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Actually, the [CB1] Cafe (CB1 2AD ), but that doesn't wikify very well. It's a cafe. It's a bookshop. It has computers. It has a smelly, skanky toilet, which often makes the basement an unpleasant place to be. It's the home of many a HappyGoBoard.

I have a feeling it only exists from one direction, or possibly only at certain times. -- NickTaylor

MoonShadow can confirm that it definitely existed today (Feb.22), between 12 noon and 2pm..

From which direction?

Heading out from town to the JugAndFirkin to feed my MeadHabit?, I saw the cafe.  Returning by the same route, mead clutched tightly, I could not see the cafe.  Possibly the presence of Mead inhibits the ability to find the cafe? -- NickTaylor
That is strange, as most of the people who go there seem to have had no problem at all finding where it is while being with Mead ^_^

CategoryCoffee CategoryPlace - see also CategoryShopping

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Last edited January 14, 2005 12:17 pm (viewing revision 20, which is the newest) (diff)