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For details on possible formats for events to run in Cambridge (or elsewhere), see MagicTheGathering/LimitedFormats and MagicTheGathering/ConstructedFormats. For reports on former pending events, see MagicTheGathering/EventsAndReports

Anyone interested in an Unstable Draft? -NR

We're thinking of having a Conspiracy draft, sometime in June or July. Conspiracy is an unusual set which (a) is designed to be drafted and then played in multiplayer free-for-all games, and (b) includes a bunch of cards that affect the draft. (In case you're interested, [the full cardlist is here].)

For timings, we propose to start drafting at 7pm. The draft may take a little longer than usual due to Conspiracy being a bit weird, but we ought to be able to be starting to play the multiplayer games around 8.

I already have the boosters. As usual you'll be able to choose whether you want to come along and just draft-and-play (in which case you pay nothing), or keep the cards you drafted (in which case I'll ask for £7.50 to cover the cost of the boosters).

If we get 3-5 people, we'll all play in one big multiplayer game (or perhaps another one afterwards). If we get 6-10, we'll do one draft, then split into two multiplayer games (possibly redistributing players between groups for a second game).

As usual, put your initials by the dates that you can make. If there's a day you can make but it's not ideal, put your initials in brackets.

Sat 21 June: AC PWF NR NP ET
Sun 22 June: AC NR NP
Sun 29 June: AC NR ET
Sun 6 July: AC NR NP AK JV??
Sat 12 July: AC NP ET JV??
Sun 13 July: AC PWF NP ET JV??
Sat 19 July: AC PWF NR QQ JV SF
Sun 20 July: AC PWF ET? AK?
Sat 26 July: AC PWF NP ET
Sun 27 July: AC PWF NP ET

PWF includes RH. (assuming no early arrival of mini-PWF)

Okay, let's do two drafts (since I have that many boosters). We'll meet at 7pm at Alex and Rachael's house on Saturday 21st June, and then again on either Sat 19th July or Sun 20th July.

Pallando writes: It seems I asked slightly the wrong question.  If instead of asking your guesses, after the drafting stage, of what you suspect about specific other players, I'd asked your best guess at how many other 5 players were drafting (or half drafting) each specific colour, what would your answers have been.
If, for instance, A had drafted pure white, B had drafted 50% white and 50% green, C had drafted 50% black and 50% blue, and D had drafted pure red; then a perfect guess would have been "1.5 players drafting white, 0.5 players drafting green, 0.5 players drafting black, 0.5 players drafting blue, 1.0 players drafting red; and I myself drafted 50% black and 50$ blue."

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Last edited December 9, 2017 4:20 pm (viewing revision 886, which is the newest) (diff)