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We realise people have several different commitments this weekend but we encourage everybody who can to show up for as long as they think they can. For finding us relevant numbers are:
Edith: 07817 956711
Requiem: 07710 278378

CURS 24 hour Dungeon
Date: Sat/Sun 24/25th April 2004
Time: 1pm

Just a teensy bit more notice would have been nice, wouldn't it? - tjm
Many apologies. We weren't actually sure it would be happening until this week. ^^;; --Requiem
Place: Churchill College Bar (directions below)
Every year CURS assembles a team of crack(ed) Games Masters to develop and
run a 24 hour dungeon, that is a one-off role-playing game which lasts for
24 hours none stop (and by none stop we mean frequent stops for food etc.),
this year is no exception. Ian, Jack and Jon have put together a little
something in the world of exalted modern.

Long ago, before the forerunners of modern civilisation had a word for
history, there was a Golden Age. An Age of epic adventure, of great deeds
and great achievements, an era of puissant magic and the crafting of
wonders, an era defined and shaped by the heroes that ruled it.

But to all things there must be an end, and Time's relentless march left
behind the wonders and the magic and the heroes. Facts became stories,
stories became legends, legends became myths, and over thirteen thousand
years the First Age slipped from the collective mind of humanity. Those that
once walked among the great temples of orichalque and green jade, now forgot
their ancient instruction and built a world for themselves among the ruins
of Creation. But they prospered, and they multiplied, and they discovered
that modern magic named 'progress'; and soon their skyscrapers, their mines,
their constructions of metal and wood and reason stood tall enough to rival
those of their long-forgotten ancestors.

Nigh unto six billion souls now abide on the world built by their
forefathers from the ashes of a dead Age. But the magic is not dead. It is
not even entirely forgotten. It has, perhaps, been sleeping of late. But in
the first decade of the new millennium, it has awoken...

"The Fire Within" is a 24-hour RPG one-off in a modern setting, using the
flavour of Exalted and a proprietary system written especially for the
purpose. Think The Matrix, Hellsing or the X-men - or along those lines
anyway. No knowledge of Exalted required. No experience of roleplaying
required. Ability to stay up all night recommended. Drop in, drop out.

Update - This happened. First module went great, second went okay, third was getting very silly, then the end of the third module got turned into a grand finale halfway through when I accidentally gave the party world-shaping power and nothing to aim it at. The system did not support PvP? and someone tried to test this - ItsNotABugItsAFeature. The plot never really finished and didn't get tied up, cause I didn't end up being able to run the fourth module. Oh, and it was a 19-hour not a 24-hour for similar reasons (although this was not a massive problem because by that stage people were falling asleep despite interest and involvement and I was dead on my feet). --Requiem

Churchill College is situated on Storeys Way, just of Madinly Road.


We will assemble in the Bar. To get to the bar enter Churchill at the main
enterance (cross over the sorry excuse for a bridge and past the porters
lodge. And keep on going down the long straight corridor. The bar is at the
end. We will be the odd looking people, possibly in the occasional society

Previous CURS Events:

Games played at past CURS One-Offs 2003/2002:
Santa vs. Cthulhu
Zombies vs. Builders 2525AD
"This is not Space Hulk, honest!"

CURS Squash!
Time: 2pm - 5:30pm
Date: Saturday 11th October 2003 (Today!)
Place: Ramsden Room, St. Catherines College [map]

The CURS Squash, gives none-members their best oppertunity to join and everyone the oppertunity to sign up for new campaigns. Drinks, nibbles and conversation also available. Also a few light-hearted games too.

We are holding our squash with the War Gamers and Worshipers of Cthulhu, try not to let that put you off, the rest of us are pretty normal. ;)

You callin' wargamers weird? :-)  Do the committees still overlap significantly? --Jumlian

The Ramsden Room is inside the front courst at Catz (you can't miss that), in the top right corner from the porter's lodge. The Squash will hopefuly be sign posted.

I am planning to come to this.  Would you like anything brought along?  (Eg latex weapons, rule books, photographs of people dressing up as orcs and elves)

From previous events - someone needs to bring a bunch of paper and pens for sign-up sheets.  Badges for 'staff' are a vaguely good idea.  The Pokethulhu? rulebook attracts a lot of attention.  Also bring at least one manic sugar-high gm to try and get people involve din off-the-cuff events.  (And, sadly, to scare off newbies, so it may not be such a hot idea after all)  --Vitenka
Pokethulhu?? Someone has to reify that, surely... --CH
Date:Tuesday 20th January
Place:Erasmus Rm, Queens' College
Contact:StuartFraser or Edith; details elsewhere

Do we have a plot yet? Who knows? Come along and find out!

Event: LARP game, under Gathering rules
Time: 3:30 pm [NEW TIME]
Date: Saturday 6th December
Place: A wood near Royston, but meet up at K12, Jesus College, for briefing and lift
Contact: James Osborn <jeo30@cam.ac.uk>

Part of the Jackal, Witnesses of Rufus ongoing plot, but no prior experience required.  We have 16 or so players, can can handle many more.  Monsters would also be most welcome (we provide kit and clothing, try to wear black if you have no costume)

Event: CURS Cinema outings!
Time: 11:45pm
Date: Friday 5th December 2003
Place: Warner Brothers Cinema

CURS one-offs will return next term, hopefully on a more fixed time a place. However in the meantime we have a couple of cinema outings. The first is a late-night trip to see Alien: The Director's Cut. A classic Sci-Fi horror with all the hallmarks of a CURS game, the mysterious unexplained planet (see: arbitary plot), the traitor (see: GM plant) and a big Alien that eats protagonists indiscriminatly (see: GM). Oh yes and a cat. It rocks. This time it rocks with slightly different editing. There may be a second outing to see this on Saturday 6th if lot's of people complain to jrb61 @ cam. ac. uk (Edith) that they're busy on a Friday night.


Time: 15:45pm
Date: Monday 8th December 2003
Place Warner Brother's Cinema

Due to popular demand there will be a second outing to see Finding Nemo for those still in Cambridge next Monday. It's got fish and CGI in it and seems to be popular with certain members. Go Figure.

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