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Microsoft's graphical database tool.

/Access 97 has a 1Gb limit on databases.
/Access 2000 has a 2Gb limit on databases.

Neither very useful when you wish to process 10Gb of data on a PC - SAS? seems to be the only system that copes well with transient local data.

/Access 2000 has given ColinT repeatably incorrect results. Running the same set of code to perform calculations gives me different results each time in 2000 and not in 97. Alright, only 1% different, but this is RealMoney? we're talking about.


18-97-9-171.crawl.commoncrawl.org | ToothyWiki | Microsoft | RecentChanges | Login
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Last edited July 1, 2003 12:14 pm (viewing revision 1, which is the newest) (diff)