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...is located [here].

You can link to individual dicerolls by copying the TimeString displayed in the history, and pasting it into a Dice: link in the wiki.

Dice: 1038634124

Properties desired from dice:


JOOI, did you know the people who were playing (I assume) Diplomacy? for about 9 months? --CH
[NIE], apparently, whatever that is. Yes. Yes, I did. They've emailed me in the past to thank me and to let me know the script had a stale lock on the dice log :) Will have to start trimming the log at some point, it's getting unwieldy and I'm sure no-one really needs last year's results.. - MoonShadow

Feature request - could you add a checkbox which causes the dice to be 0 to n-1? d10, for instance, is usually 0-9, and games which use it often refer to zero. --CH
Good grief, people are still using this thing! Done ;) --MoonShadow

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Last edited December 18, 2013 9:56 am (viewing revision 9, which is the newest) (diff)