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See what ToothyWikizens have to say about some of the pages or sites on the web, by clicking the title.  Wiki pages in this category WillOften take the form of a brief paragraph of description; a hyperlink to the page in question; and then varying amounts of discussion below that.

Note that with the current lack of such pages, that is an imperative 'WillOften' rather than a 'click on the title and go look' --Vitenka
Now slightly remedied. --M-A

Put the entire web onto this wiki?

Sure.  We're well on the way.

CategoryCategory <- could now also be described as a CategoryWeb

ec2-34-231-180-210.compute-1.amazonaws.com | ToothyWiki | RecentChanges | Login | Webcomic
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Last edited August 20, 2004 4:26 pm (viewing revision 6, which is the newest) (diff)