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This article is unavailable at this time due to concerns that it may offend (This term is unavailable at this time due to concerns it may offend (This term is unavailable at this time due to concerns it may offend (This term is unavailable at this time due to concerns it may cause offense)))

Google: Banned books week

[Censorship is ok when it's gay]
It would have been a similar reaction if the lyrics had been considered anti-black people, or anti-women. It's not that censorship is OK when it's gay, it's that certain groups of people are protected from certain types of comments. In some cases that protection is enshrined in the law. Whether or not that is correct is a different question - SunKitten

Also see Censored, Censored, Censored and [Fnord]

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Last edited July 13, 2006 4:25 pm (viewing revision 16, which is the newest) (diff)