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The Bible as an accurate, comprehensive and infallible guide to life

MoonShadow: While I accept that the Word of God as He originally gave it can be other than infallible when used for the purpose for which it was intended, I don't believe the translations of the Bible we currently have can be used conclusively for the purpose you are trying to use them for, since they come to us filtered through two millenia of prejudice.

Umm... what? Do you mean they come to us filtered through the prejudices of the writers two millenia ago?  Surely you're aware current translations are made from Greek, Aramaic and Hebrew manuscripts, as close to the originals as the biblical scholars can get them?  [If discussion on this point continues, it probably ought to move to a separate page] --AlexChurchill

I mean:

/dons FlameRetardantSuit/

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Last edited November 17, 2003 1:45 pm (viewing revision 3, which is the newest) (diff)