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Duel Class

Location: Currently unknown. Was http://www.duel-class.com/DC001/001.htm
Updates: Weekly? (Mondays)
Actually Updates: Currently on indefinite hiatus
Rating: PG
Recommended by: SunKitten
Example Strip: Can't link to individual pages.... grrr
It looks like you can, actually, just not in the most obvious way. If you right-click one of the "forward" or "back" buttons that link to the strip you're after, you can do "Copy link location"/"Copy shortcut"/whatever your browser calls it, to get the frame's URL for the linked strip. --AC

Appears to have disappeared as of WikiNow 14/1/2009 --Admiral
Bother. I know it's still around and Cin has plans, but not sure where it's gone for now :/ If you want to read it, I can lend you the book ;) - SunKitten
Couldn't find it via google, but while looking found [a review of toothycat]. --DR
Yup, that one's linked from the main [Looking for the Sun review page] :) It's a very nice review ^^ - SunKitten

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Last edited January 14, 2009 9:05 pm (viewing revision 6, which is the newest) (diff)