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He'd never seen the deck. He'd heard about it from the older /Greys, but he'd never felt brave enough to venture aboveboard. His mother, a /Stripe, felt little need to leave their territory, and made a fuss whenever he wandered outside the galley. She always looked really scared, which made him scared too; and eventually, he stopped being curious.


The cards were very old, they must be - their box was half dust, and the room the /Chest? was in had been sealed ever since they had lived in the /House?. Even so, they looked as though they had been painted yesterday. Definitly painted, in some sort of oil paint, /Anna could feel the rough texture the brush strokes had left.

Spreading the /Cards out in the dust, /Anna arranged them into their five suits. Ten cards in each - and all with strange pictures on them. In her hand, she held the last, numbered /Eleven, and depicting a /Butterfly.

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Last edited December 23, 2002 1:14 am (viewing revision 5, which is the newest) (diff)