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bnf ::= ntAdj_Sol ntNoun_Sol | ntAdj_Sol ntNoun_Sol | ntAdj_Sol ntNoun_Sol | ntNameNum?{varNameNum?} ntAdj_Sol nt[QuantNoun Sol]?

ntAdj_Sol ::= Dark | Strong | Hallowed | Light | Lurking | Fluttering | Weeping | Ebony | Quick | Ivory | Copper | Streaming | Guiding | Laughing | Atoning | Peerless | Dancing | Spiralling | Twirling | Fortunate | Falling | Perceptive | Running | Soaring | Azure | Searching | Entrancing | Splendid | Bright | Gleaming | Glistening | Glimmering | Spirited | Ghostly | Unwavering | Mysterious | Fractured | Enlightened | Joyous | Still | Raining | Shining | Patient | Passing | Flickering | Laughing | Flowing | Boisterous | Waning | Waxing | Scented | Mellow | Fettered | Unfettered | Mighty | Stalking | Shadowy | Brilliant | Sonerous | Musical | Pleasant | Sharp | Rippling | Stalking | Slaked | Wary | Thunderous | Rumbling | Soft | Hard | Jagged | Wandering | Steel | Willowy | Silver | Golden | Bronze | Iron | Rapid | Panting | Pallid | Powerful | Enlightened | Cloaked | Masked | Ferocious | Rising | Dancing | Shadowed | Risen | Heavenly | Harmonious | Chosen | Emerald | Starry | Ruby | Leaping | Leashed | Sentimental | Overflowing | Seeking | Calling | Rosey | Rapid | Sacred | Ruling | Precious | Guarding | Mischievous | Darkened | Grinning | Bouncing | Seeking | Jade | Fading | Stone | Bountiful | Silken | Turning | Enlightened | Swift | Deft | Changing | Mortal | Learned | Masterful | Flaming | Roaring | Bellowing | Babbling | Diamond | Quiet | Lucid | Feathered | Raging | Limpid

ntNoun_Sol ::= Garden | Star | Bough | Orchid | Arrow | Tiger | Mirror | Hall | Brand | Brook | Rock | Lily | Wind | Marble | Stone | Lake | Sea | Gust | Bush | Boulder | Colour | Buckler | Tree | Shrub | Flower | Flame | River | Pillar | Portal | Satin | Branch | Window | Drink | Token | Light | Shadow | Hill | Shade | Hue | Mountain | Thunder | Wanderer | Warrior | Oak | Elm | Reed | Willow | Plough | Tapestry | Painting | Mask | Tower | Wall | Pendant | Lightening | Wolf | Bear | Lion | Eagle | Unifex | Potentate | Talisman | Bracer | Visage | Robe | Cloak | Maze | Key | Lesson | Laughter | Tear | Pearl | Gem | Vow | Leap | Root | Sight | Coin | Oasis | Peak | Dune | Slope | Talisman | Amulet | Circlet | Forest | Star | Wood | Shore | Meadow | Dream | Steppe | Field | Moat | Ridge | Rose | Ring | Blade | Corridor | Shield | Glove | Monkey | Smile | Grin | Salmon | Fish | Insect | Nightingale | Signal | Bonfire | Beacon | Mirage | Gate | Waterfall | Message | Parchment | Tale | Portal | Lover | Puppet | Spire | Darkness | Sunlight | Beam | Wheel | Hand | Finger | Candle | Mote | Essence | Fountain | Stream | Pond | Spiral | Breeze | Crocus | Bridge | Facade | Platter | Cloud | Paw | Hoof | Bull | Haze | Mist | Fog | Feather | Wing | Talon | Claw

nt[PluralNoun Sol]? ::= Gardens | Stars | Boughs | Orchids | Arrows | Tigers | Mirrors | Halls | Brands | Brooks | Rocks | Lilies | Winds | Marble | Stones | Lakes | Seas | Gusts | Bushes | Boulders | Colours | Bucklers | Trees | Shrubs | Flowers | Flames | Rivers | Pillars | Portals | Satin | Branches | Windows | Drinks | Tokens | Lights | Shadows | Hills | Shades | Hues | Mountains | Thunder | Wanderers | Warriors | Oaks | Elms | Reeds | Willows | Ploughs | Tapestries | Paintings | Masks | Towers | Walls | Pendants | Lightening | Wolves | Bears | Lions | Eagles | Unifex | Potentates | Talismans | Bracers | Visages | Robes | Cloaks | Mazes | Keys | Lessons | Laughter | Tear | Pearl | Gem | Vow | Leap | Root | Sights | Coins | Oases | Peaks | Dunes | Slopes |  Amulets | Circlets | Forests | Woods | Shores | Meadows | Dreams | Steppes | Fields | Moats | Ridges | Roses | Rings | Blades | Corridors | Shields | Gloves | Monkeys | Smiles | Grins | Salmon | Fish | Insects | Nightingales | Signals | Bonfires | Beacons | Mirages | Gates | Waterfalls | Messages | Parchments | Tales | Lovers | Puppets | Spires | Darkness | Sunlight | Beams | Wheels | Hands | Fingers | Candles | Motes | Essence | Fountains | Streams | Ponds | Spirals | Breezes | Crocuses | Bridges | Facades | Platters | Clouds | Paws | Hooves | Bulls | Hazes | Mists | Fogs | Feathers | Wings | Talons | Claws

ntNameNum? ::= One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten | Hundred

nt[QuantNoun Sol]? ::= <ntQNoun_Sol##varNameNum?::=nt[PluralNoun Sol]?> <ntQNoun_Sol_One::=ntNoun_Sol> ntQNoun_Sol##varNameNum?

ntName_DB ::= ntHouse sp ntRandString?
ntHouse ::= Cathak | Cynis | Ledaal | Mnemon | Nellens | Peleps | Ragara | Sesus | Tepet | V'Neef
ntRandString? ::= ntRandStartVowel? | ntRandStartCons?

ntRandStartVowel? ::= ntRandCapVowel? ntRandCons? ntRandVowel? ntRandStringCons?
ntRandStartCons? ::= ntRandCapCons? ntRandVowel? ntRandCons? ntRandStringVowel?

ntRandCapVowel? ::= <<vwl::=ntRandVowel?>> cstCap##vwl
ntRandCapCons? ::= <<cns::=ntRandCons?>> cstCap##cns

ntRandStringCons? ::= ntRandCons? ntRandStringVowel? | ntRandCons? ntRandStringVowel? | ntRandCons?
ntRandStringVowel? ::= ntRandVowel? ntRandStringCons? | ntRandVowel? ntRandStringCons? | ntRandVowel?

// In parts of 40: a = 8, e = 14, i = 7, o = 8, u = 3
ntRandVowel? ::= a | a | a | a | a | a | a | a | e | e | e | e | e | e | e | e | e | e | e | e | e | e | i | i | i | i | i | i | i | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | o | u | u | u

// In parts of 80...
ntRandCons? ::= ntCons040 | ntCons4080
ntCons040 ::=  ntCons020 | ntCons2040
ntCons020 ::= ntCons010 | ntCons1020
// out of 10: b = 1, c = d = 3.5, f = 2
ntCons010 ::= b | b | c | c | c | c | c | c | c | d | d | d | d | d | d | d | f | f | f | f
// out of 10: g = 1.5, h = 4, j = k = 0.5, l = 3.5
ntCons1020 ::= g | g | g | h | h | h | h | h | h | h | h | j | k | l | l | l | l | l | l | l
ntCons2040 ::= ntCons2030 | ntCons3040
ntCons2030 ::= m | n | n
ntCons3040 ::= p | p | p | p | p | p | qu | r | r | r | r | r | r | r | r | r | r | r | r | r
ntCons4080 ::= ntCons4060 | ntCons6080
ntCons4060 ::= s | s | s | s | s | s | s | s | s | s | s | s | s | s | t | t | t | t | t | t | t | t | t | t | t | t | t | t | t | t | t | t | t | t | v | v | w | w | w | x
ntCons6080 ::= ntCons6070 | ntCons7080
ntCons6070 ::= y | y | y | y | y | y | z | th | th | th | th | th | th | th | th | th | th | th | th | th | th | th | th | th | th | th | th | th | th | th | th | ph | ph | ph | ph | ph | ph | ph | ph | ph | ph | ph | ph
ntCons7080 ::= sh | sh | sh | sh | sh | ll | ll | ll | ll

cstCap_a ::= A
cstCap_b ::= B
cstCap_c ::= C
cstCap_d ::= D
cstCap_e ::= E
cstCap_f ::= F
cstCap_g ::= G
cstCap_h ::= H
cstCap_i ::= I
cstCap_j ::= J
cstCap_k ::= K
cstCap_l ::= L
cstCap_m ::= M
cstCap_n ::= N
cstCap_o ::= O
cstCap_p ::= P
cstCap_qu ::= Qu
cstCap_r ::= R
cstCap_s ::= S
cstCap_t ::= T
cstCap_u ::= U
cstCap_v ::= V
cstCap_w ::= W
cstCap_x ::= X
cstCap_y ::= Y
cstCap_z ::= Z
cstCap_th ::= Th
cstCap_ph ::= Ph
cstCap_sh ::= Sh
cstCap_ll ::= Ll

ec2-18-191-181-143.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com | ToothyWiki | ChrisHowlett | RecentChanges | Login | Webcomic
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Last edited September 21, 2014 3:31 pm (viewing revision 15, which is the newest) (diff)