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Coming Events of the Cambridge University Role-playing Society CURS:

CURS AGM & Video Evening

Date: Friday 11th June
Time: 6:30 - 10:30 pm
Place: LR 5 Engineering Department

The CURS AGM will be taking place at 6:30 in the engineering department. Nominations for posts are still open and should be sent to isf21@cam.ac.uk

Posts Available:

President - Glorious leader and tyrant. Runs the society with an iron fist of D20s and a copy of the CURS constitution.
Vice-President - Plots to overthrow the president and replace his/her rule of D20s with D10s and the latest supplement to the constitution.
Secretary - Sends e-mail, rigs elections and lets the president it is him/her who runs the society while secretly running it from the shadows.
Assistant Secretary - Does the odd jobs that keep the society running and lets the Secretary think that he/she runs the society while secretly... you get the idea.
Junior Treasurer - The only one to understand the embezzlement supplement to the constitution well enough to present accounts to the Proctors every year.
LARP Officer - Known for his/her large collection of swords and odd clothing. Organises LARP events and liases with Treasure Trap.
External Officer - Liases with the Real World (or possibly Oxford) and organises external events such as the Varsity Match.
Chief Caprine entity - Chews the cud, liases with CUWoCS (seriously, this is in the constitution).

After the AGM (7:15pm?) there will be a showing of Plan 9 from Outer Space and Ed Wood.

Treasure Trap, Kit Making

Date: Monday 14th June
Time: TBA
Place: TBA

Treasure Trap would like the following message made known:

As we know everyone likes having lots of cool weapons, we are organising a kit make, so that we can bulk buy all the parts, and then have lots of fun putting them all together to make weapons of much slayage.

The basic plan is to hold our kit make on the 14th of June (monday of mayweek), show everyone how it's done, and then get going. The location is yet to be determined, and once decided, the details will be passed on.

The envisaged materials prices are no more than £5 for a dagger, £10 for a 42" sword, or £20 for a longer staff. We are also looking at arrows, which we hope to make in the £2-£3 region. (Currently we are having problems sourcing useful staff making apparatus, but we are hoping to sort this out.)

The more spangly a design, the more it will end up costing, and there is a good chance that the first couple of things you try to make will go horribly wrong (so budget for a bit extra, and try making some daggers or something first)

We'd really like to know who would be interested in making stuff, and what they'd like to make, so that we can order materials. Ideally, firm commitments for stuff are best, we aren't sure if we have the resources to put in the order before we are given money for it, so we may have to ask for cash first, and then refund any extra we get.

Finally, anyone making extra stuff who wants to donate to the TT armoury will be our bestest friends.

People interested in this should e-mail cambridgetreasuretrap@yahoo.co.uk asap as they need to order kit pretty fast.

Annual Dinner

Date: Tuesday 15th June
Time: 6:30pm
Place: Nandos, St. Andrew's Street
The CURS Annual dinner will be on a Tuesday evening at the fabulous Nandos, we will sit down, talk about random role-playery type things and eat before heading off to the Punt Party. We will be pre-booking a table so a rough idea of numbers would be useful, if people could tell jrb61@cam.ac.uk if they intend on showing up then we'll count numbers and order a few more seats to account for those who forgot to warn us they were showing up.

CURS Punt Party

Date: Tuesday 15th June
Time: 8:30pm
Place: Scudamores by The Mill
In a vast break with tradition the CURS punt party will involve night
punting this year. We get in a punt, punt to Granchester. Do Granchester
things there (A little D&D maybe?) and punt back. A few safety tips: please
bring a spare change of clothes, at least one warm jumper, some
non-alchoholic beverage, and a brolly just in case. Hot drinks and snacks
will be more than welcome. A late-night barbeque is not out of the question.
The Punt Party will not be in LARP costume. Unless you want to.

CURS 24 Hour Mayweek Special

Date: Thursday/Friday? 17th/18th June
Time: 12 noon - 12 noon
Place: Seminar Room, Churchill College
It is long said that the current president of CURS lost his sanity when he
first did one of these. This is of course not the case, he was insane long
before that. As a result there will be another 24-hour game this Mayweek, a
perfect way to finish off the year, insanity, Cthulhu and giant pink swords,
what more could you want? Details of the exact plot for this are still
sketchy and highly secretive, however we can reveal that the game will
involve a near-future setting involving space elevators, terranauts and
Basingstoke roundabout.


The Enginnering Department is on Trumpinton street, enter through the main enterance and walk straight on through the car park and go to the large glass building straight ahead, there should be someone to let you in, otherwise phone: (07817) 956711 and we'll send someone to let you in.

Seminar Room, Churchill College:
Churchill College is on the corner of Storey's Way and Madingley Road. Enter the college through the front enterance (porters lodge) and head down the main corridor until you reach the bar. Go though the doors to the right just past the stairs and head straigh on, turn left. The Seminar room should be on the left.

The Mill:
End of Mill Lane. Other side of Silver Street to Queens college. Approach from Mill Lane.

Half way down St. Andrews street. (33-34)
Map: http://www.camcity.co.uk/map/5774/

Old Stuff moved to CURS/OldEvents

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