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Seminal family of hex-based TBS games by BlueByte?. Battle Isle 1 was released in 1991; MoonShadow first encountered it on the Amiga. MoonShadow is not aware of any older hex-based TBS games, though he's sure it can't have been the first one. The rules/stats were simple enough to pick up quickly, yet deep enough to make the whole thing highly addictive.

One of the defining characteristics is its decision to have one player submit movement orders while the other submits attack orders; they both watch the results; then they swap over.

PC ports of all the versions are available in budget releases; the later versions boasted 3D graphics, though these took the form of annoying cutscenes which most people turned off; the later versions also boasted a quite extreme amount of statistics and micromanagement.

See also CrimsonFields


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Last edited May 4, 2005 4:54 pm (viewing revision 3, which is the newest) (diff)