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A really really bad childrens TV series, involving PopScience? and "We'll explain this at the end of the episode".

Utter utter blegh.  Seriously.  How to make a spoon balance on your nose.  How to put a box inside another box...

Actually, "How 2", as it was the return of an old series (also with Fred Dineage presenting) called "How".

Also, and perhaps more useful for a wiki - a set of comprehensive "Do this, then this - and it will work" instructions for something.  Sadly, they haven't progressed very far.  Impressed as I am by the "Howto get an ntl cable modem working" I still lack a "Howto get this computer working just the way I want it"

Anyway.  It's a useful tip:  [Google with howto] to find the stuff you need.

CategoryWeb; see also TheGoodOldDays

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Last edited April 22, 2004 6:34 pm (viewing revision 3, which is the newest) (diff)