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All Online Extended sets as of April 2004: ie 7th and 8th Edition, plus expansions from Invasion through Darksteel. Created by PeterTaylor for the /DeckDare.

Artists without many cards omitted. (Generally to make the cut they needed at least 4 cards in two colours. I've let a 3/5 and a 3/6 through. Feel free to trim if you look at someone and conclude there's no way a deck with the cards they illustrated).

Artist #Artifact #Black #Blue #Green #Land #Multi #Red #White

Adam Rex 4  23  12  4  0  3  3  6
Alan Pollack 12  10  8  6  8  4  5  13
Alex Horley*  2  10  5  8  0  3  8  4
Andrew Goldhawk 2  8  0  4  1  1  0  2
Anthony S. Waters 5  2  7  11  3  1  7  3
Arnie Swekel 11  8  12  9  1  5  9  3
Ben Thompson 6  8  10  2  2  4  7  10
Bradley Williams 3  3  8  1  0  0  6  2
Brian Snoddy 6  4  5  1  6  3  5  7
Carl Critchlow 14  21  8  16  0  3  9  12
Christopher Moeller 10  6  14  8  0  3  15  21
Ciruelo Cabral 2  4  1  3  0  1  2  4
D. Alexander Gregory 0  2  1  4  0  1  1  4
Dan Frazier 2  2  0  3  1  0  4  4
Dana Knutson 7  3  1  0  1  1  0  1
Dany Orizio 6  5  3  2  0  0  3  6
Daren Bader 6  13  4  11  0  2  11  8
Darrell Riche 5  1  5  15  2  0  6  10
Dave Dorman 6  9  8  8  0  4  14  13
David Martin 22  6  5  7  4  8  8  4
DiTerlizzi? 0  1  3  4  0  1  2  0
Don Hazeltine 0  1  5  2  8  2  4  3
Donato Giancola 19  4  3  2  0  4  4  2
Edward P. Beard, Jr 2  6  8  12  3  2  4  11
Eric Peterson 2  12  12  8  1  3  3  10
Franz Vohwinkel 1  2  3  4  4  2  4  2
Gary Ruddell 0  4  4  9  0  3  10  9
Glen Angus 6  6  13  3  4  3  12  6
Greg Hildebrandt 2  7  10  12  0  2  20  21
Greg Staples 13  10  14  14  1  3  21  12
Heather Hudson 8  7  11  21  0  6  2  6
Jeff Easley 1  5  1  2  0  3  3  3
Jerry Tiritilli 2  5  6  4  6  0  2  3
Jim Nelson 10  3  15  8  1  1  10  2
John Avon 9  4  9  12  36  1  6  7
John Howe 1  1  2  3  0  0  3  1
John Matson 1  8  4  7  0  2  6  5
Justin Sweet 1  5  6  8  0  0  6  5
Kev Walker 7  17  15  11  0  7  14  14
Larry Elmore 0  1  0  3  5  0  1  1
Luca Zontini 5  4  7  1  0  0  3  4
Mark Brill 3  2  5  0  0  3  8  4
Mark Romanoski 0  3  3  2  0  2  5  2
Mark Tedin 10  6  5  4  5  2  6  6
Mark Zug 5  6  3  8  0  2  3  11
Matt Cavotta 5  7  16  18  1  4  12  7
Matt Thompson 2  5  2  2  0  0  1  1
Matthew D. Wilson 1  5  4  4  0  1  4  9
Michael Sutfin 4  4  1  0  0  2  2  2
Mike Ploog 0  1  2  1  0  0  9  3
Paolo Parente 7  5  4  6  0  4  5  10
Pete Venters 3  20  7  7  0  4  19  9
Peter Bollinger 0  3  2  0  0  0  4  0
Puddnhead 1  4  2  1  0  0  1  0
Randy Gallegos 2  3  3  4  0  1  4  5
Ray Lago 1  2  5  1  0  2  2  4
Rebecca Guay 0  2  12  15  0  2  1  7
Rob Alexander 5  0  3  9  34  0  4  3
Roger Raupp 0  2  5  0  0  1  0  9
Ron Spears 2  5  6  12  0  1  7  6
Ron Spencer 8  8  14  10  3  4  22  7
Scott Bailey 0  1  1  1  9  0  0  1
Scott M. Fischer 1  4  19  5  0  3  8  10
Terese Nielsen 4  5  5  6  1  4  4  8
Thomas M. Baxa 4  20  4  4  0  0  5  1
Tim Hildebrandt 2  6  4  23  0  3  19  26
Tony Szczudlo 10  11  6  4  8  3  9  5
Trevor Hairsine 4  1  0  0  0  0  3  0
Wayne England 0  8  16  12  0  3  9  7
rk post 1  8  5  2  0  2  3  5

 * assumed to be same person as Alex Horley-Orlandelli

Since the spoilers continue to be down, and since not everyone has my 1337 perl skillz (TIAJ) (and partly since there was some odd counting - why do some of the spoilers think Forest is a Green card rather than a Land card?) here is a list of their cards:

Adam Rex  MTG: Ęther Burst MTG: Agonizing Memories MTG: Akroma's Blessing MTG: Angelic Shield MTG: Balance of Power MTG: Bloodcurdler MTG: Cognivore MTG: Confiscate MTG: Consume Strength MTG: Decree of Justice MTG: Decree of Silence MTG: Dross Golem MTG: Essence Leak MTG: Famished Ghoul MTG: Fear MTG: Filthy Cur MTG: Forest MTG: Gloomdrifter MTG: Gravespawn Sovereign MTG: Halam Djinn MTG: Lead Astray MTG: Mass Hysteria MTG: Mind Extraction MTG: Mind Rot MTG: Mind Slash MTG: Murderous Spoils MTG: Nemesis Mask MTG: Nim Devourer MTG: Nim Lasher MTG: Nim Shambler MTG: Nim Shrieker MTG: Organ Grinder MTG: Pay No Heed MTG: Peek MTG: Persuasion MTG: Pouncing Kavu MTG: Prohibit MTG: Regeneration MTG: Remove Soul MTG: Rith's Attendant MTG: Seedborn Muse MTG: Shield Wall MTG: Skulltap MTG: Somber Hoverguard MTG: Soul Feast MTG: Sparring Golem MTG: Tainted Pact MTG: Urborg Uprising MTG: Windborn Muse MTG: Zombie Cannibal

Alan Pollack MTG: Angel's Feather MTG: Arcbound Hybrid MTG: Bamboozle MTG: Bonethorn Valesk MTG: Cephalid Constable MTG: Cephalid Scout MTG: Circle of Protection: Green MTG: Crystal Quarry MTG: Deepwood Ghoul MTG: Deftblade Elite MTG: Dega Disciple MTG: Demon's Horn MTG: Desolation Giant MTG: Dragon's Claw MTG: Elder Druid MTG: Ember Shot MTG: Fierce Empath MTG: Firescreamer MTG: Force Bubble MTG: Forest MTG: Fugue MTG: Golden Wish MTG: Golem-Skin Gauntlets MTG: Improvised Armor MTG: Island MTG: Ivory Cup MTG: Karona's Zealot MTG: Kraken's Eye MTG: Liberate MTG: Mask of Memory MTG: Neurok Hoversail MTG: Nova Cleric MTG: Plague Wind MTG: Plains MTG: Profane Prayers MTG: Rampant Elephant MTG: Read the Runes MTG: Recoil MTG: Run Wild MTG: Sage of Lat-Nam MTG: Scale of Chiss-Goria MTG: Scavenged Weaponry MTG: Sea's Claim MTG: Skittish Valesk MTG: Sleeper's Robe MTG: Spikeshot Goblin MTG: Spineless Thug MTG: Story Circle MTG: Sudden Strength MTG: Swamp MTG: Tainted Isle MTG: Timberland Ruins MTG: Tooth of Chiss-Goria MTG: Treetop Scout MTG: Urborg Skeleton MTG: Wall of Bone MTG: Waste Away MTG: Wheel and Deal MTG: Whirlpool Drake MTG: Wirewood Channeler MTG: Wurm's Tooth

Alex Horley MTG: Blaze MTG: Cabal Inquisitor MTG: Cephalid Vandal MTG: Decimate MTG: Gravestorm MTG: Guided Passage MTG: Malevolent Awakening MTG: Millikin MTG: Oppression MTG: Possessed Centaur MTG: Primal Frenzy MTG: Psychotic Haze MTG: Quicksilver Dagger MTG: Shanodin Dryads MTG: Trained Orgg MTG: Unquestioned Authority MTG: Zoologist MTG: Anaba Shaman MTG: Aven Envoy MTG: Blaze MTG: Break Open MTG: Carbonize MTG: Centaur Glade MTG: Cephalid Pathmage MTG: Decree of Savagery MTG: Disarm MTG: Discombobulate MTG: Earthblighter MTG: Hallow MTG: Incite War MTG: Mephitic Ooze MTG: Myr Incubator MTG: Nantuko Vigilante MTG: Necrogen Mists MTG: Noble Templar MTG: Shriveling Rot MTG: Skirk Drill Sergeant MTG: True Believer MTG: Vengeful Dead MTG: Wirewood Herald

Andrew Goldhawk MTG: Absorb MTG: Collective Unconscious MTG: Cremate MTG: Disenchant MTG: Engineered Plague MTG: Forest MTG: Living Terrain MTG: Nightscape Apprentice MTG: Nightscape Master MTG: Revenant MTG: Soul Burn MTG: Spellbook MTG: Stream of Life MTG: Strength of Unity MTG: Underground River

Anthony S. Waters MTG: Aven Fateshaper MTG: Bloodfire Infusion MTG: Canopy Crawler MTG: Charmed Pendant MTG: Cinder Wall MTG: Circular Logic MTG: Contested Cliffs MTG: Dawn Elemental MTG: Day MTG: Elephant Ambush MTG: Elfhame Palace MTG: Epicenter MTG: Hystrodon MTG: Infected Vermin MTG: Kamahl's Summons MTG: Life MTG: Living Hive MTG: Martyrs' Tomb MTG: Mistform Skyreaver MTG: Mistform Ultimus MTG: Mortivore MTG: Mountain MTG: Mycosynth Lattice MTG: Overmaster MTG: Quicksilver Behemoth MTG: Rockshard Elemental MTG: Root Elemental MTG: Sea Eagle MTG: Shield of Duty and Reason MTG: Squirrel Nest MTG: Stag Beetle MTG: Steam Vines MTG: Thundercloud Elemental MTG: Wall of Mulch MTG: War Elemental MTG: Wild Mongrel MTG: Windswept Heath MTG: Wirewood Lodge MTG: Yavimaya Coast

Arnie Swekel MTG: Anurid Brushhopper MTG: Aquamoeba MTG: Armored Guardian MTG: Bend or Break MTG: Berserk Murlodont MTG: Blistering Firecat MTG: Clockwork Beetle MTG: Clockwork Condor MTG: Clockwork Dragon MTG: Clockwork Vorrac MTG: Crosis's Attendant MTG: Dehydration MTG: Distorting Wake MTG: Dwarven Bloodboiler MTG: Explosive Growth MTG: Fallen Angel MTG: Flight MTG: Fog MTG: Forest MTG: Goblin Brigand MTG: Goblin Raider MTG: Grid Monitor MTG: Haunted Angel MTG: Haunting Echoes MTG: Hollow Dogs MTG: Hydromorph Gull MTG: Juggernaut MTG: Krosan Drover MTG: Lightning Dart MTG: Metal Fatigue MTG: Metathran Zombie MTG: Phantom Nishoba MTG: Pulsating Illusion MTG: Raging Kavu MTG: Raka Disciple MTG: Ravenous Baloth MTG: Riptide Mangler MTG: Riptide Shapeshifter MTG: Rust Elemental MTG: Rustspore Ram MTG: Shambling Swarm MTG: Soul Foundry MTG: Springing Tiger MTG: Stitch Together MTG: Swamp MTG: Sylvan Might MTG: Tangle Golem MTG: Thought Nibbler MTG: Tombfire MTG: Towering Baloth MTG: Unspeakable Symbol MTG: Wipe Clean MTG: Yawgmoth's Agenda MTG: Concentrate

Ben Thompson MTG: Assault MTG: Battery MTG: Blood Celebrant MTG: Bottle Gnomes MTG: Cabal Shrine MTG: Captain's Maneuver MTG: Chainer's Edict MTG: Chromescale Drake MTG: Daru Mender MTG: Defy Gravity MTG: Dega Sanctuary MTG: Edgewalker MTG: Farsight Mask MTG: Flash of Insight MTG: Forest MTG: Goblin Digging Team MTG: Halberdier MTG: Hallowed Healer MTG: Infest MTG: Island MTG: Llanowar Dead MTG: Long-Term Plans MTG: Lost in Thought MTG: March of the Machines MTG: Master Decoy MTG: Mindstorm Crown MTG: Mistform Sliver MTG: Myr Adapter MTG: Orcish Oriflamme MTG: Overabundance MTG: Parallel Thoughts MTG: Patriarch's Bidding MTG: Plagiarize MTG: Plains MTG: Razorfoot Griffin MTG: Slay MTG: Starlit Sanctum MTG: Surestrike Trident MTG: Swelter MTG: Tattoo Ward MTG: Thirst for Knowledge MTG: Volcanic Hammer MTG: Wax MTG: Wane MTG: Whipgrass Entangler

Bradley Williams MTG: Airborne Aid MTG: Banshee's Blade MTG: Crown of Ascension MTG: Crown of Fury MTG: False Cure MTG: Forest MTG: Grip of Amnesia MTG: Island MTG: Last Rites MTG: Mages' Contest MTG: Mental Note MTG: Reminisce MTG: Rites of Initiation MTG: Rites of Refusal MTG: Rites of Spring MTG: Sacred Rites MTG: Skullscorch MTG: Stupefying Touch MTG: Toxic Stench MTG: Flight MTG: Grafted Skullcap MTG: Pillage

Brian "Chippy" Dugan MTG: Beast of Burden MTG: Bellowing Fiend MTG: Backlash MTG: Beast of Burden MTG: Cursed Flesh MTG: Kavu Lair MTG: Plague Spitter MTG: Primeval Shambler MTG: Reckless Spite MTG: Ridgeline Rager MTG: Tek

Brian Snoddy MTG: Annul MTG: Arcane Laboratory MTG: Aven Liberator MTG: Blinkmoth Nexus MTG: Bog Wreckage MTG: Carrion Feeder MTG: Catapult Squad MTG: Chill Haunting MTG: Chromatic Sphere MTG: Daru Lancer MTG: Dawning Purist MTG: Dismantle MTG: Drooling Ogre MTG: Evasive Action MTG: Exiled Doomsayer MTG: Forest MTG: Heavy Ballista MTG: Junk Golem MTG: Lava Axe MTG: Lavaborn Muse MTG: Lightning Coils MTG: Lowland Tracker MTG: Meddle MTG: Nantuko Shade MTG: Otarian Juggernaut MTG: Overgrown Estate MTG: Phantom Tiger MTG: Phyrexian Hulk MTG: Rustmouth Ogre MTG: Temple of the False God MTG: Urza's Mine MTG: Urza's Power Plant MTG: Urza's Tower MTG: Vex MTG: Vindicate MTG: Zombie Trailblazer

Carl Critchlow MTG: Arcbound Overseer MTG: Arcbound Ravager MTG: Balthor the Defiled MTG: Bog Imp MTG: Breaking Wave MTG: Brontotherium MTG: Call of the Herd MTG: Chain of Vapor MTG: Chastise MTG: Choking Tethers MTG: Clone MTG: Consumptive Goo MTG: Crimson Hellkite MTG: Darksteel Colossus MTG: Daunting Defender MTG: Death Mutation MTG: Decree of Pain MTG: Dragon Fangs MTG: Drinker of Sorrow MTG: Dromar's Attendant MTG: Eastern Paladin MTG: Elf Replica MTG: Feral Throwback MTG: Fertile Ground MTG: Flash of Defiance MTG: Forest MTG: Form of the Dragon MTG: Funeral Pyre MTG: Gerrard's Verdict MTG: Goblin Replica MTG: Gorilla Chieftain MTG: Grand Coliseum MTG: Harsh Judgment MTG: Innocent Blood MTG: Kilnmouth Dragon MTG: Kjeldoran Royal Guard MTG: Krosan Vorine MTG: Kurgadon MTG: Lay Waste MTG: Leveler MTG: Magnivore MTG: Memnarch MTG: Minotaur Tactician MTG: Mobilization MTG: Mourner's Shield MTG: Nantuko Husk MTG: Nightmare MTG: Nim Replica MTG: Northern Paladin MTG: Orim's Thunder MTG: Overrun MTG: Phantom Centaur MTG: Phyrexian Arena MTG: Phyrexian Gargantua MTG: Radiate MTG: Raise Dead MTG: Ray of Distortion MTG: Razortooth Rats MTG: Rhox MTG: Rith, the Awakener MTG: Savannah Lions MTG: Shimmering Wings MTG: Silvos, Rogue Elemental MTG: Smother MTG: Soldier Replica MTG: Soul Scourge MTG: Spined Wurm MTG: Squirrel Mob MTG: Sutured Ghoul MTG: Tireless Tribe MTG: Tower Drake MTG: Treetop Sentinel MTG: Tsabo's Web MTG: Twigwalker MTG: Underworld Dreams MTG: Wall of Wonder MTG: Werebear MTG: Western Paladin MTG: Wizard Replica

Christopher Moeller MTG: Aboshan, Cephalid Emperor MTG: Aggressive Urge MTG: Arcbound Bruiser MTG: Aven Fisher MTG: Blackmail MTG: Blessed Reversal MTG: Bloodstoke Howler MTG: Boil MTG: Celestial Gatekeeper MTG: Chimney Imp MTG: Compulsion MTG: Confiscate MTG: Crown of Flames MTG: Crush of Wurms MTG: Divert MTG: Divine Light MTG: Do or Die MTG: Elvish Warrior MTG: Fireshrieker MTG: Fodder Cannon MTG: Forest MTG: Frontline Strategist MTG: Goblin Firebug MTG: Goblin Grappler MTG: Gratuitous Violence MTG: Guilty Conscience MTG: Horned Troll MTG: Hypochondria MTG: Illuminate MTG: Infectious Rage MTG: Infernal Caretaker MTG: Kavu Aggressor MTG: Leonin Bola MTG: Liar's Pendulum MTG: Liege of the Axe MTG: Mana Echoes MTG: Mortiphobia MTG: Narcissism MTG: Need for Speed MTG: Night MTG: Nut Collector MTG: Pernicious Deed MTG: Pyromania MTG: Raven Guild Initiate MTG: Razor Golem MTG: Selfless Exorcist MTG: Shelter MTG: Shieldmage Advocate MTG: Shieldmage Elder MTG: Siege-Gang Commander MTG: Sizzle MTG: Sky Weaver MTG: Sleight of Hand MTG: Sphere of Duty MTG: Sphere of Grace MTG: Sphere of Law MTG: Sphere of Reason MTG: Sphere of Truth MTG: Spiritualize MTG: Suffocating Blast MTG: Thieving Magpie MTG: Tidal Kraken MTG: Trap Digger MTG: Treva's Attendant MTG: Triskelion MTG: Turn the Tables MTG: Vodalian Serpent MTG: Wall of Spears MTG: Wayfaring Giant MTG: Wood Elves

Ciruelo Cabral MTG: Befoul MTG: Crystal Rod MTG: Darkest Hour MTG: Reprisal MTG: Rod of Ruin MTG: Serra's Embrace MTG: Tainted Ęther MTG: Aboshan's Desire MTG: Beast Attack MTG: Dwarven Recruiter MTG: Forest MTG: Glimmering Angel MTG: Rancid Earth MTG: Saproling Symbiosis MTG: Seton's Desire MTG: Tremble MTG: Treva, the Renewer

D. Alexander Gregory MTG: Deconstruct MTG: Devouring Strossus MTG: Elvish Champion MTG: Krosan Avenger MTG: Lobotomy MTG: Persecute MTG: Pianna, Nomad Captain MTG: Redeem MTG: Reviving Dose MTG: Stormscape Apprentice MTG: Thunderscape Apprentice MTG: Venerable Monk MTG: Viridian Acolyte

Dan Frazier MTG: Drake-Skull Cameo MTG: Gaea's Herald MTG: Glarecaster MTG: Gustcloak Harrier MTG: Gustcloak Skirmisher MTG: Orcish Artillery MTG: Phyrexian Battleflies MTG: Pincer Spider MTG: Elite Archers MTG: Goblin Matron MTG: Pygmy Pyrosaur

Dana Knutson MTG: Dragon Arch MTG: Howling Mine MTG: Lotus Guardian MTG: Mesmeric Fiend MTG: Ornithopter MTG: Phantasmal Terrain MTG: Phyrexian Delver MTG: Quagmire Druid MTG: Sacred Nectar MTG: Stalking Assassin MTG: Synod Sanctum MTG: Tangleroot

Dany Orizio MTG: Alpha Myr MTG: Anurid Murkdiver MTG: Auriok Steelshaper MTG: Birchlore Rangers MTG: Coretapper MTG: Creeping Mold MTG: Daring Apprentice MTG: Daru Cavalier MTG: Daru Healer MTG: Flying Carpet MTG: Gempalm Polluter MTG: Hill Giant MTG: Mistform Seaswift MTG: Myr Moonvessel MTG: Ogre Taskmaster MTG: Omega Myr MTG: Oracle's Attendants MTG: Pearlspear Courier MTG: Ritual of Restoration MTG: Severed Legion MTG: Skinthinner MTG: Stifle MTG: Timesifter MTG: Warbreak Trumpeter

Daren Bader MTG: Abyssal Horror MTG: Altar's Light MTG: Battlefield Scrounger MTG: Bloodshot Cyclops MTG: Bog Gnarr MTG: Brass Herald MTG: Brass Herald MTG: Call to the Grave MTG: Cantivore MTG: Culling Scales MTG: Cultural Exchange MTG: Deep Analysis MTG: Dirty Wererat MTG: Faceless Butcher MTG: Forest MTG: Frenetic Raptor MTG: Glade Gnarr MTG: Goblin Elite Infantry MTG: Goblin Sky Raider MTG: Gravegouger MTG: Greater Harvester MTG: Jareth, Leonine Titan MTG: Kavu Mauler MTG: Macetail Hystrodon MTG: Major Teroh MTG: Marauding Knight MTG: Mystic Snake MTG: Nantuko Elder MTG: Neurok Spy MTG: One with Nature MTG: Patrol Hound MTG: Restock MTG: Ridgetop Raptor MTG: Shaleskin Plower MTG: Shivan Harvest MTG: Silent Specter MTG: Skull of Orm MTG: Spire Golem MTG: Spirit Link MTG: Spurred Wolverine MTG: Standing Troops MTG: Talon of Pain MTG: Twisted Abomination MTG: Urborg Phantom MTG: Verdeloth the Ancient MTG: Vermiculos MTG: Viridian Joiner MTG: Walking Desecration MTG: Whispering Shade MTG: Wing Shards MTG: Wing Snare

Darrell Riche MTG: Alpha Status MTG: Ambush Commander MTG: Ana Disciple MTG: Arcbound Stinger MTG: Arcbound Worker MTG: Battlefield Forge MTG: Beloved Chaplain MTG: Bonesplitter MTG: Cease-Fire MTG: Circle of Protection: White MTG: Coalition Flag MTG: Crazed Goblin MTG: Defender of the Order MTG: Disrupting Scepter MTG: Disruptive Pitmage MTG: Dragon Scales MTG: Dragon Wings MTG: Elven Riders MTG: Evacuation MTG: Everglove Courier MTG: Fangren Hunter MTG: Far Wanderings MTG: Forcemage Advocate MTG: Forest MTG: Immobilizing Ink MTG: Island MTG: Lava Dart MTG: Leonin Abunas MTG: Nantuko Cultivator MTG: Nostalgic Dreams MTG: Nullmage Advocate MTG: One Dozen Eyes MTG: Phyrexian Infiltrator MTG: Pinpoint Avalanche MTG: Price of Glory MTG: Rewards of Diversity MTG: Rogue Kavu MTG: Rorix Bladewing MTG: Samite Ministration MTG: Shifting Sliver MTG: Tel-Jilad Stylus MTG: Totem Speaker MTG: Wirewood Hivemaster

Dave Dorman MTG: Akroma's Devoted MTG: Aladdin's Ring MTG: Auriok Bladewarden MTG: Battle Strain MTG: Blind Seer MTG: Bog Wraith MTG: Book Burning MTG: Cephalid Broker MTG: Charging Troll MTG: Daru Spiritualist MTG: Dedicated Martyr MTG: Detonate MTG: Dimensional Breach MTG: Dispersal Shield MTG: Dromar, the Banisher MTG: Fallen Cleric MTG: False Dawn MTG: Fireball MTG: Flamewave Invoker MTG: Fleeting Image MTG: Forest MTG: Glory Seeker MTG: Goblin Assassin MTG: Grapeshot Catapult MTG: Grizzly Fate MTG: Guided Strike MTG: Hanna, Ship's Navigator MTG: Howl from Beyond MTG: Impulsive Maneuvers MTG: Irradiate MTG: Kamahl's Desire MTG: Larceny MTG: Minotaur Explorer MTG: Myr Mindservant MTG: Myr Prototype MTG: Nature's Revolt MTG: Necravolver MTG: Patron of the Wild MTG: Prophetic Bolt MTG: Rabid Elephant MTG: Recoup MTG: Renewed Faith MTG: Restrain MTG: Savage Firecat MTG: Savage Gorilla MTG: Shrapnel Blast MTG: Skirk Commando MTG: Solar Tide MTG: Timberwatch Elf MTG: Traveling Plague MTG: Unified Strike MTG: Urza's Filter MTG: Vigilant Drake MTG: Vizzerdrix MTG: Whip Silk MTG: Wirewood Pride

David Martin MTG: Ark of Blight MTG: Blade Sliver MTG: Blinkmoth Urn MTG: Blinkmoth Well MTG: Charcoal Diamond MTG: Cryptic Gateway MTG: Darkwater Egg MTG: Duskwalker MTG: Fade from Memory MTG: Fever Charm MTG: Fire MTG: Firecat Blitz MTG: Fire Diamond MTG: Galina's Knight MTG: Ghostly Wings MTG: Goblin Burrows MTG: Harvester Druid MTG: Marble Diamond MTG: Meekstone MTG: Merchant Scroll MTG: Mesmeric Orb MTG: Mirari's Wake MTG: Misery Charm MTG: Moss Diamond MTG: Mossfire Egg MTG: Nomad Stadium MTG: Pain/Suffering (Pain) MTG: Pain/Suffering (Suffering) MTG: Phantom Flock MTG: Piety Charm MTG: Pitchstone Wall MTG: Primitive Etchings MTG: Raka Sanctuary MTG: Ravaged Highlands MTG: Reality MTG: Riptide Crab MTG: Roaring Slagwurm MTG: Rod of Ruin MTG: Serene Sunset MTG: Shadowblood Egg MTG: Sisay's Ring MTG: Skycloud Egg MTG: Sootfeather Flock MTG: Spite/Malice (Malice) MTG: Spite/Malice (Spite) MTG: Stabilizer MTG: Stand/Deliver (Deliver) MTG: Stand/Deliver (Stand) MTG: Starstorm MTG: Sungrass Egg MTG: Tarnished Citadel MTG: Trickery Charm MTG: Vitality Charm MTG: Vorrac Battlehorns MTG: Vulshok Morningstar MTG: Wall of Hope MTG: Xantid Swarm

DiTerlizzi? MTG: Balshan Collaborator MTG: Coastal Hornclaw MTG: Coercion MTG: Giant Growth MTG: Horned Turtle MTG: Kavu Scout MTG: Lure MTG: Vine Trellis MTG: Wirewood Savage

Don Hazeltine MTG: Ancient Spring MTG: Archaeological Dig MTG: Benalish Heralds MTG: Cabal Coffers MTG: Coastal Tower MTG: Decaying Soil MTG: Envelop MTG: Equilibrium MTG: Inferno MTG: Kamahl's Sledge MTG: Laquatus's Creativity MTG: Riftstone Portal MTG: Rolling Stones MTG: Scorching Missile MTG: Tainted Field MTG: Treefolk Seedlings MTG: Web of Inertia MTG: Yavimaya Barbarian

Donato Giancola MTG: Archivist MTG: Cabal Surgeon MTG: Cartographer MTG: Cauldron Dance MTG: Chrome Mox MTG: Cromat MTG: Crystal Rod MTG: Deathgazer MTG: Dredge MTG: Feroz's Ban MTG: Flaming Gambit MTG: Fyndhorn Elder MTG: Gerrard's Wisdom MTG: Glory MTG: Iron Star MTG: Ivory Cup MTG: Jayemdae Tome MTG: Mirari MTG: Patron Wizard MTG: Reflexes MTG: Shield of Kaldra MTG: Shivan Dragon MTG: Spinal Embrace MTG: Star Compass MTG: Sword of Kaldra MTG: Teferi's Puzzle Box MTG: Throne of Bone MTG: Tigereye Cameo MTG: Troll-Horn Cameo MTG: Wooden Sphere MTG: Yawgmoth's Edict

Edward P. Beard, Jr MTG: Birds of Paradise MTG: Castle MTG: Horned Turtle MTG: Seasoned Marshal MTG: Abandoned Outpost MTG: Accelerated Mutation MTG: Acorn Harvest MTG: Alabaster Leech MTG: Ancestral Tribute MTG: Angelfire Crusader MTG: Animal Boneyard MTG: Aven Fogbringer MTG: Birds of Paradise MTG: Carrion Rats MTG: Crusading Knight MTG: Crypt Sliver MTG: Death MTG: Dusk Imp MTG: Dwarven Driller MTG: Elvish Scrapper MTG: Ghastly Remains MTG: Ghosthelm Courier MTG: Goblin Pyromancer MTG: Ground Seal MTG: Invigorating Boon MTG: Jungle Barrier MTG: Krosan Wayfarer MTG: Loxodon Mystic MTG: Mage's Guile MTG: Mind's Eye MTG: Mystic Familiar MTG: Needleshot Gourna MTG: Neurok Familiar MTG: Peer Pressure MTG: Psychatog MTG: Pteron Ghost MTG: Rainbow Crow MTG: Shock MTG: Spitting Spider MTG: Sulfur Vent MTG: Temporal Fissure MTG: Tribal Golem MTG: Verdant Succession MTG: White Knight

Eric Peterson MTG: Ambassador Laquatus MTG: Baleful Stare MTG: Braids, Cabal Minion MTG: Caltrops MTG: Cathodion MTG: Centaur Rootcaster MTG: Coalition Honor Guard MTG: Coalition Victory MTG: Crashing Centaur MTG: Death Grasp MTG: Foothill Guide MTG: Ghitu Fire-Eater MTG: Goblin Clearcutter MTG: Ixidor's Will MTG: Last Caress MTG: Lightning Rift MTG: Living Wish MTG: Llanowar Cavalry MTG: Mahamoti Djinn MTG: Mind Sludge MTG: Morbid Hunger MTG: Mutilate MTG: Necra Sanctuary MTG: Nomad Mythmaker MTG: Pacifism MTG: Patriarch's Desire MTG: Planar Guide MTG: Possessed Nomad MTG: Primal Boost MTG: Prismatic Strands MTG: Probe MTG: Relic Bane MTG: Reverse Damage MTG: Rush of Knowledge MTG: Seeker of Skybreak MTG: Serpent Warrior MTG: Silver Knight MTG: Stonewood Invoker MTG: Touch of Invisibility MTG: Urborg Emissary MTG: Vigilant Sentry MTG: Warped Devotion MTG: Willbender MTG: Words of Wind MTG: Words of Wisdom MTG: Yavimaya's Embrace MTG: Zanam Djinn

Franz Vohwinkel MTG: Blood Moon MTG: Ceta Sanctuary MTG: Earthquake MTG: Helionaut MTG: Ice MTG: Insist MTG: Keldon Necropolis MTG: Lithatog MTG: Mirror Golem MTG: Mistform Wall MTG: Molten Influence MTG: Pledge of Loyalty MTG: Rowen MTG: Serpentine Basilisk MTG: Shade's Breath MTG: Symbiotic Beast MTG: Thermal Blast

Gary Ruddell MTG: Accelerate MTG: Aurification MTG: Bash to Bits MTG: Breakthrough MTG: Cetavolver MTG: Chain of Plasma MTG: Circle of Protection: Red MTG: Creeping Mold MTG: Demolish MTG: Diligent Farmhand MTG: Dwarven Blastminer MTG: Erratic Explosion MTG: Execute MTG: Femeref Archers MTG: Ghastly Demise MTG: Krosan Reclamation MTG: Mana Breach MTG: Manacles of Decay MTG: Mudhole MTG: Muscle Burst MTG: Mystic Enforcer MTG: Nature's Resurgence MTG: Overload MTG: Pride of Lions MTG: Reborn Hero MTG: Sabertooth Nishoba MTG: Sacred Ground MTG: Spirit Cairn MTG: Standing Troops MTG: Unholy Strength MTG: Utopia Tree MTG: Vampiric Dragon MTG: Wild Research MTG: Worldly Counsel

Glen Angus MTG: Concentrate MTG: Airdrop Condor MTG: Ancient Kavu MTG: Aven Warhawk MTG: Broodstar MTG: Carrion Wurm MTG: Collapsing Borders MTG: Disorder MTG: Distorting Lens MTG: Elvish Vanguard MTG: Essence Sliver MTG: Fabricate MTG: Flaring Pain MTG: Frozen Solid MTG: Ghitu Fire MTG: Gigapede MTG: Gustcloak Runner MTG: Hindering Touch MTG: Hydromorph Guardian MTG: Ivory Mask MTG: Kaboom! MTG: Longhorn Firebeast MTG: Magma Vein MTG: Mask of Intolerance MTG: Metathran Transport MTG: Mindslaver MTG: Mistform Shrieker MTG: Mistform Wakecaster MTG: Moss Monster MTG: Panoptic Mirror MTG: Pardic Firecat MTG: Petrified Field MTG: Phantatog MTG: Rock Jockey MTG: Sandskin MTG: Scattershot MTG: Sever Soul MTG: Shadowblood Ridge MTG: Spiritmonger MTG: Starlight Invoker MTG: Strands of Night MTG: Thought Prison MTG: Tidal Visionary MTG: Tower of Murmurs MTG: Tsabo's Assassin MTG: Wormfang Crab MTG: Wretched Anurid

Greg Hildebrandt MTG: Ęther Vial MTG: Assert Authority MTG: Brown Ouphe MTG: Clutch of Undeath MTG: Gempalm Sorcerer MTG: Intrepid Hero MTG: Keeneye Aven MTG: Krosan Warchief MTG: Liberated Dwarf MTG: Merchant of Secrets MTG: Mistform Warchief MTG: Shaman's Trance MTG: Shunt MTG: Specter's Shroud MTG: Stoic Champion MTG: Thoughtcast MTG: Tooth and Nail MTG: Undead Warchief MTG: Zombie Brute MTG: Akroma's Vengeance MTG: Anarchist MTG: Aven Flock MTG: Aven Windreader MTG: Bomb Squad MTG: Breath of Darigaaz MTG: Cabal Ritual MTG: Ceta Disciple MTG: Chaos MTG: Circle of Protection: Blue MTG: Circle of Solace MTG: Convalescent Care MTG: Custody Battle MTG: Demoralize MTG: Druid's Call MTG: Dwarven Patrol MTG: Eager Cadet MTG: Elvish Guidance MTG: Epic Struggle MTG: Equal Treatment MTG: Fiery Temper MTG: Final Fortune MTG: Healing Salve MTG: Knighthood MTG: Leaf Dancer MTG: Llanowar Vanguard MTG: Loafing Giant MTG: Master Healer MTG: Order MTG: Piper's Melody MTG: Powerstone Minefield MTG: Reclaim MTG: Relentless Assault MTG: Savage Offensive MTG: Simplify MTG: Skirk Fire Marshal MTG: Strength of Lunacy MTG: Strongarm Tactics MTG: Sudden Impact MTG: Sulam Djinn MTG: Sway of Illusion MTG: Teroh's Faithful MTG: Teroh's Vanguard MTG: Vodalian Zombie MTG: Wave of Indifference MTG: Weathered Wayfarer MTG: Withering Hex

Greg Staples MTG: Aggravated Assault MTG: Alloy Golem MTG: Aphetto Grifter MTG: Artifact Mutation MTG: Artificial Evolution MTG: Avarax MTG: Aven Brigadier MTG: Aven Trooper MTG: Bloodfire Colossus MTG: Bloodfire Kavu MTG: Buried Alive MTG: Chain of Smog MTG: Cruel Revival MTG: Daru Stinger MTG: Dead Ringers MTG: Dragon Breath MTG: Duskworker MTG: Echoing Calm MTG: Echoing Courage MTG: Echoing Decay MTG: Echoing Ruin MTG: Echoing Truth MTG: Elite Archers MTG: Emblazoned Golem MTG: Erhnam Djinn MTG: Extra Arms MTG: Fledgling Dragon MTG: Fractured Loyalty MTG: Fyndhorn Elder MTG: Global Ruin MTG: Goblin Goon MTG: Goblin Raider MTG: Goblin Sharpshooter MTG: Howling Gale MTG: Hypnox MTG: Laquatus's Champion MTG: Liquid Fire MTG: Lodestone Myr MTG: Lord of Atlantis MTG: Mana Short MTG: Metathran Aerostat MTG: Might of Oaks MTG: Mirrodin's Core MTG: Mogg Sentry MTG: Myr Enforcer MTG: Myr Landshaper MTG: Nantuko Tracer MTG: Orcish Spy MTG: Oxidda Golem MTG: Pemmin's Aura MTG: Pentavus MTG: Phantom Warrior MTG: Plated Sliver MTG: Primal Whisperer MTG: Proteus Machine MTG: Retraced Image MTG: Second Sunrise MTG: Seismic Assault MTG: Seize the Day MTG: Seton, Krosan Protector MTG: Shackles MTG: Shepherd of Rot MTG: Shifty Doppelganger MTG: Skirk Outrider MTG: Solar Blast MTG: Solemn Simulacrum MTG: Southern Paladin MTG: Spiketail Hatchling MTG: Spincrusher MTG: Squall MTG: Stalking Bloodsucker MTG: Steely Resolve MTG: Sulfuric Vortex MTG: Sunweb MTG: Tower of Champions MTG: Traumatize MTG: Tribal Forcemage MTG: Vivify MTG: Worldslayer MTG: Yavimaya Kavu MTG: Zombie Boa

Heather Hudson MTG: Ęther Rift MTG: Amugaba MTG: Barren Moor MTG: Basking Rootwalla MTG: Bearscape MTG: Benthic Behemoth MTG: Blood Pet MTG: Blurred Mongoose MTG: Branchsnap Lorian MTG: Bull Hippo MTG: Craw Wurm MTG: Crippling Fatigue MTG: Dirge of Dread MTG: Early Harvest MTG: Earnest Fellowship MTG: Earsplitting Rats MTG: Fertile Ground MTG: Fungusaur MTG: Geth's Grimoire MTG: Giant Cockroach MTG: Giant Octopus MTG: Glacial Wall MTG: Gorilla Titan MTG: Graceful Antelope MTG: Ironshell Beetle MTG: Kavu Glider MTG: Llanowar Knight MTG: Lonely Sandbar MTG: Loxodon Mender MTG: Molder Slug MTG: Ogre Leadfoot MTG: Ordered Migration MTG: Pedantic Learning MTG: Penumbra Bobcat MTG: Prowling Pangolin MTG: Quirion Sentinel MTG: Rooting Kavu MTG: Saproling Infestation MTG: Screaming Seahawk MTG: Screeching Buzzard MTG: Sculpting Steel MTG: Secluded Steppe MTG: Serpentine Kavu MTG: Spectral Lynx MTG: Spitting Gourna MTG: Standstill MTG: Suntail Hawk MTG: Sylvan Messenger MTG: Tranquil Thicket MTG: Treespring Lorian MTG: Ur-Golem's Eye MTG: Vile Consumption MTG: Wormfang Behemoth MTG: Wormfang Manta

Jeff Easley MTG: Arc-Slogger MTG: Death or Glory MTG: Death Wish MTG: Deflection MTG: Ogre Taskmaster MTG: Penumbra Wurm MTG: Pulsemage Advocate MTG: Razorfin Hunter MTG: Reckless Assault MTG: Ruham Djinn MTG: Scavenging Scarab MTG: Soul Link MTG: Syphon Mind MTG: Tunneler Wurm MTG: Undead Gladiator MTG: Voltaic Construct

Jerry Tiritilli MTG: Accursed Centaur MTG: Capashen Unicorn MTG: Cephalid Snitch MTG: Diversionary Tactics MTG: Elfhame Palace MTG: Goblin Gardener MTG: Ice Cave MTG: Information Dealer MTG: Jalum Tome MTG: Llanowar Elves MTG: Morality Shift MTG: Nefarious Lich MTG: Patchwork Gnomes MTG: Risky Move MTG: Rummaging Wizard MTG: Salt Marsh MTG: Screams of the Damned MTG: Shifting Sky MTG: Skyshooter MTG: Strength of Isolation MTG: Wirewood Elf MTG: Words of Waste

Jim Nelson MTG: Ęther Spellbomb MTG: Balduvian Barbarians MTG: Break Asunder MTG: Carry Away MTG: Caves of Koilos MTG: Chatter of the Squirrel MTG: Cunning Wish MTG: Curiosity MTG: Dream's Grip MTG: Dross Scorpion MTG: Drudge Skeletons MTG: Elephant Guide MTG: Fugitive Wizard MTG: Fungal Shambler MTG: Glintwing Invoker MTG: Goblin Archaeologist MTG: Goblin Lookout MTG: Goblin Turncoat MTG: Grim Lavamancer MTG: Gustcloak Savior MTG: Hunting Pack MTG: Keeper of the Nine Gales MTG: Krosan Constrictor MTG: Leonin Sun Standard MTG: Lifespark Spellbomb MTG: Mythic Proportions MTG: Necrogen Spellbomb MTG: Obsessive Search MTG: Petradon MTG: Phantom Nomad MTG: Pyrite Spellbomb MTG: Sandstone Deadfall MTG: Scornful Egotist MTG: Sparksmith MTG: Spitfire Handler MTG: Steamclaw MTG: Sunbeam Spellbomb MTG: Telekinetic Bonds MTG: Telepathic Spies MTG: Terravore MTG: Think Tank MTG: Thought Devourer MTG: Thunder of Hooves MTG: Vexing Arcanix MTG: Voidmage Apprentice MTG: Woodcloaker

John Avon MTG: Adarkar Wastes MTG: Angelic Wall MTG: Anger MTG: Annex MTG: Arcbound Lancer MTG: Arrogant Wurm MTG: Aven Soulgazer MTG: Barbarian Ring MTG: Cabal Pit MTG: Caustic Tar MTG: Centaur Garden MTG: Cephalid Coliseum MTG: Chlorophant MTG: Confessor MTG: Darksteel Citadel MTG: Decree of Annihilation MTG: Dermoplasm MTG: Explosive Vegetation MTG: Geothermal Crevice MTG: Gilded Light MTG: Hum of the Radix MTG: Illusion MTG: Insidious Dreams MTG: Legacy Weapon MTG: Lethal Vapors MTG: Life Burst MTG: Meteor Storm MTG: Millstone MTG: Mistform Mutant MTG: Mossfire Valley MTG: Pyroclasm MTG: Pyrotechnics MTG: Quick Sliver MTG: Quiet Speculation MTG: Riptide Laboratory MTG: Seat of the Synod MTG: Slithery Stalker MTG: Spirit of Resistance MTG: Sprouting Vines MTG: Strength of Night MTG: Tangle MTG: Thriss, Nantuko Primus MTG: Tower of Eons MTG: Tranquil Path MTG: Tree of Tales MTG: Unholy Grotto MTG: Upwelling MTG: Wall of Air MTG: Wall of Deceit MTG: Wormfang Turtle

John Howe MTG: Diving Griffin MTG: Dodecapod MTG: Goblin Chariot MTG: Hooded Kavu MTG: Hurricane MTG: Jade Leech MTG: Kavu Chameleon MTG: Opt MTG: Reprocess MTG: Sea Monster

John Matson MTG: Anurid Swarmsnapper MTG: Auriok Glaivemaster MTG: Battlegrowth MTG: Crypt Creeper MTG: Entrails Feaster MTG: Fledgling Imp MTG: Furnace of Rath MTG: Giant Cockroach MTG: Groffskithur MTG: Harsh Mercy MTG: Horned Cheetah MTG: Journey of Discovery MTG: Last Laugh MTG: Levitation MTG: Manipulate Fate MTG: Mournful Zombie MTG: Nantuko Mentor MTG: Rage Weaver MTG: Raise the Alarm MTG: Restless Dreams MTG: Searing Wind MTG: Soulgorger Orgg MTG: Stone Rain MTG: Storm Crow MTG: Temporal Spring MTG: Trained Armodon MTG: Trained Pronghorn MTG: Tranquility MTG: Wail of the Nim MTG: Zap

Justin Sweet MTG: Alter Reality MTG: Arcanis the Omnipotent MTG: Aven Cloudchaser MTG: Bane of the Living MTG: Callous Oppressor MTG: Centaur Chieftain MTG: Doubtless One MTG: Embalmed Brawler MTG: Enrage MTG: Eternal Dragon MTG: Gangrenous Goliath MTG: Morgue Theft MTG: Nantuko Disciple MTG: Pardic Lancer MTG: Plated Slagwurm MTG: Riptide Biologist MTG: Skirk Alarmist MTG: Slagwurm Armor MTG: Slith Ascendant MTG: Slith Bloodletter MTG: Slith Firewalker MTG: Slith Predator MTG: Slith Strider MTG: Snarling Undorak MTG: Standardize MTG: Tel-Jilad Exile MTG: Words of War MTG: Wurmskin Forger

Kev Walker MTG: Eastern Paladin MTG: Foul Imp MTG: Lightning Elemental MTG: Looming Shade MTG: Mawcor MTG: Patagia Golem MTG: Scathe Zombies MTG: Wrath of God MTG: Ęther Snap MTG: Ancestor's Prophet MTG: Annihilate MTG: Aven Smokeweaver MTG: Bladewing's Thrall MTG: Bladewing the Risen MTG: Butcher Orgg MTG: Clickslither MTG: Cloudreach Cavalry MTG: Copper Myr MTG: Cover of Darkness MTG: Covert Operative MTG: Darksteel Reactor MTG: Dragon Shadow MTG: Dragonspeaker Shaman MTG: Dragonstorm MTG: Dragon Tyrant MTG: Dreamborn Muse MTG: Dwarven Demolition Team MTG: Emperor Crocodile MTG: Giant Warthog MTG: Glorious Anthem MTG: Glowering Rogon MTG: Gold Myr MTG: Graveborn Muse MTG: Gravel Slinger MTG: Hoverguard Observer MTG: Hunter Sliver MTG: Index MTG: Index MTG: Iron Myr MTG: Ixidor, Reality Sculptor MTG: Kamahl, Pit Fighter MTG: Kirtar's Wrath MTG: Krosan Beast MTG: Krosan Colossus MTG: Krosan Tusker MTG: Leaden Myr MTG: Leonin Skyhunter MTG: Lightning Elemental MTG: Llanowar Elite MTG: Looming Shade MTG: Mindslicer MTG: Mystic Crusader MTG: Noble Purpose MTG: Obliterate MTG: Oxidize MTG: Patagia Golem MTG: Phyrexian Plaguelord MTG: Promise of Power MTG: Raven Guild Master MTG: Roar of the Wurm MTG: Rotting Giant MTG: Scathe Zombies MTG: Scrivener MTG: Sengir Vampire MTG: Silver Myr MTG: Slobad, Goblin Tinkerer MTG: Soulscour MTG: Spirit Link MTG: Squee's Revenge MTG: Swarm of Rats MTG: Symbiotic Deployment MTG: Treacherous Vampire MTG: Unforge MTG: Unnatural Selection MTG: Upheaval MTG: Valor MTG: Vedalken Archmage MTG: Vicious Kavu MTG: Viridian Zealot MTG: Visara the Dreadful MTG: Void MTG: Vulshok Battlemaster MTG: Well-Laid Plans MTG: Whirlpool Warrior MTG: Wingbeat Warrior

Larry Elmore MTG: Childhood Horror MTG: Lure MTG: Mana Clash MTG: Might Weaver MTG: Mystic Penitent MTG: Seafloor Debris MTG: Thornscape Master

Luca Zontini MTG: Aura Extraction MTG: Aven Farseer MTG: Barrin's Unmaking MTG: Chromatic Sphere MTG: Coast Watcher MTG: Dakmor Lancer MTG: Defensive Maneuvers MTG: Delaying Shield MTG: Dragon Roost MTG: Flamestick Courier MTG: Gempalm Incinerator MTG: Hint of Insanity MTG: Intruder Alarm MTG: Noxious Ghoul MTG: Persecute MTG: Second Sight MTG: Skullclamp MTG: Spellweaver Helix MTG: Stand Together MTG: Thought Eater MTG: Wanderguard Sentry MTG: Weaver of Lies MTG: Whispersilk Cloak MTG: Yotian Soldier

Mark Brill MTG: Ęther Charge MTG: Agonizing Demise MTG: Arcane Teachings MTG: Battle of Wits MTG: Callous Giant MTG: Chance Encounter MTG: Doomed Necromancer MTG: Frantic Purification MTG: Hunting Grounds MTG: Juntu Stakes MTG: Militant Monk MTG: Mine Layer MTG: Mirror Wall MTG: Opposition MTG: Sage Owl MTG: Sarcatog MTG: Seaside Haven MTG: Shared Triumph MTG: Slice and Dice MTG: Threaten MTG: Venerable Monk MTG: Welding Jar

Mark Romanoski MTG: Circle of Protection: Black MTG: Counterspell MTG: Exclude MTG: Goblin Legionnaire MTG: Goblin Ringleader MTG: Kangee, Aerie Keeper MTG: Nantuko Calmer MTG: Seton's Scout MTG: Spellgorger Barbarian MTG: Temporary Insanity MTG: Twilight's Call MTG: Viashino Grappler MTG: Zombify

Mark Tedin MTG: Angel of Mercy MTG: Ashen Firebeast MTG: Barbarian Outcast MTG: Browbeat MTG: Charging Slateback MTG: Corpse Harvester MTG: Defense Grid MTG: Dismantling Blow MTG: Eater of Days MTG: Enormous Baloth MTG: Fervent Charge MTG: Forgotten Ancient MTG: Gallantry MTG: Genesis Chamber MTG: Grassland Crusader MTG: Grip of Chaos MTG: Guiltfeeder MTG: Limestone Golem MTG: Living Airship MTG: Myr Matrix MTG: Nameless One MTG: Phyrexian Colossus MTG: Phyrexian Rager MTG: Planar Portal MTG: Repentant Vampire MTG: Scalpelexis MTG: Scorching Lava MTG: Slipstream Eel MTG: Telepathy MTG: Treacherous Werewolf MTG: Vengeful Dreams MTG: Wayward Angel MTG: Wirewood Guardian

Mark Zug MTG: Avatar of Hope MTG: Aven Archer MTG: Bind MTG: Cabal Patriarch MTG: Centaur Veteran MTG: Chainer, Dementia Master MTG: Chalice of the Void MTG: Darigaaz, the Igniter MTG: Dark Supplicant MTG: Drill-Skimmer MTG: Druid Lyrist MTG: Elvish Champion MTG: Genesis MTG: Grinning Demon MTG: Gustcloak Sentinel MTG: Heedless One MTG: Honor Guard MTG: Icy Manipulator MTG: Insurrection MTG: Lay of the Land MTG: Llawan, Cephalid Empress MTG: Minotaur Illusionist MTG: Molimo, Maro-Sorcerer MTG: Neurok Transmuter MTG: Royal Assassin MTG: Rukh Egg MTG: Scion of Darkness MTG: Serra Angel MTG: Shaleskin Bruiser MTG: Sunstrike Legionnaire MTG: Sustainer of the Realm MTG: Swooping Talon MTG: Sword of Fire and Ice MTG: Sword of Light and Shadow MTG: Synod Artificer MTG: Worship

Matt Cavotta MTG: Dwarven Shrine MTG: Extract MTG: Frightcrawler MTG: Iridescent Angel MTG: Mystic Visionary MTG: Shower of Coals MTG: Still Life MTG: Volcanic Spray MTG: Anavolver MTG: Astral Steel MTG: Battering Craghorn MTG: Bloodscent MTG: Brawn MTG: Caller of the Claw MTG: Canopy Surge MTG: Copperhoof Vorrac MTG: Crested Craghorn MTG: Crown of Vigor MTG: Crypt Rats MTG: Disciple of Malice MTG: Ebony Treefolk MTG: Elvish Aberration MTG: Empress Galina MTG: Fighting Drake MTG: Flash Counter MTG: Folk Medicine MTG: Future Sight MTG: Goblin Piledriver MTG: Goblin Spelunkers MTG: Headhunter MTG: Hibernation MTG: Imperial Hellkite MTG: Inspiration MTG: Jaded Response MTG: Leery Fogbeast MTG: Lich's Tomb MTG: Maniacal Rage MTG: Nantuko Blightcutter MTG: Noble Panther MTG: Parallel Evolution MTG: Phyrexian Lens MTG: Plague Beetle MTG: Retract MTG: Reward the Faithful MTG: Roar of the Kha MTG: Scavenger Folk MTG: Scythe of the Wretched MTG: Shared Fate MTG: Skirk Volcanist MTG: Skyhunter Patrol MTG: Skywing Aven MTG: Stand or Fall MTG: Stern Judge MTG: Stir the Pride MTG: Symbiotic Wurm MTG: Thought Dissector MTG: Tower of Fortunes MTG: Trade Routes MTG: Treefolk Healer MTG: Tundra Kavu MTG: Twiddle

Matt Thompson MTG: Battlefield Medic MTG: Consume Spirit MTG: Disciple of the Vault MTG: Final Punishment MTG: Lingering Death MTG: Lumengrid Warden MTG: Root Sliver MTG: Savage Beating MTG: Serum Powder MTG: Vexing Beetle MTG: Woebearer MTG: Wrath of Marit Lage

Matthew D. Wilson MTG: Breaking Point MTG: Coastal Piracy MTG: Day of the Dragons MTG: Dragon Mage MTG: Fallen Angel MTG: Furnace Dragon MTG: Kamahl, Fist of Krosa MTG: Karona, False God MTG: Luminous Angel MTG: Masked Gorgon MTG: Obsidian Acolyte MTG: Pacifism MTG: Phyrexian Hulk MTG: Revive MTG: Reya Dawnbringer MTG: Seasoned Marshal MTG: Silver Seraph MTG: Soul Collector MTG: Spineless Thug MTG: Spirit Weaver MTG: Telepathy MTG: Tel-Jilad Chosen MTG: Urza's Rage MTG: Vile Deacon MTG: Wash Out MTG: Yavimaya Enchantress MTG: Knight Errant MTG: Serra Advocate

Michael Sutfin MTG: Abyssal Specter MTG: Arcbound Crusher MTG: Chimeric Egg MTG: Dross Harvester MTG: Dross Prowler MTG: Exalted Angel MTG: Goblin Dirigible MTG: Grab the Reins MTG: Heartseeker MTG: Loxodon Peacekeeper MTG: Misguided Rage MTG: Shoreline Ranger MTG: Tsabo Tavoc

Mike Ploog MTG: Acceptable Losses MTG: Barbarian Bully MTG: Crackling Club MTG: Dematerialize MTG: Dwarven Grunt MTG: Dwarven Strike Force MTG: Hell-Bent Raider MTG: Intrepid Hero MTG: Mist of Stagnation MTG: Mortal Combat MTG: Panic Attack MTG: Stun MTG: Test of Endurance MTG: Wallop

Paolo Parente MTG: Ardent Militia MTG: Ardent Soldier MTG: Armadillo Cloak MTG: Barter in Blood MTG: Benalish Lancer MTG: Blanchwood Armor MTG: Call of the Wild MTG: Cobalt Golem MTG: Disrupt MTG: Elvish Champion MTG: Empyrial Plate MTG: Hematite Golem MTG: Hulking Cyclops MTG: Lieutenant Kirtar MTG: Malachite Golem MTG: Mystic Zealot MTG: Needlebug MTG: Pewter Golem MTG: Pulse of the Dross MTG: Pulse of the Fields MTG: Pulse of the Forge MTG: Sadistic Hypnotist MTG: Shivan Emissary MTG: Skull Fracture MTG: Spark Mage MTG: Tel-Jilad Outrider MTG: Tel-Jilad Wolf MTG: Tephraderm MTG: Time Stretch MTG: Titanium Golem MTG: Vengeance MTG: Western Paladin

Pete Venters MTG: Ancestor's Chosen MTG: Aura Mutation MTG: Backslide MTG: Boneknitter MTG: Cabal Archon MTG: Cabal Slaver MTG: Cabal Torturer MTG: Cabal Trainee MTG: Cephalid Illusionist MTG: Coffin Purge MTG: Crosis, the Purger MTG: Dawn of the Dead MTG: Death Pit Offering MTG: Defiant Elf MTG: Dueling Grounds MTG: Duress MTG: Embermage Goblin MTG: Fists of the Anvil MTG: Gate to the Ęther MTG: Goblin Psychopath MTG: Goblin War Strike MTG: Holy Day MTG: Infernal Contract MTG: Invisibility MTG: Iron Star MTG: Kirtar's Desire MTG: Krark-Clan Stoker MTG: Laquatus's Disdain MTG: Lhurgoyf MTG: Maro MTG: Megatog MTG: Natural Affinity MTG: Nocturnal Raid MTG: Nomad Decoy MTG: Painbringer MTG: Pardic Collaborator MTG: Phyrexian Arena MTG: Purge MTG: Putrid Raptor MTG: Pyrostatic Pillar MTG: Razorfoot Griffin MTG: Reviving Vapors MTG: Scrounge MTG: Searing Flesh MTG: Skirk Marauder MTG: Skittish Kavu MTG: Skyhunter Cub MTG: Smash MTG: Spark Spray MTG: Spectral Sliver MTG: Spelljack MTG: Sylvan Safekeeper MTG: Syncopate MTG: Tahngarth's Glare MTG: Tanglewalker MTG: Tears of Rage MTG: Tendrils of Agony MTG: Tremor MTG: Urborg Shambler MTG: Voice of the Woods MTG: Vulshok Berserker MTG: Vulshok War Boar MTG: Ward Sliver MTG: Wrench Mind MTG: Zombie Assassin

Peter Bollinger MTG: Goblin War Drums MTG: Greed MTG: Megrim MTG: Okk MTG: Raging Goblin MTG: Steal Artifact

Puddnhead MTG: Atog MTG: Hunger of the Nim MTG: Moriok Scavenger MTG: Neurok Prodigy MTG: Nightmare Lash MTG: Temporal Cascade MTG: Terror MTG: Troll Ascetic MTG: Unholy Strength

Randy Gallegos MTG: Anurid Barkripper MTG: Battle Screech MTG: Benalish Emissary MTG: Chain of Silence MTG: Dingus Egg MTG: Dive Bomber MTG: Electrostatic Bolt MTG: Fight or Flight MTG: Flashfires MTG: Giant Spider MTG: Haunted Cadaver MTG: Hypnotic Cloud MTG: Leonin Bladetrap MTG: Mistform Stalker MTG: Murderous Betrayal MTG: Plague Spores MTG: Primeval Force MTG: Regress MTG: Sage Aven MTG: Shock MTG: Slimy Kavu MTG: Thornscape Apprentice

Ray Lago MTG: Aura Graft MTG: Balshan Beguiler MTG: Captain Sisay MTG: Dead-Iron Sledge MTG: Divine Sacrament MTG: Foul Presence MTG: Giant Spider MTG: Granite Grip MTG: Karmic Justice MTG: Lava Axe MTG: Longbow Archer MTG: Merfolk of the Pearl Trident MTG: Overeager Apprentice MTG: Psychic Battle MTG: Putrid Warrior MTG: Second Thoughts MTG: Whirlpool Rider

Rebecca Guay MTG: Ancestral Memories MTG: Atalya, Samite Master MTG: Auramancer MTG: Bloodline Shaman MTG: Boomerang MTG: Cabal Executioner MTG: Commander Eesha MTG: Coral Merfolk MTG: Dark Banishing MTG: Dispersing Orb MTG: Dwell on the Past MTG: Embolden MTG: Enchantress's Presence MTG: Fecundity MTG: Gaea's Balance MTG: Holistic Wisdom MTG: Invigorating Falls MTG: Mana Maze MTG: Moment's Peace MTG: Nantuko Shrine MTG: Predict MTG: Protective Sphere MTG: Psychic Trance MTG: Pulse of Llanowar MTG: Quirion Trailblazer MTG: Seedtime MTG: Seer's Vision MTG: Shimmering Mirage MTG: Squee's Embrace MTG: Taunting Elf MTG: Thoughtleech MTG: Transcendence MTG: Traveler's Cloak MTG: Twiddle MTG: Vodalian Hypnotist MTG: Wonder MTG: Words of Worship

Rob Alexander MTG: Ana Sanctuary MTG: Ancient Den MTG: Bloodstained Mire MTG: Cephalid Aristocrat MTG: Deserted Temple MTG: Divergent Growth MTG: Evacuation MTG: Flooded Strand MTG: Great Furnace MTG: Harrow MTG: Irrigation Ditch MTG: Kavu Climber MTG: Lava Blister MTG: Lesser Gargadon MTG: Llanowar Wastes MTG: Nantuko Monastery MTG: Plow Under MTG: Polluted Delta MTG: Rain of Blades MTG: Reap and Sow MTG: Shivan Oasis MTG: Shivan Reef MTG: Skycloud Expanse MTG: Soulcatchers' Aerie MTG: Sulfurous Springs MTG: Tainted Wood MTG: Tectonic Instability MTG: Tinder Farm MTG: Tranquility MTG: Vault of Whispers MTG: Verduran Enchantress MTG: Wall of Stone MTG: Wind Dancer MTG: Wooded Foothills

Roger Raupp MTG: Afflict MTG: Aven Warcraft MTG: Benevolent Bodyguard MTG: Border Patrol MTG: Breath of Life MTG: Coral Net MTG: Crowd Favorites MTG: Hate Weaver MTG: Orim's Touch MTG: Riptide Chronologist MTG: Sword Dancer MTG: Temporal Adept MTG: Testament of Faith MTG: Winnow

Ron Spears MTG: Addle MTG: Aegis of Honor MTG: Akroma, Angel of Wrath MTG: Animal Magnetism MTG: Aphetto Alchemist MTG: Astral Slide MTG: Atogatog MTG: Balthor the Stout MTG: Barbarian Lunatic MTG: Biorhythm MTG: Brood Sliver MTG: Cleansing Meditation MTG: Crazed Firecat MTG: Divine Presence MTG: Dream Chisel MTG: Elvish Soultiller MTG: Entomb MTG: Frenetic Ogre MTG: Frightshroud Courier MTG: Goblin King MTG: Hapless Researcher MTG: Krosan Archer MTG: Krosan Cloudscraper MTG: Lightning Surge MTG: Master of the Veil MTG: Naturalize MTG: Overwhelming Instinct MTG: Phage the Untouchable MTG: Phyrexian Altar MTG: Silverback Ape MTG: Spurnmage Advocate MTG: Spy Network MTG: Syphon Soul MTG: Trade Secrets MTG: Tribal Unity

Ron Spencer MTG: Ęther Mutation MTG: Ascending Aven MTG: Aura Shards MTG: Bedlam MTG: Blatant Thievery MTG: Bloodfire Dwarf MTG: Boneshard Slasher MTG: Burning Sands MTG: Cabal Therapy MTG: Chain of Acid MTG: Chromeshell Crab MTG: Commando Raid MTG: Confusion in the Ranks MTG: Crookclaw Elder MTG: Darksteel Gargoyle MTG: Degavolver MTG: Desperate Research MTG: Dragon Blood MTG: Dragonstalker MTG: Ensnaring Bridge MTG: False Memories MTG: Firebolt MTG: Flame Burst MTG: Goblin Dynamo MTG: Goblin Sledder MTG: Goham Djinn MTG: Guerrilla Tactics MTG: Hammer of Bogardan MTG: Ivy Elemental MTG: Krark's Thumb MTG: Last Stand MTG: Lightning Blast MTG: Liquify MTG: Mad Dog MTG: Maggot Carrier MTG: Mana Clash MTG: Menacing Ogre MTG: Metamorphose MTG: Mind's Desire MTG: Monstrous Growth MTG: New Frontiers MTG: Norwood Ranger MTG: Planar Chaos MTG: Quicksilver Dragon MTG: Razor Barrier MTG: Reaping the Graves MTG: Reckless One MTG: Rout MTG: Sapphire Leech MTG: Serpent Warrior MTG: Skizzik MTG: Soulcatcher MTG: Soul Net MTG: Spellbinder MTG: Standard Bearer MTG: Sungrass Prairie MTG: Thicket Elemental MTG: Throne of Bone MTG: Tolarian Emissary MTG: Unifying Theory MTG: Unstable Hulk MTG: Unsummon MTG: Venomous Vines MTG: Venomspout Brackus MTG: Wall of Fire MTG: Whipcorder MTG: Whipkeeper MTG: Wildfire

Scott Bailey MTG: Brushland MTG: Karplusan Forest MTG: Spreading Plague MTG: Teferi's Care MTG: Teferi's Response MTG: Vernal Bloom

Scott M. Fischer MTG: Ancient Silverback MTG: Corrupt MTG: Flying' Carpet MTG: Holy Strength MTG: Necrologia MTG: Pariah MTG: Rag Man MTG: Rampant Growth MTG: Aphetto Exterminator MTG: Aphetto Runecaster MTG: Awe Strike MTG: Balancing Act MTG: Burning Wish MTG: Cabal Conditioning MTG: Cagemail MTG: Careful Study MTG: Chainflinger MTG: Coat of Arms MTG: Complicate MTG: Cowardice MTG: Echo Tracer MTG: Escape Artist MTG: Fervent Denial MTG: Fiery Gambit MTG: Glowrider MTG: Goblin Spy MTG: Gurzigost MTG: Holy Strength MTG: Hunting Kavu MTG: Last Word MTG: Looming Hoverguard MTG: Lumengrid Sentinel MTG: Nourish MTG: Possessed Aven MTG: Possessed Barbarian MTG: Pristine Angel MTG: Puppeteer MTG: Pure Reflection MTG: Rakavolver MTG: Reckless Charge MTG: Reef Shaman MTG: Righteous Cause MTG: Riptide Director MTG: Rule of Law MTG: Samite Archer MTG: Sickening Dreams MTG: Sneaky Homunculus MTG: Solitary Confinement MTG: Sylvan Scrying MTG: Thunderscape Master MTG: Vigorous Charge MTG: Viridian Shaman MTG: Vodalian Merchant MTG: Voidmage Prodigy MTG: Zur's Weirding

Terese Nielsen MTG: Suppress MTG: Barrin's Spite MTG: Catapult Master MTG: Choke MTG: Darksteel Pendant MTG: Delusions of Mediocrity MTG: Enslaved Dwarf MTG: Fact or Fiction MTG: Frogmite MTG: Gaea's Skyfolk MTG: Giant Growth MTG: Glorious Anthem MTG: Grotesque Hybrid MTG: Head Games MTG: Heroes' Reunion MTG: Imagecrafter MTG: Infested Roothold MTG: Jilt MTG: Kavu Monarch MTG: Loxodon Punisher MTG: Mourning MTG: Sonic Seizure MTG: Static Orb MTG: Tangle Spider MTG: Voracious Cobra MTG: Wooden Sphere MTG: Yavimaya Enchantress MTG: Blessed Orator MTG: Luminous Guardian MTG: Master Apothecary MTG: Nimble Mongoose MTG: Obstinate Familiar MTG: Repel

Thomas M. Baxa MTG: Suppress MTG: Churning Eddy MTG: Contaminated Bond MTG: Death-Mask Duplicant MTG: Disciple of Grace MTG: Dripping Dead MTG: Duplicant MTG: Dwarven Scorcher MTG: Elvish Pioneer MTG: Face of Fear MTG: Festering Goblin MTG: Filth MTG: Gluttonous Zombie MTG: Havoc Demon MTG: Hunted Wumpus MTG: Krark-Clan Grunt MTG: Krark-Clan Shaman MTG: Metamorphic Wurm MTG: Nosy Goblin MTG: Oversold Cemetery MTG: Riptide Survivor MTG: Rotlung Reanimator MTG: Scrabbling Claws MTG: Smokespew Invoker MTG: Soulless One MTG: Spined Basher MTG: Spoils of the Vault MTG: Synapse Sliver MTG: Thrashing Mudspawn MTG: Torrent of Fire MTG: Tsabo's Decree MTG: Wand of the Elements MTG: Wirewood Symbiote MTG: Wormfang Drake MTG: Zombie Cutthroat MTG: Zombie Infestation

Tim Hildebrandt MTG: Akroma's Vengeance MTG: Anarchist MTG: Aven Flock MTG: Aven Windreader MTG: Bomb Squad MTG: Breath of Darigaaz MTG: Cabal Ritual MTG: Ceta Disciple MTG: Chaos MTG: Circle of Protection: Blue MTG: Circle of Solace MTG: Convalescent Care MTG: Custody Battle MTG: Demoralize MTG: Druid's Call MTG: Dwarven Patrol MTG: Eager Cadet MTG: Elvish Guidance MTG: Epic Struggle MTG: Equal Treatment MTG: Fiery Temper MTG: Final Fortune MTG: Healing Salve MTG: Knighthood MTG: Leaf Dancer MTG: Llanowar Vanguard MTG: Loafing Giant MTG: Master Healer MTG: Order MTG: Piper's Melody MTG: Powerstone Minefield MTG: Reclaim MTG: Relentless Assault MTG: Savage Offensive MTG: Simplify MTG: Skirk Fire Marshal MTG: Strength of Lunacy MTG: Strongarm Tactics MTG: Sudden Impact MTG: Sulam Djinn MTG: Sway of Illusion MTG: Teroh's Faithful MTG: Teroh's Vanguard MTG: Vodalian Zombie MTG: Wave of Indifference MTG: Weathered Wayfarer MTG: Withering Hex MTG: Arrest MTG: Aven Redeemer MTG: Beacon of Destiny MTG: Brain Freeze MTG: Daru Warchief MTG: Fangren Firstborn MTG: Gempalm Avenger MTG: Gempalm Strider MTG: Goblin Warchief MTG: Grave Consequences MTG: Naturalize MTG: Recuperate MTG: Shatter MTG: Steelshaper Apprentice MTG: Sun Droplet MTG: Trinisphere MTG: Withered Wretch

Tony Szczudlo MTG: Ageless Sentinels MTG: Aphetto Vulture MTG: Bloodstone Cameo MTG: Cabal Interrogator MTG: Carrion Wall MTG: Catalyst Stone MTG: Cephalid Inkshrouder MTG: Cephalid Retainer MTG: Chartooth Cougar MTG: Claws of Wirewood MTG: Daru Encampment MTG: Daru Sanctifier MTG: Deathmark Prelate MTG: Death Pulse MTG: Decompose MTG: Devastating Dreams MTG: Dwarven Landslide MTG: Essence Drain MTG: Forge Armor MTG: Forgotten Cave MTG: Galvanic Key MTG: Grave Defiler MTG: Gravedigger MTG: Grave Pact MTG: Karstoderm MTG: Krosan Verge MTG: Mind Bend MTG: Morningtide MTG: Pardic Miner MTG: Penumbra Kavu MTG: Predator's Strike MTG: Primoc Escapee MTG: Psychic Membrane MTG: Quicksilver Elemental MTG: Seashell Cameo MTG: Shivan Zombie MTG: Sigil of the New Dawn MTG: Simoon MTG: Sliver Overlord MTG: Spawning Pit MTG: Swirling Sandstorm MTG: Tainted Peak MTG: Tribal Flames MTG: Uncontrolled Infestation MTG: Urborg Volcano MTG: Volley of Boulders MTG: Wall of Blood

Trevor Hairsine MTG: Arcane Spyglass MTG: Flamebreak MTG: Flayed Nim MTG: Goblin Taskmaster MTG: Grand Melee MTG: Myr Retriever MTG: Proteus Staff MTG: Quicksilver Fountain

Wayne England MTG: Ęther Flash MTG: Air Elemental MTG: Andradite Leech MTG: Aven Shrine MTG: Balshan Griffin MTG: Battlewise Aven MTG: Betrayal of Flesh MTG: Brightstone Ritual MTG: Cephalid Shrine MTG: Chamber of Manipulation MTG: Crafty Pathmage MTG: Crown of Suspicion MTG: Deluge MTG: Dreamwinder MTG: Earth Rift MTG: Ebonblade Reaper MTG: Ember Beast MTG: Enlistment Officer MTG: Essence Fracture MTG: Exoskeletal Armor MTG: Faces of the Past MTG: Fervor MTG: Goblin Trenches MTG: Grim Reminder MTG: Hundroog MTG: Kavu Howler MTG: Krosan Groundshaker MTG: Leonin Shikari MTG: Machinate MTG: Magma Sliver MTG: Petravark MTG: Phantom Nantuko MTG: Phantom Whelp MTG: Pulse of the Grid MTG: Pulse of the Tangle MTG: Putrid Imp MTG: Slinking Serpent MTG: Stone-Tongue Basilisk MTG: Symbiotic Elf MTG: Tempest of Light MTG: Tidal Courier MTG: Titanic Bulvox MTG: Trench Wurm MTG: Turbulent Dreams MTG: Turn to Dust MTG: Unburden MTG: Wings of Hope MTG: Words of Wilding MTG: Worldgorger Dragon MTG: Zealous Inquisitor

rk post MTG: Angel of Retribution MTG: Blazing Salvo MTG: Bog Initiate MTG: Death Match MTG: Defiling Tears MTG: Dogged Hunter MTG: Emissary of Despair MTG: Emissary of Hope MTG: Faerie Squadron MTG: Fatespinner MTG: Hollow Specter MTG: Ichorid MTG: Jeska, Warrior Adept MTG: Lightning Angel MTG: Lumengrid Augur MTG: Nefashu MTG: Pardic Arsonist MTG: Spirit Flare MTG: Supreme Inquisitor MTG: Swat MTG: Teferi's Moat MTG: Thorn Elemental MTG: Urza's Armor MTG: Warped Researcher

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Last edited April 5, 2004 1:52 pm (viewing revision 3, which is the newest) (diff)