[Home]EO Epoch2/MagePallando

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Mage Name: Pallando
Real Name: Douglas Reay
ICQ: none
AIM: none
Phone: email me to ask for it
Email: douglasr (at) chiark.greenend.org.uk

Pallando is the Helpful mage, always ready to meet, always ready to help others.  Unlike some other mages, he is lacking in greed, and is not a cut-throat diplomat.

Pallando is force for Stability.  He is fairly conservative when it comes to changing major rules.  He rarely does so himself, but is a keen observer of the changes of others.  He is a reliable Arbiter when it comes to wielding Primus, and can generally come up with a workable solution.

Pallando has an affinity for Earth, and would not appreciate this being decreased.  He feels its solidity reflects the down to earth practicality and stability of his philosophy.

Pallando is currently owed the following favours:
   * /MageHologram    :  +1
  * /MageKazuhiko    :  0
  * /MageKitiara    :  0
  * /MageSenji      :  0
  * /MageInquisitor  :  0

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Last edited October 28, 2003 2:46 am (viewing revision 1, which is the newest) (diff)