18-97-14-80.crawl.commoncrawl.org | ToothyWiki | EO Epoch2 | RecentChanges | Login Mage Name: Pallando Real Name: Douglas Reay ICQ: none AIM: none Phone: email me to ask for it Email: douglasr (at) chiark.greenend.org.uk
Pallando is the Helpful mage, always ready to meet, always ready to help others. Unlike some other mages, he is lacking in greed, and is not a cut-throat diplomat.
Pallando is force for Stability. He is fairly conservative when it comes to changing major rules. He rarely does so himself, but is a keen observer of the changes of others. He is a reliable Arbiter when it comes to wielding Primus, and can generally come up with a workable solution.
Pallando has an affinity for Earth, and would not appreciate this being decreased. He feels its solidity reflects the down to earth practicality and stability of his philosophy.