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Abandon all preconceived notions of WebComics, fantasy, and reality. This is not derivative satire, or a seat-of-the-pants daily script. This is tight plots and utterly sick twists. This is ZeekLand.

Location: http://www.greencheese.us/ZeekLand (alternate: http://www.c2.com/cgi/wiki?ZeekLand )
Updates: weekdays
Actually Updates: week f---ing days! Always! With an occassional teaser on Sunday
Rating: PG. Brief tits, and the F word is usually sublimated. No gratuitous violence or hard math story problems. (Okay, maybe 1)
Recommended by: author
Example Strips:

The first story, http://www.greencheese.us/PiglegToo , explains the Oil War in children's terms:

The next story, http://www.greencheese.us/ElaborateArtOfPlay , inverts Space Opera cliches you never thought invertible:

Catch up with those story pages, then start reading here:


It updates daily, and I draw 4 months ahead, so don't worry about lame days, breaks, fillers, or running out of steam.

ec2-18-188-57-0.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com | ToothyWiki | WebComics | RecentChanges | Login | Webcomic
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Last edited May 4, 2006 5:59 pm (viewing revision 11, which is the newest) (diff)