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This is intended to be a starting place for anime-related discussion, info and so on. If we add the words "CategoryAnime" to the bottom of anime-related pages, clicking on the title of this page will always produce a complete list.

Would it make sense for the anime series to get their own subdirectory-thing - something like Anime/RanmaHalf? and so forth?  I invariably end up clicking on interesting words in RecentChanges only to find they're yet another anime series.  --Angoel
It's somewhat annoying to have to remember to put Anime/ at the start of everything, though.  --Vitenka

Anime series people have been moved to comment on previously have included:

Quite why people feel moved to call Japanese cartoons 'Anime' when no one would dream of insisting that Proust wrote not books but romans, or Tolstoy whatever Russian word for novel can't be represented here due to the lack of Cyrillic characters, is an interesting question.
I think the answer would be connected to the return question "What English word would you suggest?"  The word "cartoon" is certainly inadequate: it has a whole host of connotations or shades of meaning (childish; Saturday-morning; lack of depth; mass market; etc) which give all the wrong impressions to Western listeners... --AlexChurchill

"Cartoon" was good enough for Fritz the Cat, which isn't exactly childish, and I've seen lots of Anime on Saturday mornings in the middle of Saturday Morning Undead With That Guy Who Used To Be In Big Brother. But if that's a hang-up, what's wrong with "animation"? If "Anime" is just because four syllables are too much effort, though, then presumably all cartoons could be called Anime, for short?

It seems reasonable that yes, they could.  It really depends on whether people who know what anime is want to distinguish it from Western cartoons.  Which comes down to personal opinion.  I think in my experience, "animation" would be used as an overarching set including cartoons, anime, and other things like WallaceAndGromit-style animations.
In my personal opinion, I distinguish between anime and cartoons on two criteria: primarily art style and detailedness, and secondarily "depth" - of plot, characters, subtlety, etc.  So I would be OK to call JungleWaItsumoHaleNochiGuu a cartoon as well as an anime (because its art style is rather more western-cartoon-like than most anime), and Pokemon a cartoon because of its kiddy lack-of-depth.  (He says prejudicedly.)  But like I say, that's just my personal opinion.  Others may differ.  --AlexChurchill

But why would they want to distinguish it from Western cartoons, any more than we distinguish Russian from English novels? That is, they have their own characteristics and cultural preoccupations, and it can be interesting to view them as such, but fundamentally they are still novels first and Russian or English second.

The fact that cartoons are unlike novels in this sense is precisely the reason I wish to make a distinction, when I do wish to make it. Cartoon is to animation what "reading primer" is to book. I want to be able to distinguish between the tradition of Western animation, with its associated preconception that cartoons are for kids, from Japanese animation and similar, which has no such preconception. The word "cartoon" carries overtones that the word "anime" does not. If this were the case for books, there would be a word like "picture book", "fairy tales" or "primer" that would describe Western books and a subset of Japanese books. Thankfully, it is not. HTH, MoonShadow

Why, though, use the term "'Anime"? It both includes too much (like the Saturday-morning Japanese kids' cartoons) and too little (like excluding non-Japanese adult animation, such as the aforementioned Fritz the Cat or  the animated The Lord of the Rings, or the late-night Channel 4 animation strands). Japan is not the only place to produce good quality, adult animation, and nor is that all it produces. So if you mean "non-childish animation", why not say that -- why use a term which ties it to a particular country? The word "cartoon" may carry connotiations in the mind of the general public, but so does "Anime": all tentacles undressing schoolgirls. But, like the idea that comic books are only full of spandex-clad superheroes, the problem here rests squarely on those who hold these views (it's their loss), not on the terms themselves. Neither term is free from problems, and "Anime" has the additional distastefulness (especially when used as part of a "cartoons/Anime?" dichotomy) of  tying quality to geographical origin, which seems out of place in this post-colonial world. Unless the intention is to borrow "Anime" as English has so many other words, assimilate it into the language until its origins and connotiations of Japanese-ness are lost to all but the OED and it simply means "animation aimed at adults". That I can see the point of, for such a shorthand term would be useful.

That is certainly how MoonShadow uses the term. It is arguably coincidental just about all anime MoonShadow watches is Japanese in origin.

Japanese animation is hugely varied (and let's not forget that by all acounts, like American TV, we only see the best: there's piles and piles of mass-produced rubbish made to fill up the time between adverts that simply never makes the jump to Britain), so I'm not sure why it's at all useful to lump it together in a single category and exclude other animation that may have "detailedness" and "depth" simply because of its country of origin.

Chalk it up to the same laziness that affects the rest of language right now.  Just be glad than 'nim' is already taken.  Although 'Ani' seems to be gaining some popularity in usage.  -- Vitenka

If "animation" is the art form itself, "cartoon" would then seem to imply the style of story.  "Anime" as different from cartoon would seem to imply that the form of the story is different.  Yet this is not entirely so.  The 1980s cartoon "Dungeons and Dragons" (much better than the recent movie of the same name) certainly seems to have had more depth and story to it than many anime.  And it can't be a question of format, either, as many anime are just as episodic as cartoons.  So, really, then, the difference must boil down simply to country of origin.  I don't argue that there aren't trends based on social psychology of different nations and different backgrounds that make what we call anime markedly different from what we call cartoons, but while "cartoon" can (aruably) encompass "anime," both are distinctly still encompassed by "animation" as two different forms of the same visual/audio art.  -- Kristin?

To my mind, use of the term 'anime' has spread partly because in pronunciation it is closer to the cadences of the Japanese language than 'cartoon' or 'animation'. I believe that  'animated shows' (whats the umbrella term here?) are much more about the voice acting than people think. Perhaps we are getting something back with animated TV shows which was lost in the move from radio to tv. -- Patrick
This would go a long way to explaining the tendancy of fans to prefer subtitles to dubs. (I prefer them myself, partly because bad dubs are just... wrong). -- TheInquisitor

Is it fair to say that anime is animated manga, and that manga is a style of (still) cartoon drawing? --M-A

Yup. But all you do then is shift the argument from anime vs cartoons to comics vs manga vs graphic novels. "Yeah, I know the sort of thing - they're just comics, aren't they? My five-year-old reads the Beano too. Don't you think it's about time you grew up?" - MoonShadow

But surely then you could hit them, and in a court of law claim you were provoked beyond the bounds of sanity! - Tsunami

To my mind, the words "Anime" and "Manga" describe the style (which in itself is unique and therefore deserves its own category). The fact that this style in from Japan to my mind does not mean the medium is being categorized by country of origin, at least that is my uptake on this issue. Cartoons like 'Dungeons and Dragons' and 'Mysterious Cities of Gold' would be good quality cartoons but were not originally drawn in the Manga style and therefore I wouldn't call them anime. If they were created in a Western style over in Japan I would still not categorize them as anime - Taz
Actually, MysteriousCitiesOfGold was created in Japan... it was a co-production with French animators, though, and french animation styles predominated. Some people still categorise MCOG as anime because of its origins, others take your view because of its style. (And yet others would discount the french entirely, and claim it is animated in a Japanese style...) - tjm
Well, I was maybe 9 or 10 at the time so maybe we can forgive the ignorance ^_^ On recollection as you said I would have to go with those that discount it as Anime because of the style. But then I don't necessarily look down on cartoons because they aren't anime. There are still good and bad cartoons, a good cartoon with depth, plot and quality would not to my mind make it anime. I see Motion Picture as an art form and as such I would differentiate in style. While Classical Art has its Surrealism and within this, let's say BioMechanical? Art (largely influenced by H.R. Giger), Motion Picture has its Animation and within that, Anime (right now almost solely Japanese based, let's hope in the future we can say "Influenced by Japan" instead). At least that is my almost entirely aesthetic take on things --Taz

ChiarkPerson finds the idea of 'anime' being 'aimed at adults' very interesting especially in light of this (which coincides with ChiarkPerson's own experience):

Anime, on the other hand, tends to be aimed at a younger and less specialized audience. In his "From the Inside Looking Out" behind the scenes anime-industry column in Animerica Extra, Vol. 5, No. 4, Scott Frazier asserts that, despite the widespread popularity of printed manga among every age group and every niche of society, in its native Japan televised anime is still primarily associated with and aimed at children and young people, albeit to a lesser extent than animated cartoons are in the United States. In Frazier's words, "The majority of anime shows are aimed at kids, and almost every show on the air is written for audiences 18 and under. A famous producer, who at the time had more TV hits than anyone else, said, 'Everything has to be written for 14-year-olds, no matter what the concept, or it will fail in the end.'"
(from http://www.sequentialtart.com/ao_1203_3.shtml)

*shrug* this is the internet. You can find opinions on whatever side of whatever subject you like. Contrast with this extract (acquired from Google, where plenty more may be found; coincides with MoonShadow's own experience):

Thus, when Millennium Actress, voted Best Animated Feature at the 2001 Fantasia Festival in Montreal, finally arrived in the United States (...), it quietly snuck into only a handful of art house theaters.

That's a shame, say die-hard anime fans, who cherish Japanese animation for its imagination, adult themes, and unconventional storytelling techniques.

"Think of every cartoon you've ever seen, and then remove all limitations," said Patrick Drazen, author of the book Anime Explosion! "In anime, anything becomes a viable topic and nothing is beyond the abilities of the artist."

(from http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2003/09/0916_030916_millenniumactress.html#main)

What's people's general opinion of anime merchandise? I've seen one or two comments online from people who seem to be of the opinion that you certainly shouldn't buy a, say, NeonGenesisEvangelion T-shirt if it's not produced by the makers of that anime or someone officially licensed. Even to the extent of calling posters / t-shirts / etc produced unofficially "bootleg", the way some people do fansubs. Lots of other people seem to not mind the idea of buying an unofficially produced T-shirt or whatever. I'm trying to make up my mind, and wondered what do other people think? Does it make a difference if there is or isn't a similar official merchandise item available? (In most cases it seems there isn't) --AlexChurchill

ISTM you need to consider two questions - do you care about the moral implications of your choice of what to buy, and if so, do you really want to support the people your money's gonna go to? ISTM from that point of view it might make sense to buy fan-made merchandise inspired by a series if you want to support the fan that made it, but not dodgy ripoffs of merchandise made by people with no artistic talent beyond being able to use a scanner and printer when there's originals around that you could pay for in a way that rewards their real creator (which are incidentally usually of better quality). There'd be rather less wrong from that POV in getting copies for free, or making your own bootlegs for yourself, than in paying for bootlegs; but if you're gonna reward someone, why choose the people who want to make a quick buck from someone else's work over people who actually make the stuff you like? Where you draw the line between the two extremes is between you and your conscience... --MoonShadow

Or, to sum up that POV: TShirts are good.  Paying money is bad.  Giving appreciation to people you think deserve it is good.  Balance.  --Vitenka

Hmm, thanks. There aren't any actual copyright issues in addition, the way there are with reproduction of media or suchlike? --AC
Ohh, legality?  Sure.  It's as legal as buying fansub.  Thank you, come again :)  --Vitenka  (Seriously - there's precisely the same range of legitimacy and enforcement.  Some images are copyright free, most are not.  Some companies care.  Some people get caught.)
Of course there are. Any image belongs to its creator, and legally you can't do diddly squat with it without the creator's permission. For stuff only available on import, this usually tends to be the last thing people are concerned about, for some reason. Incidentally, which merchandise are you thinking of? I can think of few places in the UK one can get bootleg anime merchandise - even SonMay? CDs are hard to come by these days.. - MoonShadow
It's as legally wrong as taking my images and selling them or even just printing them for yourself without asking. It's more morally wrong (IMO) since I don't make a living out of selling images, while the creators of anime do. And in any case, I would be royally pissed off if people did that, money or no money. Someone asked me if they could use the 'grounded' image for a tattoo for themselves, and I was happy to say yes, but I would have been irritated if I'd found out and they hadn't asked permission. Would you do it to me? If not, why is it OK to do it to someone else - SunKitten
More accurately, it's as wrong as taking your images/manga and selling them on the streets of Japan where people would have no other access to the material or would have to go to an extreme amount of effort to gain access to it. (Not saying that makes it right, just putting in the comparison).  To me, this issue all comes down to availability.  It used to be the real OSTs or merchandise were almost impossible to come by, now that isn't so much the case but still depends on the series.  If official merchandise is available, buying the 'bootlegged' stuff is saying that you would rather support the bootleg industry than the people who actually made the stuff.  If official merchandise isn't available I would be a little more wary but I would probably buy bootleg stuff if I really wanted it. --K
As an additional edit - I don't really mind people, say, printing out strips they like from PhoenixFeathers without asking. But I can understand why artists would get cross by people printing out their pictures without asking. Even though I don't mind too much, I would prefer to abide by the stricter rule since it's safer, and when it comes to things I've spent time on, I might be a bit cross if people didn't ask. I suppose, too, it's easier with people you know - but that's a different topic.
There is of course the possibility that no such merchandise is available (cf licensed anime in the UK). In which case, you get what you can - order the T-shirt from Japan, or the DVD from America. If they aren't available and there is *no way* to get money to the creators, I would admit that doing it yourself or getting the whatever from someone who's not asking for money is the only thing you can do (or not do it at all, of course, which would be best). This is why I put up with fansubs, and buy the DVDs as soon as possible (why, oh why, haven't ScrappedPrincess and PrincessTutu been licensed? ;_;).  (The answer to that, of course, is because not everyone is quite as insane as you!  --Vitenka )
And of course, if everyone goes the cheap way, the creators of the anime/picture you like don't get any money and there's no more anime/pictures from them... - SunKitten

I was after some high-quality anime T-shirts, preferably with images larger than CafePress do. A little looking around suggests that there's rarely anything at all officially published, or it's rubbish (the *only* official FullMetalPanic T-shirt I can find is the ADV one they gave me a free copy of at AyaCon). Looking at the content of the CopyrightMatters page suggests that the major problem is if the use of the content (image) in question is competing with the copyright owner in some way (Obviously SonMay? is very different here). I wanted to find out before buying anything whether it was questionable, and what counts as questionable anyway. SunKitten, just to clarify, would you object to someone having a PhoenixFeathers image on their desktop? Or on a T-shirt they'd printed themselves? (I appreciate in your case the ToothyShop specifically says that other images than those shown can be provided)
I can't speak for SunKitten - but I don't think that quite works as an analogy. I think she'd object to you printing T-shirts yourself when it's so easy for you to ask her to do it; this doesn't correspond well to the situation with FullMetalPanic. OTOH, I don't imagine she'd object to you printing T-shirts - or any other sort of merchandise - if you were to ask her first and give her some of your profits if you make any; again, this is a situation that doesn't map well onto FullMetalPanic, since you don't have any such contacts with its creators. Finally, I don't imagine anyone would object to you doing things with Phoenix Feathers fan art that you'd drawn yourself or commissioned someone to draw for you; that is a version which *does* have possible parallels with FullMetalPanic. It might be interesting to consider it from a different POV - SunKitten, how would you react if someone we don't know, located somewhere we can't easily ship stuff to, made for themselves a one-off piece of merchandise that we don't currently produce and have no easy way of producing, containing an image pulled from toothycat.net? - for a concrete example, let's say someone in the US made a lunchbox just for themselves with Rin and the toothycat.net logo on it? - MoonShadow

I guess most T-shirts and such things in dealers' rooms at conventions would be unofficial and thus equally dodgy? --AlexChurchill
CDs are easy to spot which are fake (since they kindly label them as such).  Other products are far less so.  I don't know about T-shirts but I do know that spotting an official poster or notebook from the good imitations requires a level of knowledge of producers and product markings well above mine! --K

Dunno. Like I said, it's actualy quite tricky to come by bootleg merchandise in the UK these days - I've seen legit things around; as in, T-shirts and things being sold and given away by the distributors - ADV comes to mind - who hold licenses to the anime - I assume they must be legit, or they'd get their licenses pulled; dolls and plushies with the Japanese manufacturers' logos on them; and I've seen plenty of very obviously fanmade stuff, advertised as such; but very little in between. The only really dodgy stuff I've seen at cons have been Hong Kong DVDs, SonMay? soundtracks and those Chinese-made decks of Rayearth cards in some of the secondhand stalls. Then again, I can't say I look much at merchandise - our cash tends to go on DVDs, manga, soundtracks and artbooks which are all things where the genuine versions are fairly easy to tell from the bootlegs. Certainly the commercial dealers - Otaku, Sheffield Space Center and so on - go out of their way to make sure the stuff they sell is legit. Which is why it's so darned expensive. - MoonShadow
Whereas I get all my manga from the Amazon, and it's posters, T-shirts, wall-scrolls etc that I'm interested in for the moment. And Otaku and the SheffieldSpaceCentre? seem to have such for a load of old shounen anime and nothing else. Which appears to put me into the GreyArea? of establishing whether my purchase is official or is in the GreyArea? of merchandise where official stuff is rare. Hmm. Well, thanks all for the info, POVs, comments and pointers. --AlexChurchill

To sum up - assuming there's no way you can buy a known legit T-shirt, and you really badly want a T-shirt, I reckon you should decide whether your conscience would cope with rolling your own, as many convention attendees seem to, or whether you'd rather just spend your money on something else that doesn't have such moral qualms associated with it. I would remind the extremely legalistic that watching US DVDs is illegal in the UK. I really don't think you should pay someone for it if there's a good chance you'd be paying a pirate. And of course, if you do decide to roll your own, I don't think you should do them for anyone else. Other people - what do you think Alex should do? ;) - MoonShadow
I think the DVD thing was that you may not import except via approved channels.  But the mass preponderance of region free coders shows how much this law is respected.  Throw it on the pile with 'no insurance' and other laws that only matter if you get caught breaking something else.  --Vitenka (No insurance being a fairly bad one, 'do not walk on the grass' being, perhaps, a fairer comparison)
Uh - the DVD thing was discussed at length on CopyrightMatters. Basically, the situation AIUI is - you can't make copies of most things without the copyright holder's permission, the license on the back of most US DVDs gives permission to use the DVDs in the region they were made for on the appropriate hardware, in using a DVD you make a transient copy of the content in the DVD player's memory, UK court precedent has deemed transient copies of media used in presentation to be infringing, you do not acquire a license to make a copy of a US DVD on UK hardware in the UK just by buying the US DVD. - MoonShadow
But in the UK you don't need a licence.  You bought the disc.  UK 'transient copy' law is just impossible to reconcile with things like the internet, so I think it can be safely ignored.  --Vitenka
Uh - that's a fallacy, UK - that's UK - court precedent says you do need a license to make transient copies (of computer games, but same principle applies). I agree it's unenforceable and silly, but those are separate questions - in fact, that was what I was alluding to. I [quote the judge]: - MoonShadow

To my mind, those two sections do not answer the question
completely. The real question is whether an importer of a
non-PAL Sony game may lawfully, in the country from which
it is imported, would have any right to play the game in
this country. That depends upon the existence of a
licence to use the copyright work in this country.
The games are sold, as appears to be common ground,
abroad with, for example, "For Japan only". I see no
reason from that to suppose that there is a licence for
use outside Japan. In the end, it is for a licensee to
prove his licence and I do not think any such licence is
proved. Copyright is inherently territorial. You need a
licence in every territory in which you wish to use a
copyright work in such a way as would otherwise infringe.
In the case of computer programs, you use the computer
program when you load it into the machine - you reproduce
the work.

This argument is wholly fallacious, though.  I agree that it has been succesfully made, but it is based upon the assumption that making this transient copy is a voluntary act and seperate from the normal required use.  A licence 'to be read only in turkey' may not be applied to a book that is sold to you.  Does not reading a book require making a copy upon the nerones in your head?  It also ignores the legality of shrink-wrap licenses in general.  That is to say, if I agreed to a 'you may not take this home' licence when I bought the product, that would be fine - but I did not.  I'll skip the 'trade restriction' arguments, you've heard those before - I'll just mention that it might be different and interesting if there was some form of trade-in possible - send in your region 2 DVD to get a region 1 one when you go abroad, and vice versa.  --Vitenka
*shrug* it may be fallacious, but until challenged in court it forms a precedent in UK common law. Which was the point I was trying to make to Alex by mentioning it - if you decide not to print your own T-shirt merely 'cos you think it might technically be illegal, you should stop watching imported anime on the same grounds. Oh, and fansubs for that matter, of course. - MoonShadow
Certainly agree on those grounds.  Legality doesn't matter very much in this country, thank goodness.  I still don't think that region coding actually is illegal, but don't have any references to refute you, so shall fall back on my not caring much defence.  Not that I even have any non-region-2 dvd's :)  --Vitenka (Everything that might have been turned out to be region free)
Oh, incidentally, does this mean I can get a day off work by reporting our workplace to the authorities?  We have to test our region coding schemes, so we play region one DVDs...  --Vitenka

Have you actually tried emailing them, Alex? I doubt you'd get a response, but it'd be a fun thing to do. And if you didn't, I'd personally feel generally OK about rolling my own. I'll get back to you on what you asked above, since it'll be a complicated reply. And remember, stuff you do wrt PhoenixFeathers will be different from what stuff J.Random does because we're friends - SunKitten
I was thinking myself that emailing them would be quite a fun thing to do :) --AC

What I have thought about wrt toothycat stuff. Bear in mind this is different because everything we do is free-to-view on the net, and we're little, don't live off the (paltry) income generated by the website, and respond to email. 'You' is generic. If I've screwed up anything, MoonShadow, please say. It's a complicated area :/

Firstly, there is the money. If you are making money out of toothycat-related stuff, I want to know. If you are depriving us of money by, say, giving away T-shirts with toothycat stuff on, I will also want to know. Chances are that in both cases I will want you to stop - the exception being if you are making something we can't make and are willing to come to an agreement regarding money.

Secondly, there is the distribution. Is it just for you or is it to be widely available? Who will see it?

If it's just for you, for example, a desktop, I'm not too bothered (although if you're altering an image rather than using one of the available desktops or images I would like to know). The same applies to printed comic strips.

If it will be seen by lots of people, I want to know. Whether it's a one-off T-shirt or a desktop used by you or spread across the net, I want to know (unless you're just mirroring desktops, for example, in which case I don't mind since that's what they're there for). Unaltered images that don't need high-resolution versions I'm also OK with (although I'd still like to know just for interest's sake) as long as the site is credited. So, distributing a desktop based on the image of all 5 main characters together doing the 'cat ears' thing is fine as long as it remains unaltered.

If the image is at all altered, or an uncredited image is used, the site must be credited. Secondly, if we're to be credited, the image must be decent. That is, you will need to ask me for a high-resolution version if it's to be printed. I don't want toothycat.net associated with crap (well, apart from our own). If the image is put together from other toothycat images, I will want to see it before approving it and I will probably want to put it on the site for other people to use :) The reason is the same.
Fanart I'm less certain about. Send it me anyway, I wanna see :)

Does that make things clearer? Chances are we will say 'yes' most of the time, but we do appreciate being asked :)

Sun Kitten

Sort of connected in a drawn out way...  Does anyone know how the Doujinshi industry stands legally?  It seems to be an entire industry based on copyright violation but I haven't heard of any cases of doujinshi artists being 'shut-down' by official companies and it seems to be completely accepted in Japan (to the best of my, minimal, knowledge) --K
It's still in the same legal GreyArea?.  (As in, it's illegal) - but there is, as I understand it, a big cultural difference.  Whereas Fox, for example, are famous for shutting down any and all fan projects, other studios - especially manga ones - have a reputation for supporting it.  It's all down to the company.  Do they want people to play in their world and give them free advertising (but potentially mess the world up) or do they want to maintain control?  I think that fanstuff is a lot more acceptable to comapnies when it is clearly marked as such.  --Vitenka (Then again, I am comparing apples to oranges.  The fan stuff I know about being shut down is all mods for ComputerGames? - the stuff I know is alive is FanFiction)
Uh - isn't fanfiction and fanart a very different thing from selling dodgy copies of the original? - MoonShadow
Yeah, you're right.  It's in a different-but-still-kind-of-similar legal GreyArea? :) --Vitenka
For comparison, there's vast amounts of Star Trek, Star Wars, M:tG and similar fanfiction for sale in UK bookshops - how does that work? There's a few cases I know of where someone published a sequel to someone else's sci-fi / fantasy book; *lots* of cases where someone set their book in someone else's universe; then there's the Bored of the Rings and Barry Trotter books.. What about pop bands quoting bits of each others' lyrics or being inspired by each other's songs? - MoonShadow
Well, the law examines each case - and often it is down to the lawyers.  I think that, in order, trek wants you to be licensed, wars requires a license or sues you to death, m:tg is all official licenses (and many companies now have the right to dispense such licences) - I've not seen published unofficial sequels that do not have either author or publisher permission.  BoredOfTheRings? and the trotter stuff presumably has publishers who believe that they squeeze under the 'parody' EscapeClause?.  Certain other potter books got ruthlessly squished.  Bads steal lyrics and tunes.  If the bands like each other, it's ok, if they don't they sue.  This is complicated by mandatory licensing for music (anyone is permitted to record a cover version as long as they give profits) and a couple of old court cases which established 'about 5%' as a reasonable amount of fair use.  Remixes typically have persmission - where they don't sometimes people don't care, and sometimes (grey-album) they sue.  CopyRight? is a mess.  --Vitenka

Oh, suggest a sub-page for this?  --Vitenka

Maybe somewhere in CopyrightMatters rather than anime? - ISTM this could potentially apply to a wide range of subjects.. - MoonShadow
Yes.  --Vitenka

OK - stuff to do to the above. I suggest:


Funny thing: I was sitting in the canteen at CCCUC eating some rather revolting spag bol and wearing my pride and joy, a genuine l33t t-shirt from the MegaTokyo store.  A girl on another table noticed this, came to speak to me, and we were soon discovering shared interests in webcomics, anime, manga, tcgs and more.  I was beginning to think that there was no one in Canterbury who liked this sort of thing (that maybe they'd all gone to Cambridge?), but it's nice to know there are other people like me... and real ones too, not imaginary :) --FR

Found this while doing some random Googling. It's a (cached) post from a BB.

Momo_chan Nov 5 2004, 02:37 PM
::My Incomplete List of Scanlators::
-Note- You may wanna go through some of these as some are down. GOoC? is alive still just need to find a decent server and such so they are on Sweetcreams site at the mo' and on IRC...
--Toothy Wiki--

They probably got here via RobiManga Daioh.  So the link isn't totally insane.  --Vitenka

Is there a word to use when saying whether an anime work conveys emotion mostly through shading out the face and putting a set of icons that you have to learn next to it, or whether it does it through the features of the face, or somewhere between the two extremes?  As an outsider I'd probably call it SweatDrops but I'm vaguely aware that that's the name of some sort of anime organisation and wouldn't want to confuse the style with the people.  -- SGB
I think SweatDrop is named after the practice, so it seems a reasonabl term.  Emoticons, maybe?  --Vitenka
No, SweatDrop is named after the specific 'sweatdrop' that's often used to indicate embarrassment. The phrase I use, and have heard other people use, is VisualGrammar? :) - SunKitten
OK, thanks.  Shouldn't it be Visual Vocab, though? :-) -- SGB
Don't ask me, I didn't invent the phrase ;) - SunKitten

Pallando wonders whether ToothyWiki wants to donate any of its musings on Anime to [The Anime WikiCity]?


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Last edited February 19, 2017 9:52 am (viewing revision 132, which is the newest) (diff)