifechangeeffect_white ::= specialtargetlifegaineffect
specialtargetlifechangeeffect_black ::= specialtargetlifelosseffect
specialtargetlifechangeeffect_green ::= specialtargetlifegaineffect
specialtargetlifechangeeffect_artifact ::= specialtargetlifegaineffect
specialtargetlifegaineffect ::= myTarget " gain" myTargetVerbSuffix? space dynamicinteger_noXphrase " life" showsuffixes
specialtargetlifelosseffect ::= myTarget " lose" myTargetVerbSuffix? space dynamicinteger_noXphrase " life" showsuffixes
specialtargettutoreffect ::= myTarget " may search " possessive##myTarget " library for a " tutorablecolourtargetcard ", reveal it, and " <myPlr::=myTarget> moveittozone ". If " playerSecondRef? space doverb##myPlr ", " playerSecondRef? " shuffle" myTargetVerbSuffix? " that library afterwards."
specialtargetmanaeffect ::= myTarget " add" myTargetVerbSuffix? space dynamicmanatoadd " to his or her mana pool" showsuffixes optionalspendrestriction
specialtargetlandsearcheffect ::= myTarget " may search his or her library for a " nontapqualifiedland " card and put it into " handorplay ", then shuffle that library" | myTarget " may search his or her library for up to " <N::=integeronethroughfour> word##N space maybebasic "land card" pluralsuffix##N{tmpps} " and put " itorthem##tmpps " into " handorplay ". If " playerSecondRef? space doverb##playerSecondRef? ", " playerSecondRef? " shuffle" myTargetVerbSuffix? " that library afterwards."

set[TargetPlayer nothing2]? ::= setTargetOnePlayer?
set[TargetPlayer s]? ::= setTargetMultiPlayers?
set[TargetPlayerFromVerbSuffix s]? ::= setTargetOnePlayer?
set[TargetPlayerFromVerbSuffix nothing2]? ::= setTargetMultiPlayers?
set[TargetCreature nothing2]? ::= setTargetOneCreature?
set[TargetCreature s]? ::= setTargetMultiCreatures?
set[TargetPermanent nothing2]? ::= setTargetOnePermanent?
set[TargetPermanent s]? ::= setTargetMultiPermanents?
/// target will refer to "player", not "you" or suchlike
setTargetOnePlayer? ::= <myTarget::=that_player> <myTargetType?::=plr> <myTargetPluralSuffix?::=nothing> <myTargetVerbSuffix?::=s> <playerSecondRef?::=that_player>
setTargetMultiPlayers? ::= <myTarget::=those_players> <myTargetType?::=plr> <myTargetPluralSuffix?::=s> <myTargetVerbSuffix?::=nothing> <playerSecondRef?::=those_players>
setTargetOneCreature? ::= <myTarget::=that_creature> <myTargetType?::=ctr> <myTargetPluralSuffix?::=nothing>
setTargetMultiCreatures? ::= <myTarget::=those_creatures> <myTargetType?::=ctr> <myTargetPluralSuffix?::=s>
setTargetOnePermanent? ::= <myTarget::=that_permanent> <myTargetType?::=perm> <myTargetPluralSuffix?::=nothing>
setTargetMultiPermanents? ::= <myTarget::=those_permanents> <myTargetType?::=perm> <myTargetPluralSuffix?::=s>

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Last edited June 10, 2009 4:36 pm (viewing revision 39, which is the newest) (diff)