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Just... don't go there.

Fighting robot retires to become a maid.
She has a massive amount of embarassing fanservice, including a teacher who is envious of her breasts.
She also has a FlyingPantherRobot? sidekick.

Basically bad, the plot slowly explains why she retired, why she owes the person she works for so much, what happened with the war.

Probably the best element of the series, and its redeeming feature, is that after each huge long soppy bouncy episode of silliness - it ends with a black screen, a sober chord, and the number of days remaining until she dies.

There's a special recently out.  The plot appears to be the main chasing down and killing her owner, becausde she finds a porn mag whilst cleaning.


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Last edited October 6, 2003 9:07 am (viewing revision 5, which is the newest) (diff)